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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. Right now the red zone woes are what is holding the offense back. Get that fixed and this team can hold its own with anyone.
  2. You know what they say, pressure with make a monkey eat a banana pepper. Keep Pounding!
  3. It's a good strategy to keep your opponents in 3rd and long. It's not easy to do either so props to the chubby general and his old fart genius on the defense.
  4. The only thing I was really concerned about was how this defense would improve (if it did) with so many new young faces on it. Glad to see that so far it's not an issue. Also, that whole Darnold thing had me a little nervous. So far it's seems I was worrying for nothing.
  5. They beat the brakes off the Jets and the Saints. The problem was it didn't show up on the scoreboard. If they convert on half of those missed opportunities (damn I hated saying that) the game looks a lot different.
  6. I think there is a lot of us wishing the same thing. As long as he is not the reason the team loses, if and when they do, he will be just fine here.
  7. Harsh? No. Sam knew he screwed up and Brady's reaction was appropriate .
  8. The goal is not to gain the media's respect. It's gain the respect of your opponent.
  9. Don't, not a single person on here is guilt free of something similar at some point in their life no matter how self righteous they are.
  10. I saw a video clip of Brady's reaction to Sam's turnover. It was pure gold. I wish I had it for future use on bad posts.
  11. I wouldn't say disappointed, maybe concerned is more appropriate from my perspective. The run game is crucial to the success of this season in my book. Both establishing it to stopping it. The rest should take care of itself, theoretically.
  12. Boredom is a strange bedfellow. Not sure where I was going with that but I think I kinda understand.
  13. Call it what you will but you best believe it's coming to a stadium near you. Better bring your big boy pants.
  14. I'm not worried about the pass to DJ. That was a hell of a throw and DJ caught it but the defender managed to pull it out when he hit the ground. Just bad luck. But a great throw and DJ will tell you that.
  15. I'm right there with you on that. They have to get the run game going and fast. It will open up so much more of the offense and help Sam exponentially in the passing game.
  16. Wouldn't it be hilarious if they started running his old college offenses? He now has top shelf talent that he wasn't able to lure to his program to plug into the mind of Brady. That would be the badest thing a coach has ever pulled off in all my days of watching football.
  17. I believe it may have been mentioned in passing somewhere.
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