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Game Of Thrones Grown Up Talk. Do Not Enter Unless You Have Finished All The Books


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The Horn of Winter, Ice Dragons, Jon Snow's Valyrian blood, The Wall collapsing, all that is going to play out in the far north.  The White Walkers are more than they seem, they are intelligent, have their own language, and may not be the bad guys after all.


If there is a grand northern conspiracy it is being orchestrated by the Bloodraven



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Interesting thoughts on the ice dragon and Snow.

I think the key piece that knows what is going on is Howland Reed. I read an interesting theory the other day that Reed is actually the High Sparrow/Septon.


On the Mel prophecy:



     “What do you see, my lady?” the boy asked, softly.


     Skulls. A thousand skulls, and the bastard boy again. Jon Snow.
Whenever she was asked what she saw within her fires, Melisandre would answer, “Much and more,” but seeing was never as simple as those words suggested. It was an art, and like all arts it demanded mastery, discipline, study.
Pain. That too.
R’hllor spoke to his chosen ones through blessed fire, in a language of ash and cinder and twisting flame that only a god could truly grasp. Melisandre had practiced her art for years beyond count, and she had paid the price. There was no one, even in her order, who had her skill at seeing the secrets half-revealed and halfconcealed within the sacred flames.


      Yet now she could not even seem to find her king.
I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R’hllor shows me only Snow.
“Devan,” she called, “a drink.” Her throat was raw and parched.


Skulls. Thousands of skulls. And Jon Snow.

This could very well be an interpretation that JS represents the polar opposite to Mel's cause and Lord's champion.

I've read theories that Mel knew this, and actually used the NW soldiers to kill Snow. They were crying and confused because they weren't the ones controlling their bodies.

This could mean he's in fact deader than Ned, or that Mel's actually made things worse for her cause by unleashing the power conduit that would be Jon's blood onto the wall. Remember how Dany woke her dragons? Blood magic and fire. Jon could wake his with magic and ice.

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Read the GRRM children's book "The Ice Dragon". I am pretty sure that Adara is a White Walker. She is only comfortable in the cold. Her skin is light blue and cold to the touch, and she has very, very blue eyes. But she is only 7 years old and doesn't know she is a walker. She also rides an ice dragon to protect her village.

If I am right that Adara is a white walker it proves that white walkers have full consciousness and intelligence. I think Jon Snow becomes a White Walker

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I don't know about Jon becoming a WW. I just think that's a little too fantastic. I think he's just plain dead or he is indeed going to warg into Ghost until his body can be healed.


I definitely think that the WWs have their own intelligent civilization, though. I think the show showed that this past season.


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Ned wasn't King in the North, so being his heir means jack squat considering Bolton is the paramount house now.


As a realm if they're gonna rebel against Bolton they're better off doing it in support of a Manderly paramounty, considering White Harbor is far more important than Winterfell and also, still standing. At this point trying to install some completely landless Stark, no matter who, as the head of the North is just gonna set them back.


The GNC falls apart when you actually look at it through the lense of the feudalism Westeros is based on. Vassals give far less of a poo about what drop of blood or name their liege has than what's in it for them. What they get in return for the taxes they pay their liege.


If Jon breaks his NW vows and becomes the liege of the North, what does he offer his vassals in exchange for their taxes? Military protection with his dog? Food and trade?


its fiction so anything could happen, but i agree with you.   it won't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Horn of Winter, Ice Dragons, Jon Snow's Valyrian blood, The Wall collapsing, all that is going to play out in the far north.  The White Walkers are more than they seem, they are intelligent, have their own language, and may not be the bad guys after all.


If there is a grand northern conspiracy it is being orchestrated by the Bloodraven





Totally.  This is my fave theory at the moment.  


I think Bloodraven is orchestrating a whole ton of stuff and Brann could end up warg the ID or Jon flies it....or both.  


He's orchestrating a lot of things methinks.  His mother was a Blackwood, the only southern family that are descendants of the first men.  A Targ bastard also with the blood of the first men---the only other (assuming R+L=J is true) is Jon.    


