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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. Put Motown out there---he can wiff for a lot less money.
  2. I agree with all of your posts until this one. Prediction: Dickson gets cut after last preseason game.
  3. I agree with all of your posts until this one. Prediction: Dickson gets cut after last preseason game.
  4. I know-he just seems to be one of the Rivera-type players--like Harper was--frankly, I think it would benefit the offense more if we replaced him with Byrd.
  5. Jeremy, Did you find this easier to do than in the past? To me, we are going to leave a lot of good players out there for other teams. If Hill makes the roster, do not be surprised in Garrett does not suffer a season-ending injury. I think the TE position is going to change--We want one that can block (Since the super bowl was not enough motivation for Dickson) and we want one that can play from the backfield. Do not be surprised to see Dickson cut.
  6. I like the fact that you are defending a player, and Bersin is all that you say he is--the point I make is that he a bubble player and that is all he will ever be--his upside is now, IMO. However, to me, the game seems too big for him at times. But I think,, if we had a WR corps with little Steve Smiths and Philly Browns, he would have a place. How does he stack up to the WR corps that is 6'3" or bigger and does much of what Bersin does? That is Garret's issue as well. He will have to beat out someone and may not be the best fit. Hate? Not really. Subjective analysis based on opinion? Yes.
  7. When you sit down and put an honest, objective mind to this, who has more upside-- Garrett or Brown? I think the Panthers keep 5 WRs, but there is something to consider--I doubt we keep Teddy Williams, who was only a special teams player. If you think of Ginn that way, can we work Garrett onto the roster? Benjamin (Lock) Funchess (Lock) Ginn (Lock) Brown (Lock) Garrett Byrd Hill Norwood Hamilton Bersin Stoshak Note: Byrd and Stoshak are PS eligible, and I am guessing one or both will go to the PS unless they have a remarkable or underwhelming preseason. The addition of Garrett decreases the chances for Hill and Norwood, imo, because I think Garrett might be better.
  8. He is humble, confident, and seems determined. Imagine the stories that will be written about him when he becomes a productive NFL WR. I liked the "Yes Sir" answer. I am old school in terms of manners. It tells me that he was brought up well.
  9. I think Dickson is gone. His Super Bowl blocking was a joke. I know he got a contract last year, but we get half back if we cut him.
  10. NICKNAME TIME!!!!! But first, a quiz: What kind of surface do the Panthers play on? ........................ What kind of grass?............................. 3 corners create a .................................. KEY: 1. grass 2. Bermuda 3. Triangle Therefore, the 2016 rookie CBs should be called the Bermuda Triangle. Thank you.
  11. I agree, and if you want to know how accurate these sites actually are, then take a look at them after the draft. It is about perspective too. Bradberry was not a 4th rounder we took in the second, he was a second rounder these sites predicted would be taken in the 4th--they were wrong, not the Panthers. And they cant possibly know fits--when I saw some sites projecting Bullard to us as a DE, I realized that they know nothing. Michelin "Firestalker" 165, blah blah may be the best tire for a mid-sized SUV, but not for a Honda Accord. Yet these sites are rating the tires without knowing what kind of vehicle they are for--crazy, really.
  12. They are--to me, there were 2 elite CBs and there are about 12 in the "above average category, depending on what you need. We need a starter, but I think it is also a time to maybe grab depth too. I think we are going to draft either a WR, DE, or SS in the second, a CB in the third--based on where I expect value to be. Today is going to be the fun day....
  13. I know it seems like a reach, but Harlan Miller could be the pick. Jeremy Cash SS is also a possibility. If we trade up, a WR like Michael Thomas or Sterling Shepherd could be the reason.
  14. Quiet names nobody is talking much about: Cash, SS Calhoun, DE Nassib DE
  15. " a total of 32 compensatory picks are awarded to teams that have lost more or better compensatory free agents than they signed in the previous year ." That threw me---you are probably right about value. The process is not clear, but the way this reads and one writer interpreted this) it appears to begin with the number of players lost to other teams vs the number gained from other teams. You could be right, but the formula is confusing and there are mixed messages being sent out. My thing is this--who is out there? We have the veteran CBs we need (Boykin, Bene, McClain) and really only need a rookie CB to add to the mix. Maybe 2 rookies.
  16. Not sure if this has been stated yet, but I KNOW we are probably will not bring in another free agent this year. If we do, we lose a 3rd round comp pick. We lost 2 (Nortman and Valasco) and we gained 2 (Boykin and Gradkowski) before we lost Norman. So, if we sign another free agent--probably a marginal, old player, we lose the third rounder. So we ain't grabbin nobody. We will address the need by drafting a cb or 2.
  17. I am a bit surprised Germaine Ifedi was not on the list--I think I would remove the TE and insert the LT candidate. Hunter Henry is nice and I would like him in the second, but we have not really visited with him (to the best of my knowledge-don't we always bring in the first rounder at some point?)
  18. I see this, and I have had the same thoughts. Then I see stats like the Panthers led the league in dropped pass yardage, I do not see a Steve Smith--a player who can take any pass to the house at any given time. That is why I would love for Byrd to develop or to have a Shepherd. Then I consider that Funchess is getting a year older, KB is coming back, and the WR farm is going to produce 1 more player for us. I also consider the fact that Ginn was our #1 WR--Ted Ginn---on a 15-1 team. Kinda blows your mind.
  19. Would love Shepherd--thought for sure you would mention Boyd. Cooper would be a great fit here with Funchess and KB--he will fail if a team tries to make him a 1 or 2, imo.
  20. http://www.axonpotential.com/athletes-and-age-of-peak-performance/ This gives you some idea why you need to be cautious about signing a 28-year old athlete to a long-term deal. Marty did the same thing with D. Williams and rarely do you get your money's worth. Norman is peaking---and he wants the Panthers to bet that he will play at the highest level for 3-5 more seasons. He is probably at his ceiling, and wants to be paid as one of the best for a longer period of time than he has been one of the best. Note in the link that speed athletes (athletes that use speed to compete) across many sports start sloping downward at the same age--27. Most athletes that play into their 30s do so by making up for the waning physical prowess with veteran intelligence. Does Norman have the same intelligence as a Darren Woodson? Jerry Rice? even a Peanut Tillman? I do not see it, but I do not know. I can assure you that Gettlemen has an idea.
  21. I could not agree more, but his strategy is a gamble. If he holds out, getting a better deal next year is highly improbable and he would actually lose millions.
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