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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. Exactly. The NFL has changed in the past 20 years and we still seem stuck in the stone age with most of our personnel decisions. In the modern nfl you want receivers that are good route runners who are shifty and have short area quickness. Gone are the days of just throwing 50/50 bombs to a big receiver with no separation.
  2. "But but he has a big body and he ran a fast 40! That's all that matters for wide receivers." -Every panthers gm of the past 10 years (probably)
  3. To be fair, I've not seen anyone that said he had a good day. Any tweet I saw from anyone there or local sports media said he didn't have a catch at all and didn't look especially focused.
  4. Not even athletic really. Just a long strider who is fast in a straight line. Hopefully he gets it figured out how to maximize his talents though. You would think after doing absolutely nothing his first 4 years in college, he would come out working his ass off to show his 5th year wasn't a fluke.
  5. It literally means nothing right now but getting open at all has been my biggest fear for him. I'm just tired of drafting these receivers that are fast in a straight line and that's it. First day of training camp means literally nothing, it's just not the best sign when you hear your #1 fear brought up after one day.
  6. Didn't they do tickets and say basically all dates were sold out? Seems like a bunch of people got tickets and didn't go.
  7. I'm fine with taking the chance we did on coaches. I feel OK about that. I don't understand the huge pass Dan is getting though. I get that Fitterer was absolutely awful, but this draft and a lot of the decisions felt exactly like Fitterer moves. Hopefully I'm wrong, but so far it seems like Dan has the same eye for talent that Fitterer did. Which would make sense since Dan kind of came up under him.
  8. I agree with this. Besides a couple plays he looked much worse when things broke down and he was creating. Things were too fast for him physically. Bunch of throw aways, unnecessary sacks, and bad decisions. I think, like a qb like Tua, he needs to be in structure and not try to force things. Just get the ball to the playmakers.
  9. I personally liked Benson better and he went later and was healthy, but oh well. Hopefully Brooks will be good when healthy.
  10. Ever since I got a new phone, it randomly freezes from time to time here. No other site, only the huddle. My old phone never did it though so no idea what's happening. Not sure if it's another problem with site upkeep or what.
  11. That's a sign he's asking for too much money for where he's at in his career.
  12. I disagree about the last part. When fitterer came in the type of players we drafted totally changed from Rhule guys and continued after Rhule was gone. I get everyone wants to blame tepper for everything but even if you say he forced the team to take Young, I doubt he had much if anything to do with forcing any other selection the entire time and they have all been terrible.
  13. I don't think that's how it works. Tepper has earned blame for whatever mistakes you think he has made. You can't justify blaming him for things he had absolutely nothing to do with. That devalues your entire arguments.
  14. The timing is very slightly unusual but not that much. These firings usually happen after the draft and before camp. Also he's been here 18 months and I'm totally fine getting rid of anyone who helped make personnel decisions last year. Also I'm not sure why people think this was a Tepper thing?
  15. I agree and I'm doing my best to have hope. I actually wanted him, but in the NFL so far he seems the literal opposite of elusive and his physical abilities (or lack thereof) give him such a miniscule margin for error. We will see though.
  16. He definitely deserves this season to show improvement but even with improvement, if his ceiling seems like an average qb then you've got to start planning on finding a new one. You've got to keep taking swings at qb till you hit on one. Having an average one is about the worst place you can be in the current nfl.
  17. There is a decent chance Young isn't the answer but you can't move on from the #1 pick after one season in that situation. That would be ridiculous. I also wouldn't say that's a decision he makes right now anyways. There are plenty of people in the front office who would make that call instead of him. Could he make it? Sure, but hopefully he's not controlling our roster.
  18. I don't even think they're upside gambles. It seemed to carry over from the fitterer era. Draft old players that are "raw" and have some decent physical traits but not all around good athletes. This drafting style has been even worse than the rhule draft style of at least drafting elite athletes.
  19. People keep saying Tepper wants to move to a bigger market aren't taking in to account that Charlotte has been a pretty quickly growing market. It is currently the 21st biggest market in the country and every city ahead has an NFL team. He would technically have to downgrade market size to move.
  20. Dolphins lost a 1st and a 3rd for talking to Brady and didn't even sign him.
  21. I liked Brooks but I actually liked Trey Benson more and he's healthy and went in the third. I'm sure it won't matter in the long term though Brooks will be fine. Doesn't feel great when your first rounder tweaks their hammy the first week and your 2nd rounder isn't as far along in their recovery as they had hoped. Things could have definitely went better for mini camp.
  22. The misses came in individual drills and the hits came from team drills.
  23. We were last in the league in sacks last season by a pretty decent margin.
  24. The difference is, and I could be mistaken, but I believe it came out he didnt even have acl's now.
  25. His problem is more technique than strength. He gets caught reaching or off balance a lot. Hes not good in space. Hes decently solid if he gets his hands on the rusher without being overextended. All that said his strengths and weaknesses on paper line up the exact opposite for what you want with a wide zone blocking scheme but we will see.
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