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Everything posted by BlackPanther22

  1. I’m glad we’re getting the height talk out of our system now so that when OTA’s and camp roll around and Bryce is hopefully carving it up in practice, we can focus on other things. Btw, do we know when mini camp starts tmrw?
  2. Here’s a better breakdown of Ickey if you guys can’t stand the other dudes voice. Way more detailed too imo: I’m excited to see Ickey’s continued development this year, mainly in pass pro. He got a lot better towards the end of the season but I’d still like to see him cut down on penalties this year, he does that and we’re cooking.
  3. Saying this with so much certainty is hilarious when nobody on here has had a conversation with the man to know for sure. He was extremely complimentary of Bryce in his breakdown of him and that was when he broke down one of his worst games vs CJ’s best. In one of his columns leading up to the draft, Peter King even said Josh was telling people in the fall how much he loved Bryce and thought he’d be a great NFL QB. This is another reason I can’t wait for the draft confidential to come out, so we can squash some of the ridiculous narratives folks have on here about who was/wasn’t on board with Bryce, when all indications point at it being unanimous for him by the end of the process.
  4. With all the safeties we have on the team and the coverage aspect being such a major part of Evero’s scheme, I can’t shake the feeling that if Jammie is a hit that the team might try to flip Chinn for some assets at the trade deadline next season. A lot will probably depend on how they deploy Chinn when we finally see the defense and where our record is at the time but yeah the emphasis on the safety position makes me think Chinn might be on notice.
  5. I don't think he's playing the type of edge you're thinking of. He's probably playing a 3-4 DE which is just like an interior player. His size is appropriate for that spot tbh.
  6. Agree here, I think if he were the pick he’d probably be deployed like Micah Parsons is. Playing a lot of EDGE but also playing ILB when it calls for it. Luvu kinda fills a similar role but I feel like they want him more as a running mate for Shaq on the inside. I feel like if Joey Porter slips they may go Corner first. But I’m hoping they can trade back and pick up another 3rd or a 4th they could package to get into the 3rd, so they can walk away with a receiver at some point.
  7. Super excited for Bryce man. Listening to the presser, it really sounds like there was alignment across the board which is great to hear. Tepper is extremely excited lmao
  8. Anybody else feel nervous like they’re the ones getting drafted lmao?
  9. Yup just saw this. I wonder if they like somebody like Will McDonald or Lukas Van Ness because I feel like Ojulari would’ve been there in the 2nd if that’s who it’s for.
  10. Albert Breer also reported in one of his columns he just put up that we might trade back into the 1st round if an Edge we like falls. Depending on who it is I wouldn’t hate it but I feel like we should hold on to some of these picks to draft for other positions.
  11. It just came to me, it’s that Decker dude isn’t it? The guy who is VP of Development I think? I feel like I’ve watched some of the colts draft videos before and he was kinda tied to the hip of Reich and Ballard.
  12. Sheesh, the Darnell meeting didn’t go to well? And the other member of the brain trust…..Kristi Coleman?? I don’t expect you to confirm lol just guessing.
  13. They could turn the card as soon as Gooddell gets out there and they'll still take the full 10 minutes lmao. They always milk it for the early picks, especially the first one.
  14. Oh you know they are lmao. Gotta get those advertisements and stuff in.
  15. Idk why you’re talking bout him like he’s 5’3 or something. Relax lmao.
  16. FWIW, Bryce’s betting odds have jumped back to what they were before the rumors yesterday. He’s currently back at -2000 while Levis is at +1000 on Fan Duel. Also the guy who started the Reddit rumor yesterday has disappeared lol.
  17. Well Voth saying it's Bryce without saying it is fairly good. Im not sure when he left the team but I'm sure he's still as plugged in as ever.
  18. By now Im sure he does but it's entirely possible Reich and Fitt talked to each other first so they could present it to Tepper together.
  19. I mean what would Fitterer have to gain from lying about talking to the owner about the pick? If they haven't talked to the owner then why would they have talked to the player?
  20. Kunkel said he talked to Fitt today and was told that they haven't told the person who's going #1 that they're the pick. Also said Fitt hasn't even talked to Tepper yet. So another thing to refute the Reddit post.
  21. Oh I didn’t read it that way, I read it as him poking fun at the rumors floating around lol
  22. Joe Person mentioned that if the QB choice was somebody unexpected that the team might leak it early to get people ready. I don’t think this rumor is that because it didn’t come from an official channel but yeah your statement here is exactly why if Levis is the pick we’ll probably hear it from a insider sooner or later lol. That said though, I still think it’s Young and the betting markets have calmed down to reflect that.
  23. Chill dude lol, I still think it’s Young until something more concrete comes out that would make me think otherwise.
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