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  1. Yep. I’m sad they fired him. They may actually get off the treadmill now
  2. I like Ward, but I need to see him play in a bowl game. I knew Stroud was going to be that dude after the game he had against Georgia. Many of us did. I still remember that night of the game. There was many on here on the Stroud-wagon after that game. I also like how he has gotten better each year, and I like he’s been in college a little while. With that being said, I’m cool with going defense if there’s a guy there worth taking at 1.
  3. Exactly why I don’t want this team trading down. We have become notorious for wheeling and dealing in the draft, mainly trading down. We have seen nothing come from that, and have missed out on good players. Take the dime; we have too many nickels and Penny’s on this team
  4. Yep. It all starts with the draft. If we draft better, the rest will fall into place
  5. lol Diontae said if Bryce is going to be playing, get me out of here. Bryce can’t and won’t get him the ball. He would’ve been a good fit in Houston, with Stroud. Panthers probably wouldn’t deal with the Texans and make them better. It already looks bad enough they passed on Stroud
  6. lol right. If I’m a WR looking to get the ball, Baltimore is one of the last places I’d want to go.
  7. They had to sit him after his comments last week. And with that, I’m guessing he’s not going to be too happy about this benching. Wouldn’t surprise me if he tries to get outta there. Stroud was the only one worthy of the 1st round.
  8. Diontae will be whining in Baltimore too lol. He’s not going to get the ball like he thinks.
  9. Yea, they let off the gas in what seemed like the 3rd qtr. They definitely could’ve dropped more than 28 and held us under 14 points.
  10. Unfortunately, you’ve gotta keep him around a year or two, but I agree, he’s not it. Get rid of him and Morgan in 2/3 years.
  11. You knew folks would get triggered and respond how they did when you made the post lol. That’s partially why you posted it
  12. And now we’re the husbands trying to make it work, and stick things out, but there is no peace and everyday it’s something that has you dying inside lol
  13. We back!! Best team in the city!
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