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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. At this point I don't think it matters whether he wants to play or not. If he wanted to and the Texans agreed to let him start the commissioner steps in and puts him on the list. Watson will not play another down until his dirty laundry is washed.
  2. If I had some I certainly would. Prefer them absolutely I do. But like old man Snow I use whatever I have and make due.
  3. Not gonna lie, I had a flashback at that moment as well. I was yelling NOOOOO! at the TV just before he let go of the ball because I could see what was coming. And it did. Then I remembered who's running things so I laughed and took another toke.
  4. Honestly, I just want to beat the brakes off Dallas even if it doesn't show on the scoreboard. I just want to see this team get better and more competitive. But mostly at dishing out the ass kicking. The wins will come in due time.
  5. I know, just Jimmy rustling on a rainy day in the mtns.
  6. That is a perfectly acceptable answer. Only time will tell but you cannot saddle this group with the sins if the past until they make those same sins themselves. By my count they have about 10 years of incompetent team building before they come close. I like my chances.
  7. They are. As long as the are up against equal talent they can and will hold their own. The level of competition has gone up a notch though since those preseason games.
  8. You cannot use history as an indicator of future projections for the FO now in place. It is an all new philosophy with all new people driving it. You have one draft to judge by, 2 if you think it's all Rhule driving the bus. So no, the mindset is not predetermined. From what little if seen of this new group and what they were be able to accomplish is just a short time leads me to believe that the mindset you speak of went out the door with the trash.
  9. I think its a combination of things. They can fill in spurts if necessary but for now it's best not to. It's really a combination of knowing their assignments WELL, conditioning and gaining trust from the coaches. Until all 3 are met I wouldn't expect those two to start unless bodies are dropping like flies. If that happens then, well you know how that movie ends.
  10. You don't. You just hope to get in the way somehow.
  11. You'll have to excuse me if I'm not concerned about him not exactly knowing his assignments in that situation. You are looking at a snapshot on one play where his foot got stepped on while looking for someone to block. Can't draw any conclusions with that.
  12. I think you get 50 just for showing up at the game.
  13. I was curious as to why he has gotten more playing time but it's early. He's still learning the offense and his responsibilities. He has to learn better blocking as well. He will get there.
  14. Actually Luke could have stayed here and ran it but he chose to retire. He probably heard Snow say "this is what we are going to do on defense, we are going to have to run some college and maybe even some high school looks" and Luke was like, "Wait...what?! Are you nuts?! That's crazy!! That will never work. I'm out of here" Something like that.
  15. I would love nothing more myself. I think I'm going to save mine for when they kick Dallas ass all up a down the field.
  16. I would be thrilled with pretty good. From where I'm sitting they look somewhere between a smoking crap filled baby diaper to swamp ass.
  17. Well we do know this, after two games he is not the worst qb in the league that's for damn sure.
  18. They were paper thin because dipsh*t couldn't build a complete team to save his life. It takes time to build a team when you can only hit on 1st round picks in the top 10. That's why it took 10 years to get back to the nfcc game.
  19. I didn't say anything was wrong with it, just that's really all he wanted to do. It wasn't about versatility or being able to counter different schemes in the conference. It was about sticking to his veterans he managed to collect and force his will on the rest of the league. It worked briefly until his defense got old and broken. The getting old is on him and dipsh*t for not being able to build a defense that can adapt to its players. You will never be able to build just one type of defense in today's league because the players for that are too limited. Versatility is the new normal and it took a relic of a defensive coordinator to show the league that.
  20. That's what he relied on. He just couldn't work with or develop rookies. If he got a great player he rode them into the ground without care or consideration for the player longevity or developing someone behind them to take over when he finally broke them. Good riddance.
  21. This^ Every game has importance. This is the next opponent and they are the only team they should be focused on.
  22. It takes some forward thinking and a lot of experience in football. It also helps if you have elephant size balls to draw on things that not a single one of his peers had the courage or know how to be able to pull it off. We need more coaches like that.
  23. He did with the talent he inherited. He admitted soon after his hire here that he preferred a 4-3. Why? No clue.
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