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Everything posted by DaveThePanther2008

  1. I think Tremble could fill that FB roll when we use a FB. Maybe keep Fisher for the LB group which I think is the weakest group on the defense. Possibly pick up a free agent at FS if we don't go an additional LB.
  2. There is no doubt in my mind that the NFL and the Referee's did not like Cam. I don't know if many of you remember, but about Cam's 2nd year when he was hit roughly. Cam asked the ref why it wasn't called roughing the passer. The ref replied you haven't been in the league long enough to get a call like that or something like that. We've can point at least a dozen shots that were never called as evidence. Shoulder injuries take years to heal and may never fully heal. Cam is a super athlete and if anyone can overcome that injury, I would bet on him to do it. I wish, hope and pray that he has fully healed and puts the Mac Jones Era on hold as he leads the Patriots to the Super Bowl against his former team.
  3. Putting his old lady in charge is a slap in the face to the NFL. Anyone in their right mind will know she's a puppet to Daniel Snyder. IMO they should force him to sell the team. He's the #1 in charge and everything under him is ultimately his fault. He allowed it. I don't believe for one minute that he was unaware of all the complaints. He should be forced to sell.
  4. It's easy to criticize in hindsight. We should have kept Cam and let him walk this year. IMO he would have done better with our weapons that what TB did. Once again it's hindsight. You can't blame management for deciding to cut bait with Cam. I understood and I was a huge supporter of Cam. Signing Darnold was probably better than trying to bring Cam back. It definitely was better than hanging on to Bridgewater. I believe Sam will do just fine with this team. We'll find out in about 3 weeks. I'm more optimistic about this season than last. I predict wildcard.
  5. How could I forget Reggie. You got all the players but only 4 were #1.
  6. How many Panthers are on this list? Good list. Hard to argue with any of these picks. 6 Carolina Panthers make the list 4 are #1 (one of them played for multiple teams pictured as a Steeler) Take a guess before you watch.
  7. Either you never watched Bradberry play or your are just a new troll on this forum. That has to be the most absurd comment of the week.
  8. It's amazing how quickly he got us in Cap Hell again. Gettleman got us out and once they brought Hurney back we went straight back to Cap Hell. He may be gone but it is far from over and done. We have to live with his decision making on who to keep and who to let go. Example. Shaq over Bradberry. KK long term, CMC long term (praying it pays off) While he is gone his shadow is still hanging over us.
  9. I was pretty excited about going into OTA's and mini-camp about our Offensive Line. I thought there were plenty of new additions that we would have heard some excitement out of our staff. Outside of the Panthers saying Christensen arms were too short, we haven't heard much. It's either lack of excitement or the Panthers are keeping mum on the O-line. Let's hope it's the latter.
  10. Most definitely. Late February is still quite cold and I'm not sure our indoor facility is large enough to hold that event. The draft is in early May and the possibility of a perfect weekend weather wise would bring out a huge attendance. Add the great southern hospitality and Charlotte becomes a favorite spot for the draft.
  11. The LBs are, IMO, the weakest part of our defense. This isn't necessarily a bad thing I just think the other two groups are far more talented. If Shaq, Carter and Perryman show up our defense is going to be in the upper echelon of this league. We have 30 days until training camp. I hope his motivation shows up on the field.
  12. It sounds like he's a good young man. It's great that his #1 priority was finishing school. That's something you don't hear very often. I look forward to him providing decent depth behind CMC and providing a nasty 1-2 punch. I don't know if he's going to be a SJW. I pray he won't be.
  13. Kind of hard to be great when the shadows of Luke are still on the field. We were spoiled for 8 years with an amazing linebacker. No matter how well he does everyone is going to wish Luke was still there.
  14. I take that you believe as I do. He doesn't have to go out and win the game on his own. We have plenty of weapons. As long as he uses them and doesn't try to be the super hero he'll be good.
  15. It will be the greatest turnaround in Panther history if he does. I'm not going to hold my breathe.
  16. Christensen was rated by the Panthers a 2nd round Guard and a 3rd round LT. While we need a LT badly it isn't like he won't be filling a need at guard. Unlike Little who is a bust wherever he plays. Christensen will be a good guard. It is still early and the chance of him being LT isn't completely out of the question. We'll just have to wait and see as things progress.
  17. Lester Towns was average considering he was a 7th rounder. Sadly our best pickup was UDFA Brad Hoover.
  18. Taking it easy on Darnold to build his confidence doesn't help him when the games count. Stressing him and making it difficult will only help him when we start playing real games. You learn from your mistakes and I'd rather him make them in training camp than in a game. Rhule is putting Darnold in a position to succeed.
  19. I was watching the press conferences on YouTube and all I could hear was the writers asking questions. It appeared that the mic was not working on the players. I had to turn it up loud just to hear them but when the writers asked the question it about blew my speakers on my TV. Is to YouTube or were the mics not working properly?
  20. I think we have good players starting and a lot of depth. This is going to give Snow plenty of flexibility to do things we didn't or were unable to do last year. This defense is going to be fun to watch. If they can make it difficult for teams to score. Darnold might be able to lead us to several wins because our defense has kept the score low.
  21. I will have a little bit more confidence if we sign him. We've been through the big name bust (McCoy /Irvin) in the Rivera era. I am a bit surprised that at 28 he has had such a huge drop-off in production. Maybe money ruined him. It wouldn't be the first time.
  22. I just saw this on YouTube. It's pretty funny. 89 is back in the building
  23. If Thomas doesn't make the roster I think it's time to cut strings and allow some younger players to fill our bottom roster and practice squad. I'm looking forward to seeing Miller do well.
  24. I've mentioned many times that scheme can make a average player good or make them look atrocious. He may fit our scheme better than Dallas. If I remember correctly Dallas's defense was abysmal last year. I like that we brought him in. Hopefully he's in shape and ready to put pads on. I am sure he's ready to show that he isn't washed up. Good Luck Ha Ha. I'm pulling for you.
  25. He could very well become another piece to Snow's arsenal. He doesn't necessarily need to be a starter. He could be a piece that we are missing where we can move Chinn anywhere we want. It's definitely worth kicking the tires. I'd love it just to see him ball out against Dallas. Their fanbase would implode.
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