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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Nah we didn't lose that bad we were still in it in the fourth quarter. Not changing anything up and thinking we didn't need to adjust with some help on the o line to a stout pass rush that sent Tom Brady packing is what did us in. We would have a trophy of our own at boa if not for that. Drew is hall of fame bound but he is a stat padder and truthfully overrated. He had very good accuracy and he got paired up with the right coach at the right time. Didn't Payton go for a crucial onside kick in their super bowl against the Colts late in the game? Think Ron Rivera would have had the guts to do that? I'm not hanging my hat on the teams in our division cratering until we show something. We haven't sniffed a division title in what five years? Yet here we go again another Panthers regime is hoping for someone anyone to emerge as the anchor for our offensive line. Maybe this time will be different
  2. All this Carowinds talk has me missing the days before they lost the Paramount rights. The Hurler and Stan Mikita's....
  3. You want one set of standards for how you are treated but you use a different set for others and start namecalling. That is not being consistent.
  4. It is understandable to not want to give a rival credit but let's not get crazy. In a game for all the marbles the Bucs shut down one of the leagues most potent offenses in years and one of the best young quarterbacks the league has ever seen.
  5. Christensen could be good or he could be another Little it is a crapshoot regardless of this analytics we are being sold. Well in truth all we have right now is a hope that Moton may slide to the left. We have no confirmation that he wants to let alone that he will be comfortable there long term. Even if that does happen he will want to be paid for that position and if we do and it doesn't work out where does that leave us? Another albatross contract? There are still a lot of unknowns rn.
  6. If that actually mattered Carolina wouldn't be dead last in the division.
  7. Well there is this old school ignore function of the internet that maybe glen hasn't heard about. It's called logging out
  8. You put me on ignore 12 minutes ago but you're still pooping posts? You're in your feelings boothang.
  9. Well if Darnold is running for his life come October we will be sure to revisit this.
  10. You cannot be both the victim and the aggressor. You and @SBBlue are the only contributors here with potty mouths
  11. If we are still hoping and praying for a solution at left tackle from a mid round pick or a backup we signed in free agency then we haven't actually improved until shown otherwise. You can litter poo everywhere here in the meantime but reality is reality.
  12. On drafting I can agree. But counterpoint Panthers fans have long regarded Loomis as in over his head with the salary cap. The Saints are consistently either over the cap or straddling it last minute. I guess we can't have it both ways. Either he knows what he is doing or he doesn't right?
  13. Did we acquire a franchise left tackle in the last few days that I didn't hear about?
  14. With a void at left tackle once again until proven otherwise this is hard to argue with. Our starting center was complained about to no end last year. Our depth isn't much better either. But homers gonna homer.
  15. I'm not sure I can agree. They built the core of that team up through the draft and added pieces intelligently in free agency and now they are primed for a repeat with a still very stacked roster. I hate it but if we want to get closer to another trophy we must do the same and stop bragging about having the highest paid at whichever position like that counts for free wins.
  16. Apparently the Saints and Bucs being awful thirty or forty years ago is enough for some people to feel better about those two rivals having 3 trophies between them before we even have consecutive winning seasons.
  17. Except the part where I stated I dont care for him at all. You can not like someone but still be an adult and acknowledge reality. Winning can mask a lot of things and his checkered past is proof of it. That's why he is still where he is and our previous head coach is in Washington.
  18. X's and O's and some quality drafting. We know about Payton on a personal level and the bounty scandal. He still knows how to coach. We can sit around crying about how unfair it is or we can build a better team and get back to beating them
  19. To win a championship in this current league you have to either get extremely lucky by catching lightning in a bottle like the Panthers did in 2015 or you have to build some semblance of consistency. I do not care for Sean Payton at all but I am not expecting a crash and burn unless he just forgets how to coach. What he brings to the table is what we need from Matt Rhule. Here's to hoping.
  20. Division champs four years in a row with a Super Bowl trophy nestled under their tree every fall? Yeah that must be awful.
  21. Oof. But if you don't lay out the red carpet for every decision mgmt makes some folks will go off the deep end and ask why you are a fan
  22. So what is the total cost of this practice facility? 225 million is steep. Just what kind of other events can be held there to justify the soaring cost? It is not a big shock that another round of billionaire welfare isn't working out so well.
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