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Everything posted by 332nd

  1. As I always say in threads like this, I learned I have no business in an nfl front office when my dumb ass was furious we burned a 3rd rounder on some undersized WR (from Utah of all places!!!) back in 2001.
  2. I was saying the same about this dude a while back.
  3. For the record I saw that too & was about to drive to Charlotte & burn the stadium down.
  4. It's still up on YouTube. Maybe he had to re-upload.
  5. I was. Why should he have to suffer. We chose this poo, he got drafted.
  6. LOL! Last time I watched ESPN I was getting my snow tire put on. (I live in northern Vermont.)
  7. Passes, recivers, blocks, routes, Jesus fug what don't they miss?
  8. I had just made things with my girlfriend (now wife) official, & she took me to a con she was attending for costume research. She had meetings with a bunch of people in our room, & I was sitting on the bed glued to the TV chewing on a towel to keep from screaming at the TV. I wound up being so into the game that almost everyone stayed, & then... X-Clown. That's when I realized 25-30 people were in our room cheering with me, & the immediately took us to the hotel bar & we got lit. The only downside was this was in Boston.
  9. They release the date? I might have to take the family over there.
  10. Well damn. Aggie Pride!
  11. Like others I don't think the lions will offer it, but if they do...
  12. Yeah, I was always skeptical of players with a ton of natural ability coaching, but Cam & Dion are changing my mind.
  13. Just for the record, I saw that happen in real time when back when I was in the Army. It was glorious. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy or a more heartless woman.
  14. Yep. When I say what we turned down my first thought was I hope we can pay him because we just signaled how much we want him.
  15. I know nothing about him but he looks like a young Cpt. Holt. Approved.
  16. Oh I can guarantee they have "seat fillers" for lack of a better term.
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