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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. Okay, you're crazy. Sorry, that's as far as I got.
  2. The little poo finally got on my nerves enough to where I joined the chorus of bitching about it. I think more than a few of us do not want to join the click bait parade and are just tired of the crap. But to each his own. I just do not click on the links.
  3. Yeah he's about to lose his only contribution to the forum to @Jackie Lee because he doesn't know how to embed a tweet. Lost on a technical glitch. Poor kid. What will he do with his life now?
  4. I'm not believing it until Jaun posts it.
  5. With this team? Nothing. I'm never excited by any moves this team makes. The only thing that would get me excited would be if they rack up 3 wins and still had games left to play. That would mean they bettered their record and actually might double it.
  6. AI is not as smart as I thought it would be. It must be the Dollar Store version.
  7. Most probably won't work out but I like where there head it at finally. We can work on the execution part as we go.
  8. Are you kidding? There will be folks crying to sign him for another 10 years.
  9. Stupid doesn't not require alcohol.
  10. No more than you have to to field a team until you get a chance to replace those players too.
  11. Yeah you gotta fix what you can with what's available this year and try to add more next year. I'm all for bpa regardless of position instead of looking for specific positions. I don't like to put blinders on and try to address a specific position or side of the ball. We just can't afford to do that.
  12. Being able to run the ball is crucial in the playoffs. If your lucky enough to get there. I believe in having a strong running game but you need a balanced attack during the regular season or you will run your RB's into the ground before the playoffs. Again, if you're lucky enough to get there.
  13. I don't know. I just know Evero can make chicken salad out of chicken poo when it comes to DB's.
  14. I'm in this weird place where I don't believe they will win a single game and these coaches are in over their head. I doubt very seriously if they will get the right players in the draft or in FA. And yet, I don't care. I'm still giddy for some strange reason. I'm excited for the season and seeing these new players show us what they've got. Is that called acceptance?
  15. Sounds good to me. Sign me up.
  16. Teams will start relying more on the draft for them to avoid those massive contracts. They will use the rookie payscale to their advantage. Eventually there will be very few vet receivers getting anything close to that. It will take a supply and demand shift to settle the market. If I were running things I would be drafting skill position players in every draft just in preparation for situations like this.
  17. I would not be surprised if it is a 5th rounder instead.
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