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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. We hate the taints. Payton said earlier the Saints would win by 10. Suck it weasel.....
  2. Why would Wilkes be another Rivera. Both Fox and Rivera were coordinators with no head coach experience at any level. Wilkes is proven he can get the maximum out of what he has. I think if he wins this week it is an indication the players are playing for Wilkes. They all want to go out on a good note and put up film. What happens after that they don't have much control over. If we lose I think it hurts Wilkes chances. Everyone knows it..
  3. After a deeper dive I want to modify my earlier thoughts. What the data shows to me is that interim coaches dont win that much. And that there is not a correlation between interim record and later success Not many interim coaches turned around a team and if they did the future results were mixed. Likewise a few of the successful coaches later on had a poor interim record. So overall interim coaches win at around a .47 win rate in the future. Not great. What if we hire a rookie head coach versus hiring a previous head coach like Harbaugh? This article only covers year 1 and not subsequent years but this suggests that hiring a rookie coach or a veteran with a new team results in a winning percentage of .45 that year. And that rookie head coaches have a slightly lower win percentage but are 41% more likely to guide them in the playoffs in their rookie year. Again there seems to be feast and famine https://www.the33rdteam.com/category/breakdowns/deep-dive-evaluating-success-rate-for-first-year-head-coaches/ One conclusion is that it takes time to turn around a team and whoever the coach is will be lucky to get us to 8-8. And data on new hires is a mixed bag and not very definitive. Someone may have more data about subsequent years winning rate for retreads versus new coaches. I suspect it is situation specific with limited generalizability (if that is a word).
  4. Our offense has been picking up steam as Darnold figures out everything. Truth is that McAdoo has done a great job with him. He has been giving Sam more control as Sam has mastered things. I think Darnold sitting and watching has done a lot for him. Let's see how he finishes against the Saints. He is playing for a contract somewhere. And this is the last opportunity to capture something on film this season and make a positive impression.
  5. Thinking that they could just resume the game or that they would move heaven and earth with the schedule to accommodate this one game. The difference it makes in the standings is minimal and players and coaches won't complain about how it is decided. I am sure the players and coaches involved had a lot to say about what happened and were why the game was cancelled.
  6. You got to remember they already sucked so that is not news. And most of those interim coaches were not at 500 or better post interim so why would they do better moving forward. But if you actually look at the chart you can see that interim coaches who were able to turn things around did better because obviously they were better coaches to begin with.
  7. So what I got out of the chart was that if your team sucked and your interim coach couldn't turn them around, they weren't going to do it as a head coach. But in cases similar to Wilkes,where if we win Sunday he is 6-6, interim coaches who turned the team around and finished closer to 500 or better fared much better in the future. Not surprising at all. And yes there were exceptions to that as well.
  8. But to the coaches and players in context with everything else suggests management was giving up on this year and looking to the future which sure looked like talking to them.
  9. Didn't you read how they are working it out? You seem to making it up as you go along.
  10. Yeah because the Bills have never come back from a 4 point deficit this year. That would never even be considered by anyone but Cincy fans.
  11. I told you it was going to either be declared a tie or cancelled. It was cancelled. Here us how they are proceeding. https://apnews.com/article/kansas-city-chiefs-buffalo-bills-cincinnati-bengals-sports-nfl-football-0aaf8589e7bc364a6625b19eb48f3233
  12. You can say the same thing when Allen gets hurt in Buffalo I suspect. I haven't seen the numbers but from games I have watched it is clear that Allen can do things most QBs can not. Makes me want to pick the next Josh Allen to develop for a year or so. Some have said that guy is Levis. I don't know....
  13. This is a rare incident which happens when there is blunt force trauma to the heart at a particular time during the heart beat. It is called commotio cortis and happens in many sports. I heard of a guy who died from a home made potato gun which blew back against his chest and his heart stopped. https://www.sportsmedtoday.com/commotio-cordis-va-88.htm#:~:text=This rare cause of the,from any type of blow.
  14. Not going to go back and forth with insults. Apparently you are much more accomplished at that area and I like adult conversations. Hard to have one with you.
  15. This is what I could find. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/jan/13/jim-harbaugh-nfl-comeback-rumors
  16. I have read he is fed up with the recent changes in the college game and wants to return to the nfl. The money and how much control he gets aren't the major issues.
  17. One person largely forgotten is Tee Higgins, the Bengal receiver Hamlin tackled. He is getting criticism from some circles and is apparently wracked with guilt. I have read he hasn't left the hospital since the accident happened.
  18. He is young and will have lots of chances. There is a log jam that will get sorted out. It is possible that his off field behavior puts him behind other guys with no red flags.
  19. No you don't. This is one of thos rare times when just playing the game again cause way too many issues than it solves. What will the tie actually change in the standings??? Whether you declare a tie or just cancel it the result is the same if you use winning percentage which is being seriously discussed.
  20. Or maybe you are guilty of what you are accusing me. Just because you have no clue never stops you from acting like you do. Only thing is, apparently what you don't know it is readily apparent to the rest of us. Doesn't even slow you down though.
  21. Some folks in the locker room might disagree given McCaffrey was 70% of our offense at the time.
  22. I wonder how much of Burns play is influenced by the defensive line coaches he has had. I thought he made some strides this year. Even saw a bullrush and using his hands instead of a big bend to the outside on every play. I suspect with better coaching he could get much better.
  23. The only way to do it is to make it a tie or just don't count it. No other team or player are going to call you out for not finishing the game.
  24. I guess everyone has some damn fool ideas. As long as they don't force them on others it isn't harmful. Should make another great discussion at his interview.
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