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Everything posted by csx

  1. You are assuming they are game breakers before ever seeing them catch a pass as a Panther. Why? If any prove to be that then great. You've already decided though based on just hope.
  2. I'm fine with whoever wins the 4-5/6 positions. If unknowns like Byrd come in and earn it great! I'm not going to assume it before it happens. I'd be pleasantly extremely shocked to see Hill make the team.
  3. That Tymms guy had 5 receptions. That's not a good example.
  4. Go look for them. Are we your personal assistant? Here you go: 11 of 13 were first down conversions. http://www.sportingcharts.com/nfl/stats/player-receiving-first-downs-and-first-down-percentage/2014/
  5. The longer this thead gets the dumber the posts become. Stay tuned!
  6. It's dissapointing that you actually had to point that out.
  7. Agreed. There is no reason to hurry a 4th round pick in to the starting lineup. Newer doesn't mean better....but it could.
  8. I will never fault someone for valuing their health and life over money. I respect everyone who sees past dollars as the single most important thing to attain.
  9. I would agree if kick returns weren't trending toward being obsolete.
  10. The issue is that from college up until yesterday he has had consistant problems catching. Where did you get the narrative that keeping him on the PS was the plan all alon? I don't doubt its possible but where did someone state it?
  11. I can't believe you all are arguing about the 5th receiver.....and between Bersin and Hill. The offseason is brutal.
  12. Fast and no hands is useless. See Hill. Every receiver needs to be able to catch first and foremost.
  13. I see no reason to change anything. However, eliminating kickoff wouldn't change too much but eliminating punts would completely alter the game. That's a horrible idea. If you want to destroy the sport that might be the best way.
  14. He played in the last 5 regular season games. 4 of those were wins.
  15. Tolbert is a nice option but he's certainly not essential. I like him but this could be his last season here. Anyways, Ward is likely competing with Brockel.
  16. I am an NC State fan who loved him, I blamed the coach for letting him go, I pulled for him at Wisconsin, I pulled for him to win the job in Seattle. I do not simply dislike him because he plays for you. I just think he's a fake. He has lied through his teeth repeatedly about whether his heart is with baseball or football depending on how it serves him. When he got to Seattle he made a speach about how football had always been his number one passion.....which is pure BS. It was his second sport untill he didn't succeed. There's no reason to lie.
  17. I like Wilson as a player 5x more than I do as a disingenuous faker of a person he comes off as.
  18. Top inside linebackers make about half or less of top QBs
  19. Pie contests incentivize poor posting behavior.
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