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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. Development, installs, and week to week preparation
  2. There is a difference in speed and quickness. We had a couple long striders who get going pretty fast in a straight line. We need quick receivers.
  3. Give me whatever the best pick we can get for him after the franchise tag and lets go. He doesnt fit in with where the Panthers roster is right now and im fairly sure he wants a change of scenery. Its a win/win.
  4. The rumors have been he put in a lot of work and research his first year in the booth but since then he's slacked off a lot.
  5. Yea, I dont love Evero's scheme personally but it works, especially when you dont have an overall talented roster to work with. Our defensive talent overall last year was bad, especially considering injuries. If Canales wants him here, he will be here this upcoming season at least.
  6. Thats why I wasnt buying all those posts a few weeks ago about how dumb we were for not trading for Lamar and his contract. Would we be better than we are? 1000%. Does he choke in the playoffs? Every time. (So far, until he proves otherwise)
  7. While I don't nesscesarily like hiring a coach to focus mostly on one posistion, qb is clearly what makes the most difference on a team. I dont see it as doubling down on Young though. I see it as doubling down on the qb position while giving Young every chance to improve and succeed. If he doesnt at all this year then he will replaced with the early draft pick and we will still hacw a "qb whisperer" in position to coach new qb as well an also offer input on what skillset he wants in a qb. Tldr its doubling down on the qb position but not nesscesarily Bryce. Hes going to get first opportunity though.
  8. Thats not a very quick wr room.
  9. Yea its a bit of a dwelling in negativity take. Especially considering the coordinators will have just as much to say about the schemes we run.
  10. They all have so far as far as ive heard..
  11. To be fair you have no idea and are just stating your opinion of what you think might be going on behind the scenes. No coaching prospect has publicly said anything about turning down an interview with us and they all accepted the first one.
  12. I prefer Johnson the most of the offensive coaches, but im kind of surprised we havent heard more about Monken around the league as a candidate somewhere. He has experience and a proven track record and looks great statistically on almost all metrics. I get hes not one of the young guys anymore but still, hes got plenty of coaching left.
  13. To be fair 20 is the bottom third of the league, just the top of the bottom third. Im not 100% sold on Slowik either but to be fair 14th creating an offense around a rookie qb seems more impressive to me personally than 20th with a journeyman qb whos putting up pretty good stats.
  14. Especially considering TB offense was in the bottom third of dvoa in the league which is what i judge coaches on.
  15. Because it doesnt really matter what they say. It matters what they do. What good does asking him how hes different than the previous failures actually do? If he gives a perfect answer or a horrible answer none of that really matters. What matters is he knows what the failures of the past are and hes learned from them. I dont expect them to open up into some deep philosophical answer. Actions, not words. If he answers the question perfectly with some totally understandable excuse of why things went badly that everyone understands and feels compassion towards, but then does a terrible job in the future, how much does that question about the past actually matter?
  16. Fans and media alike think they deserve more answers than they do and also read way too much into the generic answers we get.
  17. I wanted to fully clean house but my main question about adding a cap/contract guy, isn't Samir Suleiman still employed here? Thats entirely what hes done I thought.
  18. Unfortunately being competitive and being a good dude doesnt mean you are nesscesarily going to be good at your job.
  19. Yea, thats why i wont be especially happy with keeping Morgan. We need to totally clean house with anyone who had anything to do with building our current roster, down to the scouts.
  20. I disagree that the slow down on gm search is a sign they want to keep Morgan. Its pretty clear the HC they pick will have an impact on what GM they pick.
  21. I think being tight lipped is definitely a positive change. Not a great thing for us as fans who like hearing everything going on behind the scenes but I think from an organizational standpoint its a definite positive and will hopefully help drive out the circus atmosphere a bit.
  22. Our roster sucks but to be fair its a blank slate to be built in to what a coach wants because no one on the offense especially is irreplaceable.
  23. I think we have to have a receiver if not two that can stretch the field. If the secondary has no fear of a receiver getting behind them then they are always going to be able to jump underneath routes and secondary and linebackers first step can be towards the los to help stop the run. Youve got to have 1 if not 2 receivers that dbs respect and give space to.
  24. I think you build around the qb. This coming season will tell if thats Bryce or someone else. Fix the oline and grab skill positions this offseason and design a cohesive scheme. If bryce doesnt improve next season then hes not the answer. As far as free agent wrs there arent many i like for us. We desperately need to add explosive players to our skill positions. Higgens or Evans arent that. You draft fast and quick receivers and stop worrying about size. We always seem to prioritize size for our receivers and that is an old school mentality. Fast/quick receivers that dbs respect could go over the top and just focus on creating space for them. I dont care about having big receivers that dont get seperation to try to throw jump balls to.
  25. No one is going to give us anywhere near that for him anymore. It was 100% a misplay. If we franchise him and cant get a trade for him then its going to get ugly fast. He will 100% cause drama next year if he gets franchised and not traded.
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