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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. @TheSpecialJuan the pot calling the kettle black
  2. @Verge Out of curiosity, what do you do for a living?
  3. really rooting for Cam. will always be a huge fan
  4. imo either get our franchise QB this year, or just play teddy. i don't want to be half way good and be out of range yo get a guy next year.
  5. im ok if we roll with teddy if we dont find our guy this year, suck again and get our guy next year
  6. no i dont disagree. a pile of sshit could always be smellier, stickier, and with more mass.
  7. In the end I don't care what you neck beard and side tit fold dudes say We can do better than Mitch and I know the Panthers front office agrees and they will get us a legit QB one way or another.
  8. No yall need to GTFO with your UNC bias He's ASS
  9. tbh thank god for the rookie pay scale that was getting out of hand very quickly
  10. started lurking in 2008 started contributing to boost my fractured self esteem at the time. edit: with this account in 2011
  11. fan of neither team two turds battling it out for top turd. gtfo with this sshit
  12. how about we get a back up QB that can actually perform when called upon let a coach coach
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