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Everything posted by Coheed

  1. I’ll take the hometown stud LT prospect that grew up a fan of the team over the sexual predator, easily.
  2. Not to mention someone that was born in the home city of the team and grew up a FAN. Dude was in the stands for our 15 NFC Ship vs the Cards. Absolutely crazy to me. Couldn't love the pick more
  3. Would gladly take him over a rapist anyday.
  4. Would love to see us go after Baker
  5. Hell yeah. Eager to see the numbers after those Kirk and Davante Adams contracts tho.....
  6. Gotta be honest Zod, reading you pine after him on Twitter and the huddle throughout this saga only to watch you immediately flip to “it was for the best” and “spared the soul” of the team and having no problem calling him a serial sexual assaulter only after we were out of the sweepstakes….not sure what to make of that, man.
  7. Funnily enough I think it's the best thing Rhule has ever done, or will ever do, for the team.
  8. If Rhule is what kept Watson from going w us it’ll be the best thing Rhule has ever done for this team.
  9. Thank fudging god. Looking forward watching him get driven into the turf twice a year.
  10. We are literally the only team whos had an offer on the table, been interested from the get go, and hasn't had to make any roster/cap moves to accommodate him. Beyond that- he actually REACHED OUT to ATL after meeting with us, a divisional rival and his childhood team growing up. If he wanted to be here the decision would've been made days ago. He's hedging his bets and we're his last resort. I think that much is pretty obvious
  11. I've followed it from the get go and was completely for trading the farm for him before the allegations came out. Don't sit here and act like our organization is some bastion of honesty, you and I both know its a complete poo show and has been for years. Try having "a little perspective".
  12. Even removing the ethics from the equation, I just can't get behind trading the farm for a dude who 1. Doesn't want to be here 2. Has already shown he has no problem forcing his way off a team 3. Will in all likelihood be a 3 year rental Imagine us trading the farm and him leaving for ATL in 3 years. I could absolutely see it.
  13. The dude is forcing his way off of a team in the middle of a contract extension he ALREADY signed, you honestly think he's gonna ride it out here for a decade? Absolutely no way.
  14. It’s obvious at this point Carolina isn’t his first choice. Bold of you to assume he doesn’t walk in FA in three years if we were to trade for him i hope the saints or falcons land him. Some people may be cool being the last resort option of a likely predator but I’m good.
  15. this may be news to you, but just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they're a troll.
  16. This is the only account I’ve ever had or used since signing up in 2008, but go off lmao
  17. The more teams that get involved the more excited I get about the prospect of never seeing him in black and Carolina blue.
  18. Would love to see him in the Saints so We could watch Burns light his ass up twice a year.
  19. Well, I was three years old when that happened and had no concept of competitive sports or object permanence for that matter, good try tho.
  20. A fan of the team doesn't make me a fan of the league. Keep working on those mental gymnastics.
  21. I really could not give less a poo about what you or anyone else thinks. It's a Panthers forum, about the Panthers, for Panthers fans, so yeah I'm gonna throw my two cents out as a longtime and loyal fan. You can deal, or if you *really dont care that much* just ignore the post
  22. I want the team to win, but not enough to cheer for a serial sexual assaulter (or at the very least, someone I can't in good confidence say ISN'T a serial SA). I've been a lurker/member of this board for 15 years, and have watched *every* minute of every game since I was a fan, every draft pick, every practice recap, etc. I'm about as hardcore of a Panthers fan as they come, and I'll be far from the only one to walk from the team if we trade for Watson.
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