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Everything posted by Teddy2SuperBowlHeartBreaks

  1. The idea that the Patriots had a run because they drafted "smart" players is ludacris,(They drafted Aaron Hernandez) and crafty marketing to appeal to the snobby fugs in the Boston/New England area that think they are more intelligent than everyone else in the country. They were winners because they had Tom Brady and the league let their offensive line get away with holding to protect Brady. The Patriots are about as mid as a team can be in the post Brady years, presumably they have the same draft process.
  2. We've drafted so many busts (plus a literal murderer and fatass) at WR I have very low hope that Marshall will by some miracle become a productive WR2 in year 3 lol. He has done nothing to show that he is capable of it, and the team will have at least 4 or 5 better options on the field at any given time.
  3. Andrew Luck was 6'4 235 and linebackers had him crying in the shower at night. Either a guy can take the punishment or he can't.
  4. As currently constructed, and with Dalton as the starter this team wins 8-9 games and pushes for the division title.
  5. The “great” Trevor Lawrence has had like 5 NFL games where he hasn’t completely poo the bed.
  6. Nobody outside of New York cares about Nas or any New York rapper for that matter.
  7. I don't get asshole vibes from Burrow. The guy is very good at football and has resurrected the the freaking Bengals. Even if he was a dick who cares.
  8. If we're talking hardly any talent on the offense, I'd argue Russell Wilson. Also unwashed Drew Brees, who gave our franchise nightmares for about 10 years even without top talent.
  9. Well this is an extreme case of moving the goalposts but I'll play ball. Honestly if he was 5'8 150 defenses would have a difficult time locating him in the backfield. He would be more agile and able to evade pressure. If that hypothetical QB had the arm talent, IQ, and ability to lead as BY he would be worthy a top pick. Look at Devonta Smith. He was "too small" too but it turns out being slight of frame is a benefit when everyone else is 6'2 220. The physics of the game are different for those players, and thats why smaller players can be extremely effective depending on the scheme. I will say it again, this is not 1974. You need Stephen Curry, Pat Mahomes type players to win championships. Those players do not dominate with size, they dominate with IQ and ridiculous talent, both of which BY has. BY will open the door for many >6 foot QBs because teams will see how much of a nightmare a guy can be when the defense can't see him, nevermind lay a hand on him.
  10. I'm simply saying history has shown that passing over a guy because of his perceived size limitations has burned sport franchises in the past. If that is the *only* concern it is actually quite silly.
  11. Yeah Stafford won a SB on a team Youtubers put together on Madden. That roster was a complete outlier which is my point. You'd have to surround him with absurd talent to have a chance. What about the other decade of his career in Detroit? He also had the most dominant WR in history based on height/weight and what does the city of Detroit have to show for it? Jack squat. Which QB has the most potential to be the next Pat Mahomes is what every team should be asking. If he doesn't have Pat Mahomes potential there is no point in drafting him, you are going to LOSE either way. Bryce Young has Mahomes potential. Strouds ceiling is a very good QB. We'll be going home in the divisional round year after year.
  12. Its so funny, Michael Jordan fell in the draft because he was "only" 6'6 and 6'6 guys didn't dominate the league like the 7 footers at the time. Steph Curry was considered small and too skinny. Dolphins chose an ancient Daunte Culpepper over Brees because of durability issues lol. We've literally seen hundreds of 6'3, 6'4, 6'5, 6'6 QBS absolutely suck in the NFL, but the one guy that doesn't fit the mold is a "risk". The nature of the game is CHANGING folks. Its virtually illegal to hit the QB. This isn't 1973. If your QB can extend plays, improvise make throws and move the chains you have a valid chance to win a superbowl year in and year out. If he can not you do not. Its that simple. Doesn't matter if he is 5'4 or 6'10.
  13. I'm speaking of each of thoses QBs inability to lift lesser talent when it matters the most. I could play WR for the Chiefs and Mahomes could make me look competent. Dak, Kirk and Stafford have all had to be carried by superior talent, and it still hasnt been enough to get them over the hump. You don't want to be stuck with that type of QB for 10 years. Its a waste of everybodys time. Go big (or small in this case) or go home.
  14. Stroud is going to be Dak Prescott, Kirk Cousins, Matt Stafford etc. You'll have to surround him with a ton of talent and then maybe, maybe you will compete for a championship. During a 10 year career maybe one or two years will have enough talent on the team to compete. To be honest I think that is the worst case scenario for a team to be in. Who wants to the the Dallas Cowboys or the Minnesota Vikings of the last 5 years? Who wants to be the Lions of the last ten years? What is the point? Maybe Young can't stay healthy. Maybe he is too small. But he has the higher ceiling. He processes the game faster than any college QB I've ever seen. He can make every throw. I want Michael Jordan not Paul Pierce.
  15. I don't think Baker is as bad of a QB as he was here. He needs a great defense, great running game and big WRs to throw to. We didn't have most of that last year but they do in Tampa.
  16. It should be Young . In a vacuum, Stroud is the better QB right now but Young just has...'it'. The way he moves around in the pocket and zips the ball is Mahomes lite. We KNOW that Young can produce with subpar talent, we have no idea what Stroud is capable of playing with crap WRs, crap line etc. Tepper seems like a guy that loves to make splashes and wave his dick around. That is probably why there are rumors that he prefers Young
  17. I'm making the assumption that either Young, Stroud, Levis, or Richardson WOW at the combine/interviews and emerge as the consensus number 1. In that scenario why would they not take that player and ship Fields out for the best return they could get. Nobody is giving them a first for Fields, but 2 seconds in the same draft is an amazing return considering.
  18. Even if you don't like Justin Fields as a passer (I don't) and think there are better QB options in the draft (I do), giving up two seconds (shots in the complete dark) for a QB that has proven he can at least PLAY in the NFL seems like a smart idea. Chicago said they would have to "fall in love" with a QB to draft him #1 overall. If Stroud, Young, AR or Levis is THAT guy, Chicago would gladly take him especially if they can get two additional seconds for in the same draft to build the team. On our end, I do believe we are a competent QB away from at least winning this awful division. A proven QB for 2 seconds seems like a Win Win for both sides. What say you?
  19. I would make the trade and I would kick and hate myself and feel like I probably fuged up but I would still make the trade.
  20. I would say this is fairly disingenuous . Those Falcon teams were limited at skill positions and Vick almost did get them to the Super Bowl. Had he not been a complete idiot the Falcons would have contended for another 5-6 years easy. People act like the gap between winning a Super Bowl and being a game or two away is so wide. Vick on this Panthers team at any time during the 00's results in at least a Super Bowl appearance. I actually don't think Lamar today is as valuable as Vick was back then, and our team today isn't as good as our team was back then, so it doesn't really matter. Mike Vick disrespect is weird though.
  21. If the NFL hired full time refs and paid them 10 million a year wouldn’t it make the refs more likely to rig games on behalf and at the direction of the NFL?
  22. I’ve turned off numerous games this year after terrible Roughing the Passing or “defensive holding” calls that strip any legitimacy away from the game I’m watching. I personally didn’t feel as if the calls made yesterday were that bad or nefarious but I wasn’t watching that closely (due to my general waning interest in the NFL. Time is a circle) I would argue that it doesn’t really matter if the NFL is rigged, or if the way the NFL handles officiating is so incompetent that the legitimacy of the game is in question. The result is the same. People with a keen eye or better things to do will eventually stop investing so much of their time on this product.
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