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Everything posted by Floppin

  1. Misdemeanor charge on suspicion of domestic violence. I'll withhold judgement for the time being, and hope that he didn't actually hit her or anything.
  2. Ya'll realize that this is just one of those traffic barriers that extend out of the ground, right? When she sits on it, it just goes down into the road.
  3. I mean, I'm from Boone. I can get out and get around, but yeah, outside of the mountains, when it snows in the south - poo shuts the fug down. My restaurant is closed today and we stay open through cat 3 and below hurricanes.
  4. Mine connects to the country courthouse /govt complex.
  5. my road is still solid white.
  6. I had to drive all the morons from work home last night. I'm the only one with A) 4-wheel drive and Any snow driving experience. Here's what my yard looked like when I got home at 10pm. and a neat ice formation on my rim hubs from driving.
  7. I live in the middle of Brunswick County, we got maybe about two inches total accumulation of a mixture of freezing rain, sleet and snow. It's a hard packed mess outside today.
  8. Yep, it used to be an American Carrier vs a Canadian lighthouse. It still gives a chuckle regardless of context.
  9. The wind chill actually got a shitton lower than that
  10. Its so bitter sweet that I benched the panthers d on my fantasy team this week.
  11. Wow. We picked up a down and inches?!?!?. Its almost like it works every time
  12. It figures that after starting our d the past two weeks that I would sit them in favor of the 9ers this week
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