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Everything posted by Wundrbread33

  1. They need to stay put and take the Willis risk off our hands. It’s the cat bro way.
  2. I don’t get the hype either. Willis not running the 40 is telling. No need to ruin the hype train with a slower than expected 40. Most comps for Willis are Steve McNair. There’s a little revisionist history going on, because McNair wasn’t a good quarterback. I don’t want a McNair or a middle of the pack guy at 6. Malik’s arm is legit strong, but there are waaaaay too many red flags to spend not just a day 1 pick, but I’d argue a day 2 on him.
  3. Hot damn this sounds like something right up Teddy Two Yard’s alley.
  4. LSD. Who gives a poo. How many of you smoke or drink liquor? “My drug is legal and yours isn’t. Idiot lulz” Hypocrites.
  5. The presumption was the Jets fuged up Sam. Sam was also 23 when they made the trade. Younger than Pickett. I’m arguing not my view, but the staffs view. And from that view (developmental) giving up after 3/4 of a season is silly. And I must live in a different reality because the average person is absolutely impatient, not just with fandom but every aspect of life . My argument is don’t trade for a developmental QB if you aren’t going to develop them. Every QB decision so far has been a debacle. Cam, Teddy, Sam, Cam again. Maybe the 5th go will work.
  6. I don’t disagree per say. Just pointing out that if I was making decisions, and I acquire a player that needs to be developed, I give him a couple years to develop, and fug what the crowd thinks. I expect fans to be impatient, but not the staff. If I felt good enough to give up those picks for Darnold, then I should not be so fickle to not develop him and the team around him. I like Carrol and the tools Willis has, but I’d still draft LT or pass rusher, and run it back with Darnold if I want to develop, or Cam if I want a vet. A rebuilt line and healthy weapons would get us closer to the truth on how good Sam is, or how much Cam has left in the tank.
  7. A lot of ignorant Cam hate in here. Basically “cam sux amirite” level analysis. Same ol’ huddle.
  8. It’s safe to say general consensus is we don’t like Darnold, but wasn’t he considered our “rookie” quarterback with potential when they traded for him? Wasnt it obvious he was a developmental guy? Sure the choice to bring him in looks bad when he doesn’t play well, but doesn’t it also look bad that you give up on developing him after one season where he was “hurt” for part of it with a terrible line in front of him? Just don’t get the logic all around with Darnold. They traded for a project and are acting like he is an 8 year vet that was supposed to fix everything immediately. Weird.
  9. You didn’t really say anything. Those are required for nearly anyone to “make something happen.”
  10. I’ve watched some condensed full games of his (Corral) after the Simms podcast. Short and mid accuracy looks nice. Tight spiral. Great velocity. Nimble feet in the pocket and slides well. Can throw from different angles. And that release is lightning quick. Confirms everything Simms said. He looks like the clear number 1 with one gigantic flaw. He will 100% get knocked out of games. Can the competitor in him allow him to slide and concede plays? Because at his size he may be a 12 game a year QB fighting for these extra yards.
  11. Haven’t posted in a long time, but felt like it regarding Cam. I don’t think he had a fair shot in NE. It was a messed up Covid off-season/year, and his skill players were terrible, and above all, he was misused and not trusted to throw. McDaniels treated him like he did The Golden Calf of Bristol. Cam always needed to build a rhythm in the passing game, and they never let him do that. He’s not a precision Drew Brees guy, and never needed to be, but only give him 12-18 throws a game, and he can’t get in a flow. No flow, no results…so let’s just run him over and over. Then he has a full off-season to build rapport and timing, but the Pats took a 1st round QB and decided to make the switch. Bye Cam. He then comes here, doesn’t have timing/know the playbook, and by the time he could gain these things, the season is over. Also our amazing defense falls off hard when Cam finally gets the offense moving a bit, but “0-5 amirite?” Still not a fair shake. People will give one line “nah Cam is washed now” comments, but all the above is valid. You can look at the above as “excuses”, but they can also be “reasons”. Cam has healthy legs. He has a healthy arm (not a 2015 arm, but he has zip), and he has experience in this league. If we go QB at 6 that’s fine (I’d want Corral because I agree with Simms) but if we go to Cam I would be thrilled to see him finally get a full off-season to build timing with his receivers and backs, fully know the playbook, and have a solid line around him. If, after a fully off-season to build consistency, he comes out and can’t get it done, true closure would be secured, and I feel even the big Cam fans, and Cam himself, would be able to move on to the next chapter in a clear, dignified, and respectable way.
  12. For whatever reason, Ginn always gets crapped on. Return game alone he makes the team. Our offense struggles without his deep threat ability too.
  13. Really happy that Lucas is getting another shot. All he really needed was more bulk and blocking technique, as he is already a skilled receiver with soft hands. If he put on 15 pounds he should at least be 240 now. Good stuff. I really hope he sticks.
  14. Maybe he was slouching. Maybe Jeremy walks very erect...
  15. I'm excited about him. A young promising player to groom under Olsen is just what we need. Also...that Eubank QB looks like he is Cam sized. Looks interesting.
  16. Fact: @SeahawkDude wouldn't know who Jon Kitna is without Google.
  17. I guess I can't understand every joke...I guess you were referring to our turnovers?
  18. We dropped 41 on the Saints...so I don't get your point with that first line.
  19. Give the negative people a break...we are playing like garbage against the Saints. I don't think there is a team we hate more than them.
  20. Probably based on Derek Andersons two wins last year. Not that I'm taking sides...but that is something.
  21. For as "overrated" as we are, I certainly wasn't blown away by the elite, dominating awesomeness of the Patriots last night... They were bailed out by a dropped pick against the Giants, and beat the Bills by 7. Now that is elite.
  22. Great read @PhillyB. Thank you for taking your free time every week to write these. Love the analogies and the way you piece everything together. I think you should write professionally (if you don't already that is).
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