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Everything posted by toldozer

  1. I think he prefers something else lol. Also we need to stop trading expirings and getting poo contracts back in return. Just let Gordon play out this season
  2. Vegas worked them. How could we not score against florida
  3. The three goals we gave up were ass. It was impressive scoring 3 on the sounders. We've given up the most goals in the league and a lot of them have been 100% defensive errors not great efforts by opposing teams.
  4. Definitely agree with PJ Tucker being last on your list
  5. If you make any infraction a huge penalty you would hope most universities would play by the rules
  6. If they eliminated the 1 and done that would be a start. Then if they put a cap on NIL for each year you've been at a school that would help Year 1 500k Year 2 million Year 3 5 million Year 4 10 million This would encourage good college basketball players to stay at the school they originally committed to but not force them to do so. If you blossom your Jr Year at belmont and can bag 10 million dollars as senior would you leave to go play for ucla for 500k Those are just made up numbers but incentives to Stay at one school makes sense. Nba does this to encourage players to stay where they were drafted
  7. Saw that ass get spanked by daddy in person and changed his mind I guess
  8. So some of these guys got 200-400 million dollars for what exactly? I found it comical that people got pissed for taking the payout. 99% of money in this world is dirty money. The holier than thou bullshit really pissed me off.
  9. Less than a million viewers tells me theyre pissed.
  10. Several really good coaches got stupidly fired this year as well. And instead of being aggressive and trying to get one we sit there with our thumb up our butt
  11. I don't think the NHL is happy at all about this match up. They wouldn't have been happy with the canes either. Nhl doesn't get viewers anyway but their numbers are gonna be worse then the scripps spelling bee
  12. Never should have fired JB. Mj got all pissy and wanted to make HIS decision like always before realizing no one wants this fuging job. JB isn't a great coach but Clifford was definitely a big step back
  13. So right now my plan is to work my way to 100 laps total in a session with breaks as often as needed. my pool would be a little more than 25 yards (40 feet each way). Then once I'm able to complete 100 laps with breaks I'm going to work towards doing 100 consecutive laps. I don't know if I'll get there in 4 months but we will see. I did 16 laps today, was in the pool for about an hour. Basically 2 or 3 laps at a time with long breaks in between. My biggest problem is I don't know how to turn lol
  14. I don't see the heat winning more than 1 game. Their second best player has been Caleb fuging Martin for most of the playoffs. The rest of the east should be embarrassed. Talent is not even on par with a healthy hornets roster prior to bridges being a buffoon.
  15. How long is the pool you swim in? I'm going to try to work my way up to 100 laps in my pool. Started yesterday and did 8 lol.
  16. The trade was the right move. If we had traded burns for a haul to the rams the right move would have been to punt on this season play corral and we what happened. If he was good then we have lots of capital to build the team out. If he sucked we would have drafted maye or Williams and would still have had the draft capital to build out the team. When we decided we were keeping burns we decided we were going all in on a qb this year.
  17. How many people would have died trying to capture hippos and bring them here and breed them. Those mother fugers are mean
  18. Finally swimmable!!!! Only took 2 and a half months about 40 pounds of shock, floccing it 5 times and lots of vacuuming. Pool company had it close but had been close for about a month. I got it clear and ready to go in 5 days
  19. I have complete faith in the hornets to do the wrong thing. So whichever player is better I know we'll draft the other one. We would have taken Wiseman over Ball if both were available.
  20. I'm having a hard time shaking the feeling that Scoot and Lemelo could be a crazy special back court. Miller is giving me a bit of a kevin knox comparison. I thought he was going to be really good but he hasn't done much in the league. Miller seems to be the better fit but Scoot and Melo could make us contenders.
  21. It's so teams don't intentionally try to be bad. But usually it ends up making multiple teams try to be bad. Same deal with the play in crap. They want teams 9-12 to try to win as late in the season as possible. Case in point the spurs roster is absolute dog poo this year by design. They might have tried to form a competitive roster if only the very worst team had a shot at number 1
  22. Was coming here to make this thread. I think it speaks more to coaching then anything else. Look at the heats roster. It's fuging trash. Objectively it's worse than the hornets roster last year.
  23. Why? That's by far the worst thrower of the football that he said he would play with
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