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Ivan The Awesome

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Everything posted by Ivan The Awesome

  1. " Shaq may actually fit the precise archetype of the Big Nickel joker safety, the role we'd hoped Haruki Nakamura would take on a few years ago before he pooped all over our hopes for the 2012 campaign.", that had me laughing so hard.
  2. Congratulations on graduating. I did the super Cam pose in an interview. Got the job on the spot.
  3. Bersin is essentially Cotchery. Cotchery brings experience though. Tough call.
  4. In some other boards I went to. "Senior" members were the only ones allowed to use sigs. You'd have to have a certain time on the boards in order to use sigs. I propose 'All-Pro's' to have that perk first.
  5. ​That's what I'd like to know. There were plenty of us that had cool sigs that weren't just 'tits and ass'.
  6. Can't wait to go back 'home'.

  7. Scp blog. Landed Chicago // took a dump in airport //go Panthers
  8. I'm seriously rooting for Damiere Byrd. Not a cocks fan but i like the potential in him and Corey Brown being the speed for this team.
  9. Bersin Making this roster bothers me a bit.. Don't know about him.
  10. But the pie tho!!! where's the pie man!!
  11. MVP type season doesn't mean he wins the MVP award. Just making that clear.
  12. Will it be because of him being 100% healthy? Will it be because the front office finally got him the weapons he needs? Will it be because he finally has a competent offensive line? Or will it be because the light finally came on for him and his swag is to the moon?
  13. Anyone have a source about the Panthers dining La'el?
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