Something fishy is going on.  And who's to say he's not working in the shadows with a few others around their globe. 

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I really like the idea that something lies under Winterfell whether it be Lightbringer or a dragon egg in Lyanna's crypt.    


Bran the Builder seemed to intermingle magic in the Wall and Storm's End.  His other creation of Winterfell could very well be too.  Maybe he was AA (Their stories are from the same period, it's like the global flood myths in our world) and before he built WF, he built it on top of where he won (where the winter fell, get it?), and hid Lightbringer under there (Where Jon constantly had dreams about visiting the crypts).  When Jon finds out his true parentage, he finds Lightbringer, Bran wargs into the Ice Dragon where they lead the fight against the wights.  Bran had the vision of the dragon over Winterfell.  


Also, I'm convinced atm Bloodraven is working through Mel and Quaithe and understands (since he can look into the past) the whole deal with Jon.  Mel doesn't know it and thinks she is receiving prophecies from her "god" but it's BR.  He can aid in awakening things under Winterfell that can help defeat the Wights.   He led Mel to lead Stannis to help at the Wall, she's then up there to be able to resurrect Jon.  He led Quaithe to lead Dany to "go east to go south" "east to go west" etc. (but that's a whole other can of worms)             




What if “Lightbringer” is in Winterfell? It’s already implied that maybe a dragon and I think it may be a wyrm like the Valyria’s ones. It would make sense because the underground pipes of Winterfell always bring hot water, in fact Catelyn’s rooms were the coldest. No one has ever asked what nourished the pipes? Wow…eventually the fire set by Ramsay seems to have “awakened” that creature. Some people suggested that Brandon the Builder and Azor Ahai fight togheter against the Others. But what if Azor Ahai and Bran the Builder are the same person??? We have learned about Azor Ahai only from Melisandre, who’s from Essos. In Essos the Red God is very popular but in Westeros there’s the Faith of Seven. I Westeros the hero who fought the Others during the Long Night is Bran the Builder. It’s possible that both are variants of the same story? Azor Ahai aka Brandon defeated the Others and built Winterfell and the Wall and maybe hid a wyrm and his magic sword in the basement of Winterfell…( and what if Lightbringer was actually a dragon????) the graves are a pretty disturbing places. Although, Jon.






Author George R.R. Martin had stated that Bran the Builder might be a mythical character, noting he is as as far removed from the timeframe of the books as Noah or Gilgamesh is from ours in the real world.



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A helpful supporting theory:



In ACOK when Winterfell is being burned to the ground by Ramsay Bolton, Bran sees a dragon through Summer's eyes:

"The smoke and ash clouded his eyes, and in the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame. He bared his teeth, but then the snake was gone," (ACOK, 718).


It's been debated over the years. Was it Summer seeing the red comet and being confused? Was Bran hallucinating completely? Was Bran having a vision of his future as a dragon rider?

What's the likelihood of a dragon roaming around without anyone ever having seen it? Pretty unlikely I think. There being another dragon flying over Westeros when Dany's dragons had just been born diminishes the magic of hers I think. Unless the importance of her dragons being born is bigger than we realize.

I think that Dany's dragons' birth signals the return of magic to the world and that release of magic hatched other remaining dragon eggs too.

The dragon that Bran saw through Summer is Jon's dragon.

Before Rhaegar left for the Trident he gifted Jon a dragon egg as was customary for Targaryen children. (Or seemed customary at least.)


In The Mystery Knight, Egg talks about how he has a dragon egg and it was put into his cradle when he was born:


"Lord Butterwell will have the egg well guarded, I'm sure." Dunk scratched the midge bites on his neck. "Do you think he might display it at the feast? I'd like to get a look at one."

"I'd show you mine, ser, but it's at Summerhall."

"Yours? Your dragon's egg?" Dunk frowned down at the boy, wondering if this was some jape. "Where did it come from?"

"From a dragon, ser. They put it in my cradle," (Warriors, 668).


