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Cpt slay a ho

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Everything posted by Cpt slay a ho

  1. Def a timing issue, if you actual paid attention to his TC with the pats he was making these passes in camp and preseason
  2. Naw not yet, let’s see him actually run a full game before we get to hasty. we’re already going to have to send a pick to trade darnold I’m assuming rather than eating that 19mil hit, but Cam starting the next couple seasons while pj is backup and we draft a potential replacement doesn’t sound like a bad idea
  3. I’ve been preaching this for seasons, the arm is fine, posters on here let media and our FO con them into thinking it’s toast, it’s been a lot of misinformation given out about Cam the last couple of seasons it’s a shame
  4. I know 2015 cam is the gold standard here but I hope we realize any version of cam that’s not the latter of 2018, or his 2016 year is enough to compete for a super bowl. gotta quit acting like if cam isn’t 2015 version he’s washed
  5. You also have the same group of posters who vehemently stated just keeping cam for his final year was the best decision, that or roll with Kyle for a full season and draft a qb, none included paying Teddy nor trading for and paying Sam Darnold. If it was clear to most of us, who have zero nfl experience, kinda worrisome the people who do, saw this as a solution
  6. Idk whomever it is in house responsible but the media misconception of all things involve is irresponsible, been trying to give his job up ever since Kyle Allen strung together some wins, there’s a lot that was piled on cam pre release and after that was just click bait material
  7. Gotta provide context, cam doesn’t lose the job if he’s vaxxed in the beginning cam lead all qbs in downfield completion percentage, although a short sample he still has the arm strength, as you see with the current pats team, they don’t really push the ball downfield I don’t understand how that’s a knock on him besides his vaxxed status, there’s a winless team in Detroit, a 1-8 team in the Texans and numerous other teams with troubles, if those clubs decide to go down in flames I don’t think that’s a indication of where cam is skill wise . just some context
  8. Better than signing him to a bigger ext after his first 4 games . this is the only thing I can be happy about unfortunately
  9. Hopefully, would be perfect to get cam some pt with Kyle out
  10. We have all the tools defensively to make it very hard for there offense, but can our offense put up a couple scores to get arz outside of there game plan? I think that is key, also can the defense get us a couple turnovers
  11. I pray this translate to a playoff berth for us, just feels to good to be true at times I’m lit , I’m no longer torn, I can root for my fav(current player) on my fav team LFG
  12. Reality is he’s going to have to get use to the system before I expect anything good to happen. good news he’s actually had a training camp and preseason, bad news is the tougher part of our schedule starts, doesn’t give him much room for error. if we can continue to lean heavily on the defense, our run game will have a boost with Cam, I’m assuming Brady knows how to utilize him in that aspect, we have the wrs to prevent teams from loading the box, in a perfect world this strategy gets us into the playoffs, and the next 2 years we can enjoy Cam until we can finally draft a proper replacement without Teddy and Sam’s cap hit on the books.
  13. I’m not with all the lying, really isn’t any reason to, the fact he did all the lying after he just signed a 7 year contract really irritated me. it’s whatever now, cam is back and we have a shot at the playoffs
  14. Mostly agree especially nowadays but cam did say a couple weeks ago he had some offers
  15. Apparently turned down offers from the Texans and Seattle, def understand why Seattle but smart for him waiting out and avoiding the Texans, we’re a better fit for obvious reasons but surprised he didn’t sign with them first chance
  16. We gotta quit acting like 2015 cam is the only cam that is good, I’ll take any version besides 2016 and of course the injured seasons.
  17. Cam should have enough in the tank to buy us time to truly find a replacement while the dead money for these other qbs falls off the books, this will allow us to stay competitive while fixing the o line, and cam is hella cheap for a qb, this is what I’m hoping the plan is and not some pr stunt
  18. Hope it ain’t a pr stunt, but about damn time LFG
  19. Dudes aren’t trying to seriously win, plenty of stop gap vet qbs on the market and maybe we’re available via trade before the deadline but we stuck with Sam, I hope this is the nail in the coffin for Rhule, doesn’t deserve to be in the nfl at this rate
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