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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Yea I wasn't trying to compare him to a specific QB in terms of style of play or ability, more just his role in the NFL universe. I think he'll end up being that guy that teams try to sign when they have a rookie they want to sit for a season or if they're in that middle ground of not bad enough to want to punt on the season but not good enough to be true contenders.
  2. I said it a few weeks ago that I fully believe he'll end up as somewhere around the 20th best QB in the league. Which isn't horrible, but that's also not worth what we traded to get him. That's not a franchise QB, that's the type of QB who bounces around from team to team to be their QB placeholder while a rookie is on the bench or while still looking for your future franchise QB. The Teddy Two Gloves, Baker Mayfields, Jacoby Brissetts, etc, of the world.
  3. I don't love you nor do I not love you. To be quite frank, you just frustrate me with your non-realistic views on how real life NFL works and you just seem like the classic "Madden glasses" type of person who thinks the real NFL works like the poo you can manipulate in the game. Which is my biggest frustration in regards to how people talk about real life NFL teams/players, right there next to viewing things only from a Fantasy standpoint (such as saying Higgins can't be a #1 in this league, he absolutely is a real life football #1, he's one of the 32 best WRs in this league, but he's not a fantasy #1 so people say he isn't a #1 WR).
  4. And still had the same final score and stat lines, I do wonder how this fan base would be reacting right now. I am by no means trying to say we are a good team or anything like that, but we were always going to lose this game and lose by multiple TDs, I just wonder if it feels worse because of that first quarter when we seemed to catch them looking past us and made them stop and pay attention. I've clearly been one of the more vocal bashers of this team so far this season, but even I can't help but look at this game as an improvement on the whole. I'm not going to absolve Bryce of all his struggles today, but the OL completely collapsed at times and put Bryce in bad positions often. But having said that, I thought Bryce had maybe his 2 or 3 best throws of the season in this game and at times actually looked like a competent QB out there. Granted he still had a few just head scratching moments and times where he still just looked out of place on the NFL field, which is why I still don't see him being near an elite QB in this league, but I feel better about his future after this game than I did any of the previous games this year. Chubba looked like a legit NFL RB for much of the game as well, something we haven't seen from the RB position yet this season. And sure, the defense gave up 42 points, but did anyone seriously expect us to keep the Dolphins offense under 40 points today? We're a badly banged up defense right now and sure, we gave up some big plays that cost us today, but everyone does against the Dolphins. We had far more impressive defensive drives today than I ever expected us to have, I honestly was expecting the Dolphins to roll us up much worse than they did. Hell, 32% of their yards on the day came on just 3 plays with big plays from Tyreek x2 and Mostert going for over 40 yards on a play. If you had told me that they'd have had plays of 49, 47, and 41 yards on the day and nothing else, I'd have expected them to have 600 yards and put up 60 points on us, not 426 and 42. We still suck and I fully expect to be handing over a Top 3 pick to the Bears. But I think with how we played today and the bye to hopefully let some banged up players heal up, I see the Bears, Texans, Colts, and Titans games coming out of the bye as all winnable games. No we won't win them all, but I think we end up going 2-2 in them and give this team at least a tiny bit of hope for the future.
  5. lol, one of the most irrational posters of the last 6 months asking to be a mod
  6. Well he hasn't gotten on the field more since we lost Shaq or any of the DB's either And now they're still not pushing him up the depth chart with a Safety out either. So what the fug is their plan for this guy, he was the "12th starter" coming into the season with the way they talked about him being able to play all over the place. We've now lost players at all 3 positions that he moves around at, but he's still only getting on the field for 1/3 of the defensive snaps?!?!?! Make it make sense
  7. Just saw we're bringing up a guy from the PS to start at Safety this week. Honest question.... what position does Chinn play for us? They won't put him on the field but when both of our starting safeties are out, we decide to start Sam Franklin and a PS guy instead of putting Chinn at one of the spots? This is getting borderline criminal at this point to not use him.
  8. I was all about trading Chinn up until hearing this news. Have felt for a few weeks now that we needed to trade him if we didn't have a plan to use him properly. If he's only playing 1/3 of the snaps, he's not re-signing here next year, he's 100% walking away in FA. But poo, if the Eagles of all teams want him, it's even more proof that he's a stud who just isn't being used correctly. Just hearing they are who wants him, makes me re-think trading him and want to give the staff a chance to finally figure out how to use him and convince him to re-sign here in the offseason.
  9. Bad players can’t have good games when they’re force fed the ball???? He’s had good games in his career, but he’s still just an average player on the whole. But if the Broncos really are trading him, forcing the ball to him enough tonight to get him a good stat line would be the smart decision on their part, especially since it’s a game they know they aren’t winning anyways.
  10. https://x.com/barstoolsports/status/1712619753330610554?s=46&t=LQU3yEizU6WVOcNoJTNyOw So his response to getting called out is to dance around for the camera behind Smitty while his teammates are warming up for the game right behind him. Like I’ve said for weeks, this guy is a Diggs level diva with replacement level production and a $13 million contract next season. Stay the fug away at any cost
  11. I also fully expect a big Jeudy game tonight, they want to showcase him for a trade, no better way to do that than on a national broadcast. They’ll force feed him the ball and take a bunch of shots to him.
  12. $13 million That’s what he is guaranteed next year and people keep ignoring that. Trading for him isn’t problematic for what we would have to give up to get him, but it’s that contract for an average player when we will finally have some cap room to spend. ANY cost to get him in a trade is too much because of that contract. Period.