When Lyanna died at the Tower of Joy, she made Ned promise to protect Jon Targaryen. (Instead, Ned raises him as Jon Snow and hides the fact that he's a prince. That's why Ned was guilty about the promise all these years. He didn't do what Lyanna wanted. He did what he wanted to protect his nephew.)


Ned takes the dragon egg back to Winterfell with Jon because Lyanna made him promise to do it. The dragon egg would be how people would know he was a true Targaryen in addition to her bridal cloak hidden in the Winterfell crypts. Instead, Ned hides the dragon egg with the cloak down in the crypts. Ned likely planned to show them to Jon and tell him the truth one day. Sadly, he died before he was able to do that. We know he regretted something regarding Jon while he was in the Black Cells.


Jon dreams of the Winterfell crypts:

"Sometimes I dream about it," he said. "I'm walking down this long empty hall. My voice echoes all around, but no one answers, so I walk faster, opening doors, shouting names. I don't even know who I'm looking for. Most nights it's my father, but sometimes it's Robb instead, or my little sister Arya, or my uncle." The thought of Benjen Stark saddened him; his uncle was still missing.


"Do you ever find anyone in your dream?" Sam asked.

Jon shook his head. "No one. The castle is always empty." He had never told anyone of the dream, and he did not understand why he was telling Sam now, yet somehow it felt good to talk of it. "Even the ravens are gone from the rookery, and the stables are full of bones. That always scares me. I start to run then, throwing open doors, climbing the tower three steps at a time, screaming for someone, for anyone. And then I find myself in front of the door to the crypts. It's black inside, and I can see the steps spiraling down. Somehow I know I have to go down there, but I don't want to. I'm afraid of what might be waiting for me. The old Kings of Winter are down there, sitting on their thrones with stone wolves at their feet and iron swords across their laps, but it's not them I'm afraid of. I scream that I'm not a Stark, that this isn't my place, but it's no good, I have to go anyway, so I start down, feeling the walls as I descend, with no torch to light the way. It gets darker and darker, until I want to scream." He stopped, frowning, embarassed. "That's when I always wake," (AGOT, 258-9).


Jon can't find the people he's looking for because it's been burned out. Ned and Robb have been murdered, Arya is in Braavos, and Benjen is north of the wall. There are bones in the stables because the horses were all killed during the sack of Winterfell. The ravens are gone because the Ironborn that Theon brought killed them all so that Maester Luwin couldn't send word to anyone. Even though Winterfell is filled with the Boltons now, somehow it's going to be emptied out again before Jon gets there.


Jon has to go into the crypts because that's where his mother's grave is. Her bridal cloak is there, proving she was married to Rhaegar. The dragon egg is there proving that he's a real Targaryen.


Or it would've just been an egg if Dany hadn't released magic. When Dany did that, Jon's egg hatched too. Buried in the crypts of Winterfell, Jon's dragon was released when Ramsay Bolton put the torch to it. Bran sees Jon's dragon through Summer's eyes flying overhead.

This explains the dragon that Bran saw, how Jon will get a dragon, how he'll prove to Dany he's a Targaryen, how he'll prove to the seven kingdoms he's a Targaryen, and how he'll save the realm from the Others.



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Even if there is no actual "Ice Dragon", I think Snow will speak with Ned in some after death state in a continuation of his dream.  Ned tells him where he can find out who his mother is...in Lyanna's burial chamber in the crypts.  (Ned lives up to his promise and last words to Jon...well sort of haha)


So, he gets resurrected, still goes to Winterfell where he comes to Stannis' aid and finally defeats the Boltons.  He goes to the crypts where he discovers Lyanna's wedding cloak to Rhaegar, realizes they're his parents, notices more stairs, goes down further until he finds Lightbringer.  As he grabs it, Bran wargs into the dragon beneath busting out (which is a hidden egg Rhaegar+Lyanna had).  What he really was trying to do at the TOJ happens in the crypts.  Jon Stargaryen, Dragon Rider.  


After the battle, a message from the Wall arrives the Wights are imminent...he's like: Let's do this sh*t.     

