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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. The Texans have been a what? organization for a while now. If I am Bryce Young or CJ Stroud, I might regret being drafted by them.
  2. Its not good, but it's not that bad. Dallas seems to be doing its usual January disappearance act. The missus must not be happy.
  3. Washington really needs to get rid of the yellow gloves. They look to much like penalty flags.
  4. With Rhule coaching, it wouldn't have mattered if it was a Brady, Mahomes, Allen competition.
  5. We almost became a playoff team with a average or below average qb and a decent head coach. Truth be told, if Horn plays last week and today, we might actually be a playoff team.
  6. Yeah, way too much being made of it. I generally ignore the tank crowd anyway. To be honest, I am not sure I would want either of the top two qb's in this years draft. Young is small. He looks great when he is playing on an offense surrounded by five star recruits, but when the talent is more evenly distributed, he might not last long. Stroud is interesting, but still a 1 in 3 at best chance he becomes a successful NFL qb. But if we move up and get one, then I will hope for the best.
  7. Yeah, this really looked like 70's football. Three yards and a cloud of dust. lol I think these last two games answered a couple of questions. Darnold is likely to get a job as a backup somewhere. And Wilks is probably not going to be our head coach.
  8. We also let them win. They are just better at letting us win than we are at letting them win.
  9. Both teams played like crap. Both were unmotivated. But there is no reason for the Aint's to intentionally lose. They just sucked worse than we did.
  10. Bad teams find a way to lose. Both teams trying hard to find a way.
  11. Unless its a coach that has won a SB or two, complete control should always be off the table. It rarely works out well.
  12. Maybe it's because I watched him struggle for years at Wake while the coaches that followed him have done fairly well there, but I don't really want Caldwell. I would be ok with Reich.
  13. Raiders owner is complaining about opposing fans filling up his stadium. Perhaps if you stayed in Oakland, built your own stadium, you would have your loyal fanbase. Oh and perhaps not hire Josh Mcdaniel.
  14. Or Heinke thought that it would be better for his career if he stayed out of the Hornets Nest/Spotlight that is Washington Football right now. Taylor has a decent career ahead as a backup qb. No reason for him not to let Howell be the focus of Washington media attention.
  15. This If Tom Brady had protested, he would still be in the NFL playing somewhere. If Will Grier protested, he would not be in the NFL.
  16. When a terrible and shocking event occurs, rumors and accusations fly. Someone says something offhand, and it builds and spreads like wildfire. It will take several days before the truth or at least part of it, comes out. And even then, some won't believe it.
  17. I am fine with the NFL waiting 30-45 minutes to make the official call. As long as they eventually make the correct call. As far as the league telling players they have five minutes, I want to see some proof that was said and that it came from the league. If there is some, then someone deserves to get called out. But until that proof is forthcoming, it's just the usual misinformation that occurs in an emergency situation.
  18. Some might. If they do, I don't blame them. Fwiw though, I don't remember anyone retiring when Darryl Stingley suffered an injury that left him in a wheelchair, but times are different now.
  19. I bet Tee Higgins feels especially bad right now. He apparently did nothing wrong, but even being involved in something like that could be a very traumatic experience.
  20. Interesting comment about fans showing up at the hospital. I commend the interest, but given what is normally going on at hospitals, I hope they know enough to stay out of the way of the people doing their job.
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