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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. Are you sure about this? I'm not after all, Rhule and Tepper have things in common….sweating…dress like slobs….were short order cooks
  2. And what does that do the paying fanbase…,his 5th losing year over it
  3. Just heard on the nfl network that Colbert is expected to stay through the draft and then retire
  4. Out of all the candidates in the NFL, is this guy the best the Panthers can do? Really?
  5. Sadly, this is where I am. I wish I wasn’t
  6. I would say that you are optimistically assuming the damage done by Rhule this year in the draft, future draft picks and in cap space will not get worse and that Rhule will be gone in 2023 AND Tepper will hire competency candidly, after 4 years of Tepper, that’s a whole lot of optimism i hope you are right
  7. Yep. Of all the things that telegraphed doom, this was it it isn’t even a feasible hypothesis when the average player’s time in the nfl is three years. for the franchise I have supported from its inception, I now feel absolutely nothing nor do I feel those in charge are capable of fixing it so the team can at least look competent Tepper has taken a somewhat below average team and totally torpedoed it in four years that is the reality The win loss record does not lie nor is the answer on the roster or the coaching staff if the OC hire isn’t at least Pep Hamilton level, and that in and of itself isn’t much, count on five years for the Panthers to be relevant again. One more year of Rhule plus 3 years for the next group to fix what he leaves in his wake I don’t have that kinda time and money to throw away. Neither does Tepper he isn’t exactly young and he doesn’t look particularly healthy
  8. I Believe most fans are totally indifferent to the panthers now Rhule has sucked the life blood out of the fan base of course Rhule can always draft a LT and turn him into a guard to spice things up a bit
  9. It would be nice if Tepper would crawl out from his bunker and issue a statement before invoices are mailed next month As someone once said ‘no answer is an answer’
  10. Not sure what you are saying here….who will never be close to being a Panther? Rhule or Slater… regardless… No one wanted Rhule to fail, he just does It doesn’t help the franchise one bit or the players or the fans
  11. He threw shade at Slater who produced to a ball pro level, then he had to add in the ‘mobile QB ‘bullshit to justify his pick of horn instead of just saying ‘good for Rashawn we just felt that Horn could help us more ‘ i heard the press conference as well. He just can’t shut up. Even when the hosts kept saying ‘we don’t want to take up all your time with this question’ several times, he kept going and going and going he has very little situational awareness as he is a classic narcissist. His inference with Darnold is ‘I, alone, can fix him’ when it has been clear to 31 other teams that Darnold, under pressure, is not fixable He talks so much that every one knew what was happening with Teddy and therefore, the desire for a QB was out there for every other nfl team to know and teams just outsmarted him at every level quoting from the Godfather ‘never let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking again ‘ two things I don’t want Rhule doing 1 running a nfl team 2 playing poker, unless it’s at my table
  12. Actually, he did. I listened to all Of it. I particularly liked inferring he was an all pro because Herbert is ‘mobile’
  13. Rhule said today he ‘went that direction because when Rivera left everyone on the line moved on as well’ so he was ‘trying to field a team’
  14. Didn’t Reich call plays that lead to the Super bowl…meaning, groh didn’t and the two years he did post Super Bowl they were meh
  15. I believe he just made my decision to turn in my PSLs a lot easier
  16. Then Jesus is finally coming back peyton manning could quickly process and read a defense. Darnold cant. It really is that simple
  17. For the love of god, please don’t give me hope I’ll have to promise sweet baby Jesus things I cannot deliver
  18. Like the old saying, ‘how do you know he is lying, his lips are moving ‘ and that is how I feel about this disingenuous, demigod, sketchy weasel
  19. I did. Nothing. Name, email, PSL number, and phone number given nothing. Not even ‘thanks for submitting’
  20. He does look at the team store, the stadium entrances, the changes to the stadium including the good awful artificial turf as a panthers ticket owner, I’m constantly being solicited for something via emails or texts with cfc and I can’t stand soccer It’s pathetic it’s really starting to feel like, particularly with that sports performance center, that the panthers are a means to an end with his soccer dreams…almost like the nfl and the cte concerns have end the sport. still, Tepper’s not young and looks like ‘ a burger and fries’ away from the CCU
  21. Agree. Colbert is an exception in my opinion I would also say there is a reason Tepper hasn’t and that reason is he thinks he doesn’t need to or, perhaps, his relationship with Colbert isn’t great or Colbert isn’t interested I suspect it is the first reason and that is bad situation for people like me who pay to see the panthers play
  22. I understand we have a GM consultants sound great. Reality is something else. The IT field and the sports fields are littered with consultants is there one Nfl team that has won a division or championship because of a consultant? Mentors yes. Consultants, I don’t know of any the bottom line is Tepper should have known better from history if he is the fan he claims to be Common sense I had a failure in IT conversion as I tried to explain to the client that what they wanted to do was going to fail as the technology couldn’t support it I felt horrible about it. My VP saw how bad I felt and said ’stop feeling bad as you quote CANT HELP SOMEONE WHO THINKS THEY KNOW EVERYTHING’ IN A NUTSHELL, THAT IS THIS OWNER AND COACH
  23. If I recall, a consultant recommended gettleman to JR and the consultant was Ernie Arcasia (spelling) from the giants im not sure he needs a consultant as much as common sense
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