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Everything posted by Teddy2SuperBowlHeartBreaks

  1. Listen to the game on the radio. fug the NFL and NBC for essentially making this game a PPV, and no doubt shoving Tarylor Swift down everyone’s throat smh
  2. I can’t even imagine Bryce being the starting QB of a team that scores 45 in a playoff game
  3. My stream froze, I refresh and the Texans scored again lmao. The Panthers scored once in like a month and a half
  4. Bryce is the nerdy cool athletic son they wish they had. They ignore all of his glaring flaws and yell at the coaches.
  5. Bryce wasn’t the consensus #1 pick and most people on this board wanted Stroud.
  6. Flacco never going to get off of the field at this rate
  7. A couple problems. Bryce can’t throw the ball deep. If we had these hypothetical fast receivers they would be running bubble screens because Bryce doesn’t have the arm strength to ‘stretch the field.’ Reichs offense sucked because it placated to Busts skill set, especially turning the entire offense into a red zone offense. The Panthers could sign prime Randy Moss he would average 6 catches and 65 yards a game. It is so sad that we will have to endure another year (or 6-7 games) of this instead of moving on when the writing is on the wall.
  8. Bust Young is barely a top 5 QB in the NFC South. Baker Carr Dalton Riddler Bust
  9. Bucs -3.5 was free money. They didn’t even score a TD LMAOOO. This team is the new Detroit Lions
  10. That INT was pretty ridiculous. Dude threw the game and likely their season away. He is ass for real.
  11. I would literally rather paint a room in my house and watch that paint dry then stand in the rain for 3 hours to watch Bryce and Desmond fuging Riddler noddle arm asses throw volleyballs in said rain. It says more about the NFL than anything. It used to be that bad weather games were an experience even if the teams were bad. Nowadays there are just better things to do. I wish these owners weren’t guaranteed a profit. If it was possible to lose money as an owner Tepper would be forced to sell by the end of this decade.
  12. In no particularly order: Hasson Reddick, Christian McCaffrey, Denniston Oliver "D. J." Moore Jr
  13. I think people want Fitt gone too. This makes it look like Reich/staff is just the scapegoat.
  14. This feels a like like ripping a bandaid off of a gunshot wound. The GM should have been fired months ago. The QB needs to be replaced in the draft. I hope they don’t think Reich was the problem but I have a feeling Tepper will convince himself of it.
  15. This is a really interesting theory. I was watching a Jim Ross, Stone Cold interview and they said the only thing the current generation of wrestlers can do better than the past generation(s) is play video games lol. There is no strive to be “the best” when you’re good enough to make millions and other things may be more interesting to you. Think about all of the people that have no desire to “climb the corporate ladder” these days. There is more to live for, and I think that certainly is the aftermath of Covid. As a fan the game does seem to drag. I really only watch interesting matchups instead of dedicating my entire Sunday and I find the sport way more tolerable as enjoyable that way. There isn’t enough talent to warrant spending the entire day watching terrible offenses.
  16. Right what is the point in waiting. If he isn’t the guy just move on. Nobody wants to sit through this another season.
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