  13. That was freaking amazing and it's the same thing I've been screaming about the last 2 weeks while so many people are clamoring to give up a 3rd round pick (basically around pick 65) in the draft for him and his contact. It. Makes. No. Sense. He's an average to slightly above average football player who is still living off his draft pick reputation, Jeudy shouldn't even be on our radar, I'd give up more to get Sutton. Honestly it wouldn't shock me if this helps make sure we don't trade for him, Smitty has become much closer with the franchise the last few years, I have to think he's seen the rumors and hearing the talk of fans wanting the Panthers to trade for him, hopefully he's given the team a call to tell them to stay the fug away.
  14. I think this is a flawed way of viewing the BB/Brady split situation. A big part of the reason that Brady wanted to leave in the end was because he knew the Patriots needed a talent re-fresh and he didn't want to waste his last couple years on that. He went to an absolutely stacked TB team that then even brought in more talent on the cheap because they wanted to chase a ring with Brady. The Patriots run was probably equally on both Brady and BB, for some reason people forget the defensive gameplays that BB has put together over the years to just completely neuter other offenses by constantly being able to take away their best weapon every week.
  15. Didn't mean something quite like that, more like one of those "advisor to the owner" type of roles where they just pay him to be visible with the Patriots and be someone Kraft can bounce ideas off of.
  16. Wasn't the whole reason we drafted him was because he already did this stuff at a high level? This is just embarrassing at this point, we screwed the pooch so badly on this one, even if Bryce does manage to turn things around and make a solid career for himself, the trade will forever be a bad one with what he gave up to get a guy who clearly wasn't the most pro ready QB of the bunch like we were told.
  17. We couldn't get Ben Johnson before we became a mess of a franchise over the last few months, 0% chance we'd be able to get him after this poo show if we were to fire Reich. Seemed obvious to me at the time that he was passing on the HC opportunities this past offseason so he could try and get either the Chargers job next year or one of the HC openings from a team who will be in place to take a QB from this class.
  18. LOL at people calling Belichick a "retread coach" If there was ever a previous HC that couldn't be considered a "retread" it would be the best coach of all time. It doesn't matter, as he's never coaching a game for anyone other than the Patriots, when he's done there, he's just done, it would be the weirdest thing ever to see him coach another team, he'll just move into some Patriots front office position.
  19. I think you're only looking at his 4th quarter when the Lions stopped pressuring him and went into a shell defense. He had 146 yards, 1 TD, and 2 INTs through 3 Quarters, that's awful and him having a decent 4th quarter when he game was in hand for the Lions and they went into safe mode doesn't make it a good game for him. Just the fact that you think he's moving well in the pocket is all I need to see to show you have no idea what you're watching. He bounces around out there like a pinball just looking for a way out, keeps turning his back to the LOS to try and escape backwards, which is the worst thing any QB can do, let alone someone of his size who isn't able to break the tackles that he keeps turning into. He's been in so far over his head so far that anyone who sees anything different is just looking at it through Panthers fan glasses and can't objectively evaluate his play so far. What you think he can still be is of course up for debate, but what he's done isn't, the tape is out there and it's just facts, he's been the worst QB in the league so far.
  20. A lot of us wanted NOTHING to do with Bryce during the pre-draft process because we had concerns about his game translating from college to the NFL. So far, he hasn't struggled like a normal rookie QB does, making some bad reads or dumb decisions because they're still a rookie. He's just flat out looked like he doesn't belong on this level, too small, not strong or fast enough to do what he did in college in NFL games. So far all he's done is confirmed our concerns beyond even our own expectations for what he'd be. We gave up the farm to get him We're pissed Sorry, but he's earned it with his play. You don't want to be criticized? Then don't be the #1 pick in the draft and then play like an undrafted rookie.
  21. I'd rather trade Chinn or a 4th rounder than for Jeudy. I'm sooooooooooo against trading for Jeudy with his $13 million guaranteed contract next season. The guy is a minimally above a replacement level player, he's still living off his first round pick status but has never performed as such on the field. Then you add in how much of a hot head he is, and it's just a bad mix for Bryce and helping him develop. This is yet another "madden move" that people want to make in a vacuum without looking at the full picture.
  22. Where do people come up with this stuff?!?! Injury prone? He missed most of his rookie season because of a torn ACL in college, that's a one time freak injury, not being injury prone. And yes, he had I think a pulled hamstring at the end of training camp, but that's pretty standard in the NFL today and I think they even said at that time that if he wasn't suspended, he'd have been able to play through it, but with the upcoming suspension they just shut him down to be safe. And the idiot part... I assume that's over the suspension. Sure, stupid thing to get busted doing, but he wasn't betting on the NFL, he was betting on another sport and just did it from the facility. I wouldn't call that being an idiot, it's called making a dumb mistake based on a dumb rule that clearly wasn't well told to all players given the number of them who got suspended over this stuff. I'm not saying hesitation over what he could be is unwarranted, even my Lions friends (I'm a Detroiter) aren't 100% sold on him just based on him not really being on the field much yet. But to say he's injury prone or an idiot is just ridiculous.
  23. Sorry, should I have just said the majority of the fan base? Because there is no way Fitterer has above 50% of the fan base wanting him to keep his job right now, I'd venture to guess that it's no more than 25-30% of the fans who still want him around.
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