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  • Birthday 12/07/1948

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  1. Canales job is to win games . If he keeps Young at QB he will lose not only games but the locker room as well . He needs to light a fire under some asses and give Bryce only the next game by halftime . If he looks bad pull him and put in Dalton , We will also lose the fanbase and every game will be a home game for the other team .
  2. Right now you could not even get a B-biscuit for him much less a full dinner .
  3. I would not give up any draft capital at this time , Our first rounder next year will probably be a top 10 pick , If we are to spend more cap space lets put it on a CB such as Gilmore . We need to see what we have on our young WR core and beef up our defense a little more .
  4. If you want to bring in a QB for competition why not bring back Corral who is now playing in the USFL . He is getting experience with former NFL players and knows the Panthers . He would not cost much and give us a possible backup QB .
  5. How do you feel about Morgan now . For a first time GM he is looking pretty good so far
  6. we need somebody to get the players healthy so we don't have all of the hamstring problems we keep having during the season !
  7. Do we keep Tabor as special teams coach or do we let him go for someone else ?
  8. Don't leave out the trades we made moving up for some of these guys and letting go of our vets (Moore, CMC,) and others . So bad
  9. Thanks for all the input . I don't post often but Cam just has a certain flair about him . Love him or hate him I got the feeling most would be fine with him in some role as a Panther . Maybe not team president but something else , We need something to give us some hope . Cam with always be a Panther and what better way than to bring him back as a spokesman and represent what we are as a team . Thanks for posting ! Keep pounding
  10. I just watched and interview with Cam Newton . He was asked what position he would like with the Panthers . He replied that he would like to be team president . Love him or hate him he is larger than life . He identifies what the Carolina Panthers mean to the fans . He would put all he has into bringing back the fans and the keep pounding identity of the players . How do you feel about this . Give me your thoughts . And keep pounding !
  11. Draft a true LT and move Ickey to LG . Draft the kid from NCSU at LB . Trade Burns for a 1st rnd pick and a player or another pick . Use the 1st round pick for BPA TE or WR . Fire our GM and scouts . Tell Tepper to shut up and let our new GM and coach do their job .
  12. Draft o-line and look at Sam Hartman in a late round . He is the qb at Notre Dame in a pro style system
  13. Draft o-line and look at Sam Hartman in a late round . He is the qb at Notre Dame in a pro style system
  14. Bring in the Bills head coach if he is fired and the gm (Beane) as well
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