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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. What if, the medical and epidemiologists simply now more than then and there are more possible therapies ie assisting breathing by placing on stomach, some steroid use, remdasvir (sp) using a different type of oxygenation than a ventilator you are making quite a leap on herd mentality when that has not been proven yet with this virus Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn’t
  2. I am aware of it and my opinion on that is if a GM thinks enough of a player to use it and apply it, then that GM lives with it. There other categories that could have been used. this move cost a lot more than just Norman himself. The Panther GM caused a loss of depth that he could have used. That the team could have used. its water over the bridge now. Well over it he is the NFL Executive of the year I expect more frankly. Maybe that's the issue for me. I expect with his experience to handle it to benefit the Panthers and I really struggle with losing an all pro and drafting three players in a position that as he himself says, doesn't matter much in the Panthers scheme
  3. Last year is over. Glad for the wins some could have gone another way a year is a lifetime in the young man's game of pro football Rosters have to turn over frequently we all know this both the Falcons and broncos gave the blueprint on the panthers and also the inability of the panthers' OC to do a quicker offensive play selection to neutralize that rush either we don't have it or we can't execute it I seem to recall gettleman saying cornerback isn't that important in our scheme. Th e front seven is...quite an epiphany to draft 3 corners don't you think just my opinion not arguing with anyone there were players there to make numerous positions better instead we got nothing this year for Norman we focused on one position group to the extreme and stayed pat with positions that needed an upgrade i really feel that Super Bowl should have been a wake up call on the coaching staff and some players instead it's the 'so glad to have been there ' platitudes Will kelvin make difference maybe Stewart another year older as is Khalil dont get it I'm not paid to get it just my observation i just pay to watch them play
  4. Great. But that is next year compensatory
  5. I dont really care who he drafted or what position they are or how they are ranked by some sports reporter Four questions worth asking 1. How does a GM let an All Pro walk and get nothing? Nada. Zero. Zip an additional second or third round pick could have made a lot of difference this year 2. How did anything done during this draft make the Panthers one bit better against premier defenses Seems to me the defensive backfield wasn't the reason for that super bowl loss or the beating Newton took from Atlanta Speed against slow tackles, kills 3. Aging and injury prone RB with third stringers behind them and an aging center in constract year 4 edge rushers If he finds a replacement for Norman, good for him but giving away an All Pro and getting nothing for it, not smart and then the ancillary impact of wasting not two but three draft picks to fill the void. This offense needs upgrades. Gettlemen would do well to consider Newton's replacement in two years as his body can't take the beating he is getting
  6. Two things I have observed over the years of watching pro football 1. It is a young man's game for the most part 2 sentimentality doesn't win games
  7. actually, PSL holder for 15 years and you? frankly posting your employment information in this forum is a testament to your educational level and your work ethic
  8. big talk from an anonymous poster I bet your parents still pay your bills don't they
  9. My feelings are truly hurt that,in your opinion, I am not a true fan Your opinion truly matters to me.
  10. Doug Martin sure does like to run up the middle on delayed handoffs hope people ca hold their la Es or he will have a field day. WRs are no joke either and Winston has improved as we saw last week, any given Sunday. Team best not half ass it again this week hopefully being home will help them, if nothing else does.
  11. If this team is to win its one Newton. Some of you think his is the 2013 defense. It is not.
  12. Did they score on those little short passes did they hold the ball for 10 mins teams have learned how to score on this defense. Get used to it
  13. I said this defense had lost its teeth two days ago and two posters on here basically said I was...what was the term laughable. Enjoy
  14. The media does that for the Seahawks all the time they beat a debilitated Ravens team led by that juggernaut Jimmy Claussen and they beat Cleveland...wow...that Russell Wilson is on fire.
  15. Our defense is really disappointing. 4 td lead and Newton has to play. They should be ashamed
  16. How does Cam get up. I still can't believe people on here were dogging him. Probably best player in the eagle and people on here bitching. Want to see what the Panthers really are? Let him be out for these next few games
  17. Time for that defense to tighten up. Get busy with it and lay wood to Eli
  18. I still can't believe the posters on this board who thought this would be a blow out that is a very proud franchise in NY
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