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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. These guys on the bottom of the roster are desperate and frustrated. They are a bit dangerous. I am sure Ibe was trying to make a statement and had no intention of hurting anyone, but self-discipline is a thing.
  2. I heard Kirkwood was having a good camp too.
  3. Ibe, it was a long shot anyway. At least your drive home will be short.
  4. was that the offensive right side or defensive? I assume defensive right-which means offensive left if my math does not fail me. So when we are scrimmaging each other, tell us who won the matchup--it is significant.
  5. And often they let the established veteran start and lose the position in camp instead of just knocking him to third string before a pad pops.
  6. Damn. Hit with math and science. Never saw it coming. Good post, Ricky.
  7. Smitty was a PR and he stepped back and did it as a veteran at times.
  8. He was the first man out on the field today---was he feeling it?
  9. Hey, I am a half wit!! I think they might be just working on it in the event we are in a situation where we must have a return TD? I dunno, Moore/CMC sure hands and they won't muff it.
  10. I think he is working on (among other things, possibly) is lifting his hands at the last second for the ball. Some WRs raise their hands too soon, losing a step in the process.
  11. Next season's needs list Left Tackle (maybe) Middle Linebacker (how about one that takes shots) Free Safety (or a moderately-priced one) Quarterback (even if Darnold is great, what is up with Grier?)
  12. Conspiracy theory time!: Pride is a beast of an athlete that does not play with his back to the LOS well---he is a soft cushion CB--I just think he will end up at S eventually. I have not heard this anywhere, and a DB expert may call my comments preposterous or imbecilic, but gosh darn, I want to see some creativity at these need positions. Pride is a special teamer who will not see the field behind Horn, Jackson, Bouye, Melvin, and Taylor. Why the heck not?
  13. One thing we know about the OL--somebody who is drawing a pretty decent check is going to sit or get cut. LT: What do we have, 6 people who could land the gig? (Moton, Christensen, Erving, Scott, Little, Daley) Darnold may have some trauma he is fighting through--more than his California surfer dude approach is letting on. TE is more important than we realize... I like our TEs right now--potentially speaking.
  14. what have you heard about Moton?
  15. I was trying to keep the letters the same, and that is what I was going for--sorta
  16. Folks--you base your opinions on what news channel you decide to watch to make you feel victimized, smart, or justified. This is a football forum, so please do not bring your dumbassery in here.
  17. Conundrum is a large snare, if I am not mistaken, made popular by Barbarians in the Mink dynasty. I am pretty sure.
  18. These guys are having tons of info thrown at them, they are trying to stay hydrated. Their legs feel like rubber and the heat makes it difficult to think. Day 1--you are pumped. Day 6? You are closer to a zombie. Trust me (based on college) they are counting the days...
  19. Weren't those things he did during games and not practice?
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