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Everything posted by frankw

  1. No thanks no more trading for other teams leftovers. If we wanted him we should have made him the pick when we had the chance. Now is the time to get our guy and develop him. If the Bears want to draft and likely ruin another QB that's their business. I think we'll still move up if need be.
  2. It's over and done with. Now we get to see what we can build with our first offensive head coach. We saw the historic numbers our running game put up under a defensive head coach we plucked out of a Missouri college gig and Ben McAdoo. Let's see what Fitterer and Reich can cook up.
  3. If we get Fangio too damn. I'm actually going to be excited for the draft. Please do not let us down Scott Fitterer.
  4. Douchehole huh? So which RB do you like in the upcoming draft? Surely there's a good one we can pickup in the 4th round. You know that's what the majority of successful teams do right? They keep drafting them and don't pay them boatloads of money. Sorry this upsets you enough to go around calling someone a douche. Enjoy your evening bub.
  5. New coach possible new young QB and once again player only fans are stuck glaring into the rear view. Join us in 2023 OP. Otherwise move this thread to the 49ers boards.
  6. Major kudos to him I wish him the best always. Hopefully he does not end up coaching on a rival team.
  7. You have issues. It's too early for your mess seek help or a therapist.
  8. Welp yesterday is officially in the books. It's a new day Panthers fans. Mods may want to reintroduce the 24 hour rule for this one. If folks are still raging about the previous interim this evening well...
  9. You really are contorting yourself to be dying on this hill after years of griping over this franchise settling for defensive minded conservative coaches like Wilks and Rivera.
  10. Are you his agent or related to him or something?
  11. Yeah but this is more the Joe's Apartment kind of infestation.
  12. No idea what to expect. The bigger question is can Fitterer successfully navigate this process and prove the bad the last two years was all Matt Rhule. I hope so.
  13. Right and that's supposed to be his bread and butter as a coach. I definitely do not recall any screaming about firing him being unfair. Same can be said for when we fired Eric Washington. Emotion is the common thread now.
  14. Is that you Chuck? Confirmed Reich was the right hire if you hate it
  15. Sam Darnold had the 9th worst passer rating in NFL history under Wilks what are you smoking?
  16. I keep seeing talk about the locker room. The same locker room let an aging and mediocre Steelers team come into town and throw us into a ditch. Love for Wilks didn't make a difference. All that matters is winning.
  17. From who though? Probably two or three who legitimately don't like him personally or other. Rivera had cancer and still some people here despised him. Truthfully there were times some could have suggested bigotry toward him was a factor. But I don't recall ever seeing it. Regardless I wish Steve the best. But I think and hope we made the right choice in changing direction.
  18. On the flip side he also pounded the Hackett drum for a long time. Hopefully not the kiss of death here.
  19. Well alright let's see what happens. I feel a little more optimistic today than i did before. Now time to get a look at we do with the staff and the draft.
  20. They both could flop who knows. I'm not extremely thrilled with either but Reich brings a shift in philosophy. And for all the positives some offer on behalf of Wilks he had the job in front of him and absolutely nothing to lose yet he showed us he is conservative to a fault with the playoffs on the line. I like him personally but count me as a firm no on another round of a stubborn defensive minded head coach. Rivera will be available next year if that's all your after.
  21. Wait is Ickmule a Wilks stan? I thought he was steadfastly against mediocrity. Man these last several years really put a hurting on some folks mental state I guess.
  22. It's unreasonable to expect either man to take a lesser position. It's one or the other. Neither are a spring chicken so you aren't making a 10 year hire. If it's between the two roll the dice on a new vision for the offense for the next few years and cultivate a staff where you may have a young coordinator ready to possibly step into the role in the next several years or so.
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