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Everything posted by MechaZain

  1. They're holding out for a suspension and exception from Silver so they don't lose the $8m now. I agree with you though, the messaging could be a lot better.
  2. Probably getting their red throwbacks that week
  3. Think you both are right on this one. The Texans just want it over with and they risk a bigger fallout the longer it goes on.
  4. Want the hat trick for Reyna he’s playing out of his mind
  5. his floor is Biyombo I'm not worried about Williams
  6. Great match. Bender and Shinyashiki are killer subs.
  7. Can't forget this I think this is good for Baker, honestly.
  8. No team should benefit from Miles beating his wife. Get him out of the league. The fact that it's been complete silence from Miles should be all the confirmation anyone needs. If there was any room for him to wiggle out of this we would have got at least generic "we're fighting these false allegations" lawyer statement by now.
  9. Good deal but I hope they keep their eyes on the prize and don’t lose focus on Corral
  10. Younger than Payton too. I like the contract and Clifford is going love Cody.
  11. Do you know if trading Rozier would give us room? Not ideal but I feel like they would have shipped Hayward by now if anyone was interested.
  12. Reddit claiming we don’t have the cap to get Ayton without a sign and trade. Nah they’d lose the fans completely. Worse attendance than the Bobcats.
  13. The only way they can turn losing Bridges into a net positive for the team is to sign Ayton with that cash.
  14. I believe the victim that wasn't some wait for the facts defense of Miles bro. Take that chip on your shoulder elsewhere.
  15. That's just the truth. I'm not calling the accuser a liar. It's just disingenous to act like people centering it on the celebrity instead of the victim is sexism. Same thing happened with Hope Solo and no one was like "forget about her career, think of the victims!"
  16. I get her point but we know nothing about this woman and have been following Miles for years. The only thing we know for fact in this situation is that Miles just ruined that career. Should go without saying that hopefully the victim is ok.
  17. Same. Just incredibly disappointing. Goes to show we don't really know any of these guys. Tough decisions ahead for the organization. LaMelo's not old enough to drink yet and teammates catching felonies.
  18. I'll say this: at least Clifford seems to have some kind of philosophy around player development. I can't say that about JB.
  19. Fun thing about Clifford returning is the odds of Kemba coming back just went up significantly
  20. I'd say Oubre's days are numbered but the uncertainty around Hayward makes it hard to dump him
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