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    • Eagle Eye X20 is a dietary supplement intended to restore 20/20 vision. Taking two capsules of Eagle Eye X20 every day allegedly restores vision by addressing the body's "water mechanism." Continue reading to learn all you need to understand about Eagle Eye X20, like whether or not it is a genuine 20/20 vision supplement or a fraud. What exactly is Eagle Eye X20? Eagle Eye X20 is a supplement for eye health supplied only online at  Eagle Eye X20, according to the company, is "the actual cure to vision loss" and would "restore your 20/20 vision" utilizing a secret formula that "you weren't intended to find out about." The following is how the manufacturers of Eagle Eye X20 explain the recipe and its distinctive effects: "This life-saving solution...that can restore any man or woman on earth 20/20 eyesight in about 68 days... It should not exist at all." Eagle Eye X20 is marketed to those with loss of vision, partial blindness, and other visual problems, including those who are becoming blind: "If you are getting blind or are concerned that you are going blind... You were just a few minutes from the greatest achievement of your life." Eagle Eye X20 is also sold to those with 20/20 vision who want to preserve it over time. According to the company, by using Eagle Eye X20 everyday, you may not only retain vision, but also enhance vision and regain 20/20 eyesight. In actuality, the company argues that eyesight loss is voluntary. Eagle Eye X20 allows you to prevent vision loss, restore perfect vision, and never again be concerned about losing your eyesight. Helen Barnes, an ophthalmologist who has worked in the field for twenty years, created Eagle Eye X20. Helen, with her expertise as an ophthalmologist, developed a supplement that restores 20/20 eyesight without adverse effects or invasive surgery. Eagle Eye X20 Benefits According to the supplement offers the following advantages: Restore and correct 20/20 eyesight. Enhanced night vision. Enhance concentration and mental acuity. Assist you in avoiding headaches, continuous weariness, vertigo, and senior moments. Promote eyesight and vision in all age groups. Avoid the adverse consequences of intrusive surgeries and other eye care remedies. How does the Eagle Eye X20 function? The majority of eye health products that promise to restore 20/20 vision or strengthen eyesight are ineffective. What distinguishes Eagle Eye X20? How can a dietary supplement restore 20/20 vision? Eagle Eye X20 is said to target hypercoagulability, or increased blood viscosity. Your blood naturally grows thicker as you age. You lose more water. Instead of keeping roughly 70% of the water, you may only retain 50%. When your body loses water, many vitamins and minerals become less concentrated. This decreased focus may result in visual loss. Hypercoagulability causes eyesight deterioration over time. It may not be immediately apparent. But, the decreased water content of your body continues to impair your eyesight over time. When you use Eagle Eye X20, your blood becomes both more fluid and nutrient-dense, making it easier for you to see. Eagle Eye X20 Improves Eyesight by Adding Nutrients, Vitamins, and Minerals to the Blood With a mix of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, Eagle Eye X20 purportedly eliminates "all your visual issues." If you take Eagle Eye X20 every day, you may supposedly enhance your vision, whether you are half blind or have near-perfect eyesight. How does the formula work? Blood is more easily able to reach the small vessels in the eyes the more liquid it contains. As your blood is able to reach the small veins in your eyes more easily, your iris, cornea, and optic nerve are better nourished, making it simpler for them to function. The nutrients in Eagle Eye X20 "regenerate" your cornea, iris, and optic nerve, hence enhancing your vision and eliminating "all of your eyesight issues." You do not need to take Eagle Eye X20 continually to enhance your vision; instead, the formula regulates the blood's chemistry and prevents eye shrinkage by replenishing your blood with nutrient- and vitamin-rich blood to improve eyesight. If you take Eagle Eye X20 once a day, you may achieve blood balance and get great eye health benefits. Indigenous peoples of Australia and Melanesia, especially Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, participated in the study that led to the development of this formula. These individuals have exceptional eyesight and seldom use corrective lenses. After doing study on a number of the nutrients found in the average diet, the manufacturers of Eagle Eye X20 included these nutrients in the mix. Who