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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. Plenty would. Tepper is generous financially to who he fires there are two sides to this coin 1. From Tepper, Reich was given everything he asked for..and he did not produce..if he didn’t like the expectations and terms, don’t take the job look, I went to Maryland when Frank was there and Boomer as well, he knows this is a production league and game over game, there is zero improvement on what is his ‘specialty’. That, is not acceptable What will be different next year with these people and the answer is nothing 2. the flip side, is if there was a force on the Bryce pick or insertion into game planning. Again Reich is a grown ass man, in a tough guy’s sport, assert yourself. Everyone on this board has worked for a bully. Bitch slap back or leave. If he is fired, he’s set for the rest of his life frankly, I’m so sick of Frank looking like a whipped dog. Grow a freaking backbone
  2. I swear to god, he should be you dint play favorites…you play the best players regardless of contract
  3. I simply cannot believe Blackshear is inactive all he does is make positive yards on special teams and the offense and performs like he wants to be there miles sanders show (or not) today no doubt
  4. Offense looked a whole lot better in Seattle with Andy …just a fluke right …
  5. The problem is, even with the picks they chose to make that are still on the team, there were far, far better choices available they invariably chose the wrong player …and that is part if several reasons why they are the dumpster fire they are
  6. …and, they will still be undefeated at home Sunday pm and in other news, Levis will look better than Younh
  7. Great to watch teams that know how to play offense It’s refreshing it is also depressing know the Panthers have no speed, no scheme, no players that can play at this offensive level
  8. Don’t worry Jaycee horn will make his usual December entrance to save the day in a meaningless game to lower the draft position in the rds we still have
  9. It’s not an investment like the stock market it’s an investment in entertainment that is the NFL…that is supposed be the sport at its highest, though the current variation of the Panthers is an abomination That investment is a losing proposition if one takes into account, gas, hotel, food drink, in my case, time back and forth from Raleigh, vacation days for off day games…or being not able to sell them when I can’t be there…this is the first year that I cannot get them sold …but the profit is in the eye of the beholder…or the experience of the beholder i have no regrets at my time spent before Tepper…I have a lot of regrets renewing in2020… however, meeting the various players from those years then. spending a few hrs with Cam, the thrill of making two Superbowls…see the greatest of players of all teams, priceless as was the time at the stadium with my friends the bottom line is buyer beware…as with life, nothing stays the same having to say good bye to them now is necessary as I’m not big on watching millionaire coaches and players and a narcissistic owner, ruin this franchise and pay to see it. I knew they would have down years but this has reached pitiable levels and that, I will not pay for as its self inflicted
  10. He came back way too soon for a losing team and shitty staff i would have said, ‘nah man, I’m good here’ instead, he might be done for his career and for what what will the Panthers do, draft poo ass WRs in the second rd instead of drafting Oline and dline Throughout the draft. It’s the most Panthers thing to do they better sit their number 1 draft choice or I don’t fancy his chances of survival
  11. Those times are long long gone it was ‘Good Cam’ or ‘Bad Cam’ but it was always Cam and I loved him These days, moral victories and participation trophies for getting a touchdown
  12. Sad on all fronts as long as he had luck, things went better, then again, luck got the hell beat out of him too In the nfl, nice, collaborative guys finish last. Alpha males with a clear vision is what is required. A lot of people think Andy Reid is a nice guy, he is, but as HC, there is no doubt who is in charge
  13. Makes you why they don’t roll hi. Out or go max protect or even two backs in backfired one thing is certain, when they empty backfield is shown, Bryce is going down Simple and plain. Plain and simple
  14. It is valid …but, pretending he is not part of the issue is also not valid. when plays are there to be made, can be made, should be made, he seldom makes them Several of those plays were there yesterday. He failed. His physical limitations are on full display in the NFL and he exerts zero pressure on the defense with his arms. Legs, or sadly, his mind. I’m sad to say, this guy is not it…I wish, as a PSL holder that was not so but it is…he has made not one play that looks like a worthy, top 10 nfl draft pick. He does not belong…now, not his fault he was drafted where he was or other issues but the fact is he does nothing, when he has the opportunity, to make anyone believe he belongs being bad occasionally is one thing, as is being inexperienced, and being injured is another thing, but his performance is utterly hopeless regardless Bottom line, if everything around him is as bad as is said, then sit him until the issues around him improve, if that’s next year, fine, otherwise his shortcomings only are exacerbated and no one is going to see anything other than a QB whose best asset is being a weapon for the opposing team. His own teammates will also stop listening if they haven’t already.
  15. Thanks .…no, not on a payment plan I have great seats, 35 yard line Panthers side under an overhang…I’ve seen greatness in those seats…great times with friends I never thought I would fully give them up, even with my unexpected move this year to the West Coast …that was then and I positively despise Tepper for ruining this franchise. I’ve sadly accepted that it will be years before they are even watchable and as he has little concern for my misery, I have to move on. nothing lasts forever.
  16. Yep as bill Parcells said when asked about the small statue and BY in the NFL Quote, He better walk on water’ i sure ain’t seen no ‘water walking’
  17. OMG. I’m dying laughing here is it poor taste, of course….but it can also be sickly true
  18. Hmmm. It’s usually a 4, 6, 8 year agreement. For that you get a set price for those years. are you saying you walked away from that agreement, not owing the term….just trying to understand the methodology. You can message me on the board too Not trying to grill you in here. I have 2 seats at club level that I want gone next year
  19. When you say ‘gave them up’, was your contract up and didn’t renew, did you sell them? I want to do the same but I have the 2024 year remaining…23 years ending for me…had enough.
  20. Unfortunately, My feeling is he hedged his bets and brought in two up and coming coordinators so if Frank imploded, viola, there is the replacement INMHO The GM and scouts need to go The failed draft classes, the trading of assets, the gambling on the smallest (not sure if Flute was a tad smaller) qb to play, not addressing the lines Bungled free agents. The list is long point being he may keep the DC and Fitterer Vs cleaning house and that, would be a catastrophe who knows though poo show in any case
  21. I never tried to pin all of it on young. Far from it but I also am under no illusion that he is ever going to be what was hoped for in the nfl
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