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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. I first heard in a text from my brother and thought he was just messing with me. I ran to the huddle, saw this thread, and proceeded to feel the vomit.
  2. 6. We seem to have come out healthy
  3. Injury free game, that's all I'm looking for, everything after that is the icing.
  4. so, what do you think of Johnny Burrito?
  5. Remember Fiametta? Me either. I pull for anyone that can contribute on Sundays, but it seems like the FB spot with the RB's we have just might get squeezed out regardless. Numbers game.
  6. Saying "no weaknesses" is one thing, but having top-notch talent at every position is another.
  7. Muther fug this muther fugging app right in its no tweet showing ass
  8. About as valuable as Western Carolina weighing in on quantum physics.
  9. PJ should have got the messages with these off season additions. Now he's fugging up off the court again, he's gotta be on the thinnest of ice
  10. Cosmo says he's fat, but I ain't down with that
  11. Remember Primoz Brezec? Here we go again (I'm so pissed I have dramatic license).
  12. This same asshole that said on more than one occasion he doesn't want to play here.
  13. Fug this fugging, gahhh, I'm gonna puke
  14. Cho, own this moment you bald bitch
  15. Cmon Detroit, you know you want Stanley
  16. At the risk of putting my quirks out there: I can't stop on the 13 of my radio volume, nor can I set my car A/C temp to 66 degrees I can't stand stepping in something wet, especially in socks. It's literally the worst thing in my world. After a shower, I dry off completely before stepping out because I can't take it if the rug gets any water on it, then I step into it. I wear flip flops constantly indoors to avoid this from happening When I pull paper towels from a dispenser (such as public restroom) it has to be four Like Arroz said, my deodorant application is counted out and must be the same on both sides, typically 10 strokes (5 up, 5 down) I will no longer touch a door handle in a public restroom coming out. Either have a paper towel on my hand, or wait for someone to come in and slip out before the door closes My food cannot touch on the plate. If a separate bowl is needed for a side item, so be it I don't know how I've lived to 41 years to be honest.
  17. Class organization. Proud to be a fan since day one. Continued prayers to the victim's families.
  18. Every time you go away, you take a piece of meat with you.
  19. Class of 1992. I hate all you young'uns, but seriously, enjoy life - the easiest part is now over.
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