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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. Agreed. I will say that the possibility exist that a ref could be influenced by gamblers. It has happened in the past, and could happen in the future. Maybe even two could be influenced. But this was just another game with some questionable calls. Nothing else to it.
  2. If the NFL was rigged, Steelers and Cowboys wouldn't have the Super Bowl drought that they do. They are the two most popular franchises and would get the highest ratings.
  3. You are talking to a guy who thinks that Duke and UNC get all the calls. But in the end ref's are human. They make mistakes, and I do think on occasion that they get influenced by the crowd, or other factors. And in the case you are referring to, they screwed up. They admitted they screwed up. They are probably going to get ripped by the NFL for it. But to suspect that there is some ulterior or on the take over that call or the others is baseless.
  4. You guys are amusing with this tinfoil hat crap. I look over it when we are playing, figure its just fans taking things hard. But when its two random teams? Wow. NFL doesn't give a crap who wins. They make a boat load of money off of either team. The ref's didn't cheat the Bengals. They didn't score when they had the chance. Most of the penalty calls were legit, but there were a few that were questionable. Always are.
  5. Both feet out of bounds, better not touch the runner. Well, all up to Butker now. Makes it. KC wins.
  6. I don't really care who wins, but at least its a close and entertaining game.
  7. It wasn't sketchy at all. It was CLEARLY grounding, and the grounding calls often come late. The officials got it right.
  8. That was horrible defense. Did phil snow take over as Chiefs DC?
  9. Its insane that people think the NFL head honchos actually give a crap which of these teams win. The NFL doesn't give a shi&$^% who is in the game. They are going to make a boatload of money regardless. And both Burrow and Mahomes have a lot of star power. What the NFL really wants is for this game to go to overtime. They don't care who wins.
  10. Weak holding call. NFL must really want the Bengals in the Super Bowl.
  11. Scotch sucks. Give me a good Bourbon any day.
  12. Not just the playoffs, but the entire season. That being said, its a big difference coming back with Lawrence or Cousins than a dinged-up Purdy and the other guy.
  13. Uncharacteristic, and despite the comments from some here, very obvious for the most part.
  14. Forty Whiners committing to many bad penalties on this drive.
  15. By that definition, Cam was never franchise qb. He threw off the wrong foot a lot. IMO, a franchise qb is a guy who can consistently score points for several years. By that definition, Hurts has the potential to be not just a franchise qb, but an elite qb.
  16. This is why I never watch any of those shows. I watch the games, read an occasional article, along with a few things here, and that is about it.
  17. The Jury is still out on Fields, but the Bears would be insane to dump him at this point, especially if the plan is to draft Young. Better off trading the pick for more picks, stock up on talent, and give fields another year or two.
  18. Sucks and those who do it deserve prison, but I still wonder if crappy stuff like this has always happened but just get a lot more exposure due to social media
  19. Fwiw, there are a couple the could have drafted, Jalen hurts and Lamar Jackson. Had they done so, Reich might still be a Colt. Of course, that is hindsight. But sometimes it pays to take a chance on those lesser regarded QBs
  20. If the guy we draft is the next Pat Mahomes or Joe Burrow, it would be worth it. But of course, that's a big if.
  21. Finding the right QB is as much luck as it is skill. If he didn't get Brady wit a 6th round pick, odds are that most of us wouldn't know who Bill B is.
  22. Reality is that the vast majority of NFL coaching hires don't win the big game. But Reich's experience and somewhat decent previous results give him a better chance than most, if he gets the right group of players
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