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Brent Gregory

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Everything posted by Brent Gregory

  1. This qb pick is turning into a disaster quickly. 2 weeks in already hurt. 190 pound qb with mid level processing skills and injury prone. Probably couldn't get a 6th rd pick for him already.
  2. I couldn't have imagined a worse start for all parties involved. This is a nightmarish scenario playing out. I get a bad feeling this coming week will be an absolute beatdown. It's hard to believe this team isn't remotely as good as last years team.
  3. I think so much was put into his mental acuity because he lacked so much in all the other areas. The hope was that part could put him on a level playing field with the other nfl qbs. So far his liabilities jump out in all areas. Not saying he won't come around and figure it out but out of the rookie qbs he doesn't look remotely close as the others in being a quality starter.
  4. I watched way to many training camp updates on youtube this summer that got my expectations up way to high. After seeing the first 2 weeks I've went from winning a division to now watching Chicago get a legitimate #1 qb for years to come and this franchise become the nfls worst for years to come.
  5. Chicago gonna draft caleb Williams and drake maye because they can
  6. Bryce looks great when the game isn't on the line.....
  7. This proves one thing. Give me a dumba## with nfl size and nfl arm over a midget who excels at taking useless test any day of the week.
  8. All my nightmares about drafting him that eased off in training camp are back with a vengeance....
  9. Are we witnessing the birth of the next Zach Wilson?
  10. OK young show us something. The 6th quarter in and I feel like I'm watching a 3 and out machine at work.
  11. So many act like this team doesn't remotely have a playoff caliber roster or a chance of it. Do you remember the only reason they weren't in the playoffs last year was because a bone headed stupid penalty by dj Moore. Upgrading the most important position in football and bringing in an all-star coaching staff to boot brought some expectations in a division like this. No reason they shouldn't have a legitimate shot.
  12. If Bryce plays the short game tomorrow night and throws picks it will be officially be panick time. The guys drafted behind him have already displayed some serious talent with crap rosters. 140 yards passing isn't going to get anyone excited. Throwing more picks is going to kill the buzz on his elite processing skills. Tomorrow night is a huge game for this team and a positive step in his career.
  13. His bones and ligaments must have the consistency of a soap bubble.
  14. If Achilles tear that puts him out 2 seasons . It'd be sade to say he's done if it's that.
  15. In the off-season this year yes. I watched every video on Bryce Young on YouTube and all the analysis. Coming off missing the playoffs by a game last year then getting the top pick for this year I was pumped . Then the preseason happened. Then the first game happened and now Im getting back to the familiar feeling I've had the last 7 or so years. This franchise is starting to get the vibe of all the long term bad franchises who had decades long bad football. Hopefully there's a turnaround but looking at today's product I don't see it this year and no draft to help the coming ones.
  16. At least he got his season ending injury out of the way really early... .
  17. Cams 1st post game excitement level was 10/10. Youngs today 4/10.
  18. My fear is Young is what he is. He's not 6'4 240 with great running ability. His ceiling is much lower than the other guys so his decision making has to be off the charts. Sure he can improve but I'm afraid only to a level that's not franchise changing. I remember Cams first game thinking wow the future is bright. Not so much with young.
  19. The only thing worse than a tiny qb is a tiny qb who doesn't remotely have the "processing skills" that had been hyped up to have.
  20. The team the last 8 games of last year was light years ahead of this trainwreck.
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