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Everything posted by L-TownCat

  1. Enjoy our city. Hope you’ll enjoy the game a little less, but I don’t disagree with your assessment. 2 young teams looking at a fresh start. I just hope it resembles football. Both squads are guilty of forgetting what it looks like.
  2. The Jets have trended down since ol’ butt fumble came crashing back to Earth. They always seem to have a new GM/Coach/QB combo. To think they are any different is to ignore all current data and go with your fee-fees. The Panthers on the other hand are trending up. Talented roster, young Coach, GM NOT named Hurney. That’s progress folks. The Jets stink, but we love to stink just like our opponents. We love making Rookie and Back up QBs alike, look as if the name on their jersey was Montana. Heres to not having a Got Damned Clue going into week 1! It’s how we roll.
  3. Yeah. This is it. Maybe only a week or 2 but, yeah. It will take injuries and pure necessity to get the right 5 out there. Been that way for years. The more things change the more they stay they same. and for the "they're rookies!" crowd, our whole damn team is rookies and 2nd year guys. Argument invalid.
  4. Very few teams jettison their HOF QB and just march to the playoffs the following year.
  5. Does he work for the bleacher report? That was trash. Wishful thinking, homer glasses, fan fiction. What dafuq was that?
  6. Its one of the most apt depictions of our franchise Ive seen.
  7. IMO it’s the only reason he was kept.
  8. He should have 3500-4500yds. 20-25 TDs 8-12 INTs 60-70% comp% 6-12 wins (Boom or Bust)
  9. After a couple decades of 1 and done drafts, this is strange and foreign to me. You’re telling me, we could have added more than 1 rookie at a time? I don’t know sounds like a bunch of hooey, a fad, like this spider net or web world or whatever the kids are playing checkers on these days. Slackers.
  10. I believe it’s referred to as “dontis-takeis-draftus-pickus” latin. Not very painful or serious but will require a year to recover.
  11. Swan song for him, red shirt year for Fletch. Win/Win
  12. Suspending my opinions and beliefs for a moment, the league has made it clear that if you can’t field a team due to COVID the game is forfeit. Im no rocket surgeon, but coach’s will go to extraordinary lengths to remove variables. This should shock no one.
  13. I hate that sumbitch, Hurney. A white hot seething hatred reserved for despots and war criminals, committers of atrocities and the Saints. Im no badass but I’d give him the stiff shoulder if we passed in the street.
  14. I imagine that players drafted by Hurney outside of the first round, smell like they’re hiding a Subway sandwich somewhere on their person.
  15. Hand to God, this was the first time I laughed to tears.
  16. That clip of Jake giving him the business always shows up in montages.
  17. Yeah but he had to tackle Moose in the Super Bowl with a broken arm. That still makes me smile.
  18. We’re at 72 and need to drop 18(+Bouye). Ive gone over it several times. I can get 16, but those last 2 are tricky. Seems like 53 just isn’t enough. Either we lose a good player or we run light on 1 or 2 position groups. Tough decisions.
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