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Everything posted by Ocpanthertew714

  1. Kyle Allen to start for Texans this week. I guess they've seen of enough of Davis Mills Texans are definitely going qb
  2. Honestly I'll take Stroud or Young. At the very least, they bring hope to this organization.
  3. I was surprised by the bathrooms. Looked freshly remodeled. Even had a marble-walled shower in them.
  4. Apparently just chilling at a gas station in the middle of bum fug nowhere california. So took a road trip from Nor Cal to So Cal for the holiday. Stopped at a gas station outside of Tejon, CA. Never heard of Tejon? It's one of those cities that survive off of over-priced gas in the middle of nowhere. Anyways, this gas station had a decent amount of Panthers merch. They were selling Panther's hats, beanies, neck pillows, and mugs. This is a wood craft statue of sir purr as you can see. Loved it! I almost bought it, but maybe on the way back home. Not a bad piece for 40 dollars. Also, was thinking what wholesaler bamboozled this gas station into thinking that Panther's merch would be hot ticket item out here? Whoever did, probably sold used cars in a former life. I don't feel too bad for them though, I paid 7.19 a gallon. Fuggin high way robbery. At end of the day, I guess I was the one that was bamboozled
  5. Cmc looks a lot better in a Panther uniform.
  6. Jeezus! that's a stacked team. I assume this is a humble brag of yours
  7. Yeah...heard the AD of Nebraska's head is filled with corn. Definitely would buy into and completely fall head over heals for the DBO theory.
  8. Suppose to talk about his experience in Carolina.....Should be good
  9. Just tuned in What's been the narrative of today's game??
  10. Not a fan of the idea. I like getting a young offensive minded guru. If any new oc has success here (assuming we draft a qb) he will be good as gone. Getting an offensive minded guru hc alleviates the possibility of our oc leaving because he created positive change with a rookie qb. Of course this is all under the assumption our oc finds success with a new qb and Wilks gets the full time gig
  11. But seriously, Fug stanford fug em hard GO CAL GOLDEN BEARS!!!
  13. triggered much? There is no hate from my six word sentence.
  14. I agree. But the fan in me kinda wishes that I got to see his razzle dazzle qb play in a Panther's uniform. Will that amount to a ring? Who knows? Too early to tell. But I'm happy that we got our stud cb for years to come!
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