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La Pantera

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Everything posted by La Pantera

  1. She did a real disservice to real victims. Likely brought into question the motives of the women involved.
  2. The Grandjury will not determine, guilt or innocence. Its only there to determine of he's to be charged. IF they charge, it could very well could take a year or more to go to trail(well after he's been traded).
  3. If he's charged, he likely goes on the exempt list. And who knows how long it'll take to get to trial. Or the outcome.
  4. If you were trading for either, you're only actually retaining them both for 3-4 years. That's it. Anything past that isn't given. In that situation, the guy who actually has accomplished something in the NFL,is more valuable. Even if he's older.
  5. All the draft picks are one thing. If you give up the pick and all those players, it'll take several years to actually build a team around Watson. And he'll likely be up for a new contract around the same time. Like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Again. In what world is Watson worth more than Wilson!?
  6. I wouldn't imagine the iggles or giants are 100% sold on their starters either
  7. I mean, she wasn't fuggin him for his boyish charm and good looks.
  8. Wilks was one the best secondary coaches around, back when.
  9. Evaluation and coaching issues. And its really obvious. BC has no business being anywhere on the line other than LT. He either starts at LT or he's the back up. His technique just doesn't translate to G. If the staff would seen this sooner, they could've/should've started him at LT earlier.
  10. Shouldn't have let it get to OT. BUT... College ot> NFL ot
  11. Slater was not a LT on our board. He was a guard. Doesn't matter if he was an awesome rookie LT. The team didn't see him that way ...
  12. You'd have to convince him the Panthers are immediate contenders. We're not (due to incompetent coaching). So you can't./dream
  13. Rather draft Pickett at 6, then send 9ers #6 for jimmy g. Average QB with an awesome HC.
  14. When your Defensive scheme is built like ours currently is, it won't matter. We're a speed D team. We are light in the ass up front because they choose to be. They're prioritizing sacks over stopping the run. When a team lined up and punched us in the mouth we didn't adapt by using our bigger DEs. Just kept on with the same game plan.
  15. We'd get beat in the run game like normal. It wouldn't move the needle in the W/L column.
  16. Idk if anyone actually read what he actually said. He didn't like Sam at pick 3. Because of his mechanics, but that he'd be a good QB. He also said Rosen was the most pro ready in the draft.
  17. Its just my opinion, but I don't think his game transitions to the pros. Always have to wonder about bama QBs. Especially one built like a stick.
  18. Coming up with plays and knowing situational football are two different things. Doesn't matter how good the plays are if you use the wrong play at the wrong time...
  19. I'll probably be poo'd, but Young is waaay overrated IMO.
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