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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. I'm afraid that if he would do something like that it is a good indication he is capable of doing much worse.
  2. I would venture there are fewer diehard fans. Fair weather fans are the nature of the game. It's the diehard fans that build the real culture of the team. That culture seems to be in disarray and has been for quite some time. I suppose that is part of "the process " we keep hearing about. I do not know about you folks but I do not recognize this franchise anymore. It's like watching a USFL team against the NFL. Like all diehard Panthers fans I will admit being a Panthers fan even when they suck. I will laugh along with those who ridicule me for doing so. It's what we do. Someday we hope to be avenged for our suffering. But there is a limit to such loyalty. Tepper is pushing that limit for me. I no longer feel connected, part of the family of Panther fans who believe in the team. Even if we knew it was an up hill battle to be serious contenders. TL/dr: I'm getting fed up with this team.
  3. Why? He's the perfect tank commander! At this point Rhule has beaten me into submission. Just start PJ and ride his skinny ass to the first overall pick next year. Come in PJ!
  4. Well for the record I'm against taking a qb from USC or OSU. That's because the historical data indicates that you should avoid them not because I have some grudge against them. Now in basketball? UK>UNC+NC State. fug Duke.
  5. That's what a qb should do. He tries to rely on his running ability too much. You rattle him he either holds on too long trying to make a play or panicks when shouldn't and takes off. He has an arm but he's still a work in progress. I like him as a qb but he needs work.
  6. He is easily rattled. I do not get to watch him much but what I have seen he still looks like a college qb. He's holds the ball too long and is easily flushed from the pocket. If he can't overcome that by making plays he folds. He may overcome it but right now he looks uncomfortable in the pocket and like a rookie more than a pro.
  7. Kyler got happy feet when the defense got in his head. He also started holding the ball too long. Both are death nails for an already bad oline.
  8. Prepare thy anus. Rhule is about to be schooled by professionals, again. He has no idea how this trade game is played. His desperation will cost this franchise dearly long after he's gone.
  9. This franchise is making it harder and harder for me to root for them. A move like this would finish me off.
  10. There better question is who will Rhule allow him to give input on. Rhule is tone deaf when he gets his mind made up.
  11. Hurney was ass at drafting. He got too much credit for taking the easy selections because we were always picking in the top 10. By the way Burns is overrated. He has little to no impact on the defense when it matters. That's all I have to say about that.
  12. Don't worry people PJ's got this. This is his year, just wait and see.
  13. Just telegraph it why don't they. Nothing like driving up the price letting the league know you're desperate.
  14. Stafford finally got a good coach with a well built team. He's always been a good qb, just on a bad team. Had he came here he would still be a good qb but on another bad team with bad coaches.
  15. I have heard that rumor also. The jury is still out on that one. But I have an aversion to OSU QB's. I feel the same about USC QB's. But given the situation we are in a qb world have probably been a better choice. I am a fan of drafting one every draft until you hit on one to build an offense around. Unfortunately we have someone in charge that thinks he can resurrect one from the ashes of someone else's scrap heap.
  16. So there's 10 backups better then any qb on our roster. Sounds about right.
  17. I will laugh so hard if they take a CB. Rhule logic and power runs amuck in the draft room. He will ask his wife who to take.
  18. Odds do not favor them repeating the success they had this season. It's extremely difficult to go all in every season in the salary cap era without it catching up to you. It's also difficult to maintain the motivation and chemistry among teammates. The chemistry that has driven them to the ultimate goal and glory off becoming champions. A lot of players will be satisfied with that and who can fault them. It takes a special group of leaders to keep the young guys hungry and the vets engaged. It takes a great head coach to pull all of that off. Getting all of those things to fall into place and have fortune's favor along the way? That's why repeating is almost impossible.
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