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Khaki Lackey

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About Khaki Lackey

  • Birthday 11/27/1971

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  1. Fox/Rivera/Wilks-ball yields you a .500 record. While an improvement over the current sh!tshow, I wish we would strive for better. The only time Foxball gets you to the playoffs is if your division sucks or you happen upon a worldbeater like Cam. We don't have that.
  2. These upbeat, positive types end up looking like total payasos in the midst of a dismal season. This board is going to turn on him in a hurry if we don't show some immediate improvement.
  3. Nicole obviously doesn't value route running. Maybe she sees it as a skill that can be taught by our staff. I just hope she got this one right.
  4. No way. I can just see the thing getting duped a thousand times and like, winding up on cable somewhere.
  5. We don't really know if our scouts suck. Reports suggest that our GMs have been ignoring them. Hell, we had a college coach calling the shots for a few years. One thing Fitterer said that was actually correct was that predictability of getting quality players dropped at a certain point. The higher the pick, the better the chances of getting a decent player.
  6. We should definitely trade into the first if any of the top long snappers fall.
  7. I think the roster as it stands now is about like it was last year when you factor in the additions and subtractions. Crappy draft = 4 wins. Excellent draft = 8 wins. Bryce is the same as last year = 2 wins or less.
  8. Did this guy have a pretty stellar preseason and was a head scratcher of a cut or am I thinking of someone else?
  9. So did Sam Darnold. We need to stop going that route
  10. Someone needs to tell the NFL that Justin Fields and Sam Howell are first ballot hall of famers. (according to carolinahuddle.com)
  11. Alrighty then. Rayzor has morphed into that iamhubby cat. I like it!!!!! However, if Bryce is total ass-cheeks again, this season is going to be very similar to last year.
  12. We’ve needed a route running technician for years. Hope this guy is it.
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