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Everything posted by Wundrbread33

  1. Yeah there is no patience. Glad we moved on from Darnold, but I never understood trading for him, knowing he was a project, and then being shocked when he wasn’t the fix in year 1. My brother in law is like that. Buys project cars to fix…doesn’t fix them…then sells them for a loss after a couple years. Don’t get a project if you won’t follow through.
  2. I thought you misread, and it turns out I misread. Communicating through text sucks sometimes lol.
  3. Wouldn’t mind Book in that type of role. Luton is big but his arm didn’t look NFL strong to me. He had nice touch on some throws, but I didn’t see much else to his game to make up for that lack of zip.
  4. Burns hate is delusional, but I don’t mean that as an insult: it’s an exaggeration about the player he is/isn’t. It happens to all of us from time to time. I think some over analyzing is happening due to his upcoming contract, some animosity is being held due to the Rams trade offer, and people are naturally terrified of his cap number hamstringing the team…. That said, he showed he belonged right when he came in the league, has improved every year, became a top 10 guy last season, and is entering his prime. His contract will have some projection in it, and that’s okay. Dude is 25. He has the respect of the staff, other teams, and the locker room. There’s always things to improve on, and for him, it probably is run defense, but I can also find examples of Peppers getting run on in his day too. Sometimes it was his fault, sometimes it was scheme related. It’s a complex game. He’s a damn good player, and he deserves to get paid. Bryce being on a rookie deal gives us flexibility too.
  5. I meant it like “now they have 3 of our things.” But yes they originally had the pick. So yes. They originally got 2 of our things, and we got one of their things, and we drafted a player with that thing, but now they have the player we picked, and they still have the others 2 things of ours. Math hurts. You’re right. I concede. fug the Pats.
  6. Incredible. I think we are in good hands with Young. I just would have liked to keep Corral around as a fall back until we KNEW we were in good hands with Young. Good for Corral though. He instantly has the most physical talent in their QB room. Now the Pats get a free shot at taking a raw thrower and seeing if he can be an NFL quarterback. And if that doesn’t happen, that trade still looks hilarious that we basically gave the Pats two 3rds and a 4th for funzies.
  7. I’m just excited about this new chapter. Going 7-10 or going 11-6 both wouldn’t surprise me. Main thing I want to see is being competitive every week. There is part of me that always wants to say “we were 7-10 last year and everything improved so we should be playoff bound”, but in reality is more complicated than that, and other teams have improved and regressed and we don’t know yet.
  8. Low or just realistic? New staff. New schemes. New and rookie QB.
  9. Guys let’s keep this discussion focused on the Young Lion please and thank you.
  10. Ricci should be running the routes Ian and Tremble get.
  11. It just hit me that we still have 5 TE’s lol. Wtf man.
  12. Was Rippadon banned? What happened to him? I took a few month siesta from this place, and he was ghost when I came back.
  13. I like them both. That being said, much like how I stopped caring about college QB prospects after we drafted Cam, I hope Bryce can put me in that place again. poo’s exhausting lol.
  14. Lame duck coaches man. poo sucks. I’m just ready for week 1. Officially put all that Rhule poo behind us and start a new era.
  15. I think a lot of it is guys mature mentally at different ages. Bryce is very mentally mature, and perhaps the game is slower for him at this age than other guys. Maybe Geno matured and the game slowed for him in his mid/late 20’s. He’s a completely different player. I think of myself at 21 vs. 28 and it’s like two different people. The sweet spot is hitting that maturity during your athletic prime. Bryce in game 3 showed things indicating what he did at Bama will translate imo. He made free pass rushers whiff, and made a few throws with anticipation. That’s what I wanted to see. Good time to be a panthers fan.
  16. Hope he balls out. I liked Corral and Howell as my 1a and 1b last year. With Sam/PJ at QB, I still wanted to draft Howell after we drafted Corral lol.
  17. Little early to say, but most guys trying to make it at this level don’t make it. I’ve liked his physical tools from the jump, but we know the game is more than that. Brandon Smith is another recent example. He’s a perfect madden linebacker, but little Sam Mills/Jon Beason were elite real life linebackers. People lump Corral supporters with the “Young Lion” guy, but I just tried to be a counterbalance to the people writing him off after the debacle of how he was handled last preseason. Like all former panthers, I wish him the best, whether on our PS or on another.
  18. Smith is disappointing, but unless he’s bad for the locker room, he seems like the ideal player to have on the PS. Maybe even try him at edge. And if not, he’d probably crush it in cross fit competitions.
  19. All due respect, all of that is irrelevant at this stage. No one would argue that D2 is the same as the SEC. The players you listed are different people (coaching staffs and players) with entirely different variables, life circumstances, and mentalities. The scouts found these guys, and they met certain baseline traits they liked, so they brought them in. Once they are here, where they went to school doesn’t matter anymore. How they perform in rookie camp, mini camp, training camp, preseason…how well they take to coaching, how well they match up against other nfl players is what matters. And some will fail. That always happens with every team.
  20. Don’t let poo’s get in your feels. It’s just an emoji. If I poo something, it’s not for a differing opinion; its more the way things are said, baseless assumptions, insults, or when an argument is shallow or incomplete.
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