Manufactured Eagle Eye X20? Helen Barnes, an ophthalmologist (eye specialist), designed Eagle Eye X20. Helen has twenty years of expertise in her field. Helen is a Houston, Texas resident with two children. She is a Baylor College of Medicine graduate. She was formerly one of New York's most prominent ophthalmologists. She claims that she has treated celebrities and business leaders. Helen performed the duties of an ophthalmologist for many years. She advised her customers to wear corrective lenses and suggested laser surgery to enhance their vision. Helen eventually recognized that the pharmaceutical business was deceiving the public. She asserts that those who get LASIK surgery have an increased risk of suicide and other hazardous side effects. She asserts that the eye care business has blood on its hands and continues to obstruct valid treatments for blindness in order to safeguard profits. Helen observed one day that she seldom interacted with folks with dark eyes. Due to the increased quantity of pigment and melanin, those with dark eyes are less likely to develop vision impairment. Helen's finding led her down a rabbit hole of investigation. In summary, Helen discovered hypercoagulability and certain nutrients that alter eyesight. Helen devised the product Eagle Eye X20 by mixing these substances in particular doses and concentrations to enhance patients' vision and restore 20/20 eyesight. Currently, Helen asserts that she is "kind of retired" because to her exposure to the vision business, but she is convinced that the success of Eagle Eye X20 will allow her to remain financially stable during her retirement. Eagle Eye X20: Can It Enhance Vision and Reverse Half Blindness? Eagle Eye X20's manufacturers seem to imply that the formula might be a treatment for whole or partial blindness. Eagle Eye X20 promises to restore 20/20 vision, cure blindness and partial blindness, and enhance eye health in a number of ways, while other eye health supplements only claim to preserve healthy eyesight. These are some of 's assertions on regaining 20/20: Eagle Eye X20 claims to recover eyesight permanently since "you do not have to take it off for the for the rest of your life." Instead, the mixture works once to restore eyesight by replenishing the blood with minerals and vitamins. According to the official website, after taking Eagle Eye X20, "all your vision difficulties disappear." The producer of Eagle Eye X20 claims that one of its components is "actually the cure for blindness," citing a research that mentions a particular molecule. Eagle Eye X20 is designed exclusively for those with impaired vision. For instance, the website suggests "squinting your eyes to see the restaurant menu" and receiving progressively powerful prescriptions from the eye specialist. Instead than focusing on preserving 20/20 vision, Eagle Eye X20 is targeted to those who already have impaired vision. Eagle Eye X20's website is packed with before-and-after photographs of people whose eyesight allegedly improved after using the product. In the prior photographs, individuals are shown wearing heavy spectacles. Their prescription also demonstrates that they have weak vision. Then, in the after photographs, we are able to view them without glasses or surgery. According to Eagle Eye X20's manufacturers, "those folks took aside their glasses after at least 10 years with strong prescription lenses" Several of the patients shown on Eagle Eye X20 had exceptionally strong demands for contact lenses and glasses, but because to Eagle Eye X20, they were able to quit using glasses. Eagle Eye X20's manufacturers are certain that the solution may restore eyesight, reverse loss of vision, and cure vision or partial blindness in the vast majority of users. Eagle Eye X20 Ingredients Eagle Eye X20's manufacturers do not publish the formula's contents or the levels of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Most eye wellness supplements include a combination of antioxidants that especially target the eyes, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, and zeaxanthin. Many eye herbal supplements also include vitamin A, one of the most well-known eye-protecting vitamins found in nature. Nevertheless, Eagle Eye X20 promises to restore 20/20 vision in those with existing vision loss, as opposed to just enhancing eyesight. There is no proof that the substances listed above help you to quit wearing glasses or avoid your eyeglass prescription. Overall, the manufacturers of Eagle Eye X20 are convinced that the mixture restores 20/20 vision as stated and stand by the product with a 60-day money-back guarantee — despite not giving the complete component list up front. Dossiers