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Bear Hands

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Everything posted by Bear Hands

  1. SEA, DET, & MIA early on the schedule...damn -- we've got some of the better league offenses early. Tough road until the bye. May have to brace for 1-5 at best come the Texans game. Hopefully not 0-6.
  2. You're doing it again. I said your point was fair. You post great contributions but have this weird way just being super tiring with how you type. Find more concise ways to say what you need to say. Keep posting, your sh*t is great. Cheers.
  3. He had some comment about how they've had to have some chats about approach, that had been constructive/positive disagreements. It was in the early preseason. I would try to look it up but I really don't have the time or want to after tonight.
  4. The weird thing is we have 3 potential NFL coaching talents in Evero, Brown, & McNown on this staff. The rumblings that Brown has had some conflicting (but constructive) critiques of Frank's approach & what we've been installing is looking concerning (Frank referenced that in a few pressers). If this legit goes off the rocker, how do you pull out the HC but retain the rest if they truly seem to be potential stars? Frank may need to swallow some pride earlier than expected. We just need to see what Bryce can do with a different approach. Cannot go through an entire season complacent hoping he improves next year. We need to see growth and actionable offense soon. Like, we can't move the ball. At all. AR & Stroud have offenses they can at least move a bit and have managed TDs. I have just never seen such a faceplant coming out of the gate.
  5. That is the strange thing here. The staff is by all account an all-star one, but the archaic pastor "is not the way" for helping baby yoda lead this team at QB.
  6. I really want someone not named JT O'Sullivan to take a in-depth look at our playcalling and the whole offense. Bryce's decisions, throws, route running, protections, play design. This is inexcusable at all levels, but first things first, it lies squarely on this coaching staff.
  7. The blame is very much weighing on the offensive scheme and playcalling right now over a fresh rookie QB that has potential. It's just looking so bland and uninspired. If you don't have burners, you design plays to open guys up. Get some pre-snap movement, get some rhythm into this group. Use decoys, create space dammit. I just can't get over the playcalls. The runs, the bland patterns, situational playcalling. It's like Reich isn't even trying to move down the field. I just don't get it. This is indeed the worst type of Foxball PTSD right now.
  8. He was. Broke off his route and started moving left. There was a path left of the pocket to step up and he ran to the strong side. Could be wrong but that what I initially saw. That being said, this is a big indictment on playcalling and our offensive design.
  9. Step up to the left and Mingo was drifting open. Dammit.
  10. Okay…we should be able to still land Michael Pratt or Cameron Ward in R2 if this season truly goes to the shizer
  11. Get your eye drops ready everyone. It’s gonna hurt
  12. We’re just tripping on our face so hard out of the gate right now. It’s surreal how bad it is given what they sold this offseason. The defense looks amazing and Evero will get a HC gig shortly lol
  13. Can’t wait for the next ‘Darin Gantt sh*ts on the fans’ article this week
  14. I just can’t believe how we can barely move the ball. Sub 200 passing games should be few and far between in the modern day and we can’t get out of our own way. It’s just such vanilla, uninspired concepts
  15. Reich is just not impressive. This is as painful as late Henning
  16. The offense is just bad. Poorly designed, in effective concepts, just really rough
  17. Definitely lower extremity. I was thinking knee. Unsure though. *edit -- review looked like ankle for sure
  18. Oh damn. Hope he’s okay, he looks to be in a lot of pain
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