scientifiques concernant Eagle Eye X20 Many investigations conducted by Eagle Eye X20's manufacturers support the claims presented on the official website. They further say that some research were omitted due to the intervention of large pharmaceutical firms whose earnings are endangered by Eagle Eye X20. Here, we will examine the scientific data for Eagle Eye X20 to establish whether or not it really heals blindness, improves eyesight, and restores 20/20 vision. Initially, the manufacturers of Eagle Eye X20 claim that the formula was tested on a guy called Nathan Smith. He was the first one to test the recipe. Nathan was 38 years old when a rare illness caused his eyes to close over the course of a few weeks. Nathan believed he would never sight again after receiving conventional treatment. But, after using Eagle Eye X20, he regained 20/20 vision, which was confirmed by an eye exam. Within weeks, Eagle Eye X20 restored Nathan's blindness. Following Nathan's experience, Eagle Eye X20 is said to have "aided countless" in regaining 20/20 eyesight. Moreover, the firm claims that its 6-bottle bundle is "doctor approved," implying that at least one physician has suggested utilizing Eagle Eye X20. In addition, the manufacturers of Eagle Eye provide a chart demonstrating that the formula is superior than LASIK (laser eye surgery) and lenses for enhancing vision. They say the supplement will "deliver greater outcomes" and work "faster" and "longer" than standard remedial treatments, with "absolutely no negative effects." Helen built the Eagle Eye X20 recipe on studies involving Australia and Melanesia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. Indeed, these individuals have substantially superior eyesight than the ordinary person. But, according to one research, their rates of blindness over the age of 40 are six times greater than the ordinary Aussie. Sadly, the manufacturers of Eagle Eye X20 do not provide any rigorous scientific studies demonstrating that the product may reverse blindness, heal vision loss, or restore eyesight in any manner. Also, the producer does not reveal the whole list of components, making it hard to perform independent research on the formula's constituents. Eagle Eye X20 contains substances that may promote healthy eyesight and help you keep 20/20 vision if you currently have it. There is little proof, however, that taking a supplement can considerably enhance your eyesight if you are already experiencing vision loss. Eagle Eye X20 Costs Eagle Eye X20 is priced at $69 per bottle, however the price reduces to $49 or $59 per bottle when numerous bottles are purchased. Below is a breakdown of price when purchasing from  One (30-Day Supply) Bottle: $69 plus $9.95 Shipping Three bottles (90-Day Supply) for $177 with free U.S. shipping. 6 Bottles (180-Day Supply) for $294 + Free Delivery in the U.S. According to the company, Eagle Eye X20 will restore 20/20 vision in around 68 days, thus two to three bottles should be sufficient for the majority of individuals. The firm also claims that the supplement's effects are permanent: after one cycle, the supplement is no longer required. Eagle Eye X20 Cancellation Policy All purchases of Eagle Eye X20 are covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee. Within sixty days, you may request a complete refund for Eagle Eye X20 with no questions asked. You are entitled to a full refund if you are unhappy with Eagle Eye X20 and how it works, or if you did not observe any results from the supplement. About Eagle Eye X20 Helen Barnes, an ophthalmologist, was responsible for the creation of Eagle Eye X20. Helen asserts that she has over twenty years of work experience as an ophthalmologist and is a graduate of Baylor College of Medicine. After a prosperous career in New York, she is exposing the eye care business by disclosing the true treatment for eyesight loss. Helen collaborated with an American dietary supplement firm to develop Eagle Eye X20. Eagle Eye X20 is produced at an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility in the United States. To email the Eagle Eye X20 developers, visit Eagle Eye X20's producer collaborated with BuyGoods, an e-commerce platform, to offer the supplement online. Eagle Eye X20 is a dietary supplement intended to restore 20/20 eyesight using a combination of all-natural components. Supposedly, by taking Eagle Eye X20 everyday, you may raise nutritional levels in your blood, enabling you to quit using your spectacles or contact lenses without invasive procedures or laser eye surgery. Visit to learn further about Eagle Eye X20 and to purchase the eyesight supplement online now.    
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