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Everything posted by Madwolf

  1. As long as it's not the old Panther's offense of yore where half our PA plays were just: "PA -> all go routes." With our speedsters not named Steve Smith of Keary Colbert, and Kris Mangum, or whatever it was at the time. Just a joke to defend and led to Jake getting crushed far too often for a massive loss.
  2. I don't think, sans last year, not seeing hail Mary's was a lack of arm strength thing but a style of offense.
  3. Of course, I don't discount that. All I'm saying is that none of these guys are "sure things." People want to sell the farm because "if you don't have a QB you don't have anything." Yet at the same time we give Darnold a pass because "the Jets had nothing." Well if you sell the farm for every QB that you can swing for the fences at, you end up being like the Jets and "Darnolding" your QB. And even with more than nothing, QBs are hard to judge if they'll succeed or not no matter how highly drafted. There is a happy balance between patience and zeal.
  4. I was told Tua was a generationally talent we should trade up for... along with every other QB that has gone 1st round the last 2 drafts.
  5. Describes 90% of sports journalism these days. It's all click bait.
  6. Wrong side of 30, and we're not a team that is going to "win now." Don't think we kick the tires on him, nor should we. His usefulness to us will likely wear out before his contract does.
  7. Do people really think of Indianapolis as bad as Detroit? I've been to Indy a ton of times, and Detroit 3 times, and there is no comparison. Indy is pretty much most major Midwest cities IMO, and Detroit has some nice areas they've rebuilt surrounded by an utter wasteland of decayed manufacturing. It's really sad too, because you can see all the evidence of it's former glory when you visit.
  8. Was he a starter last year because he won the job, or because he was the only guy left? If he can't beat out the guys we brought in you absolutely cut him.
  9. Man there are a lot of high hopes for Sam here. Rocket high. I just want him to be around the 15th best QB in the league and show progress that he can be what people thought he would be out of college. We're setting ourselves up to be disappointed with the kid, even if he has a nice rebound year. That's not really fair to Sam.
  10. Don't remind me of that lol.
  11. I'd add that everyone looked bad for the Cowboys last year. They were epicly bad on on defense. I don't have a lot of faith in HaHa here, but I don't think you can glean much about anyone who played for the Cowboys last year on defense.
  12. Not thrilled with the LBer corp, and that's mostly because we've always had an amazing MLB, and a Pro Bowl guy next to him. I think they're serviceable, but if the injury bug bites we're in big trouble. I think fixing the defensive line will help out a lot here though.
  13. Brian Westbrook LeSean McCoy They defined Andy Reid's style of play for the RB position. Both were considered Pro-Bowl caliber players under Reid and dynamic playmakers who could get it done on the ground, or catching passes. Andy's "run game" was absolutely a mix of actual running, and short passes to get the RB open in space in the short passing game. And he still does this. They never abandoned the run, they just "ran" differently.
  14. I actually think he's under-rated as an OC. He's had dog water to work with and routinely turned it into a playoff caliber offense. He made Kaep into a good QB, and he's produced with Lamar Jackson, Mark Andrews, and a bunch of guys you wouldn't recognize if they put them on the back of a milk carton and passed them out at games for free. Heck, he made Ingram fart out another worthy season after it looked like he was falling apart.
  15. If Darnold gets 30+ TDs I'll eat my hat. I'm guessing about 24 and 14 INTs. That'd be good progress.
  16. A good franchise can never look at a year as a loss like that though. You have to be able to rip every single ounce out of every off-season and season you can. While I'm not thrilled with what it costs to obtain Darnold, regardless of Darnold himself, I don't think he's a awful gamble. And frankly the Panthers finally having someone you have to watch out for in the secondary for the first time since Norman left will be super important as well as other holes we filled. I don't believe this off-season makes or breaks the future of this franchise with this young core, just because we don't land a QB or not. I do think whiffing on one in the draft could have been worse though.
  17. Definitely seems like Thomas' ship has sailed with every passing week since last year.
  18. Might have to go to the game in Indy.
  19. To us, yes. When we talk about national evaluation of this off-season after this year, it will take into account how Fields and Bridgewater played compared to Darnold in the 2021 season. Darnold can play better than 1, both, or neither and still have a good season. But people will judge if it was the "right move" from the outside looking in based on how they do compared to each other. Fields can win ROTY, and beat out Darnold statistically, but the Panthers could also go 11-6 and earn a playoff birth with Darnold putting up solid numbers and it still be a win for the Panthers.
  20. You're not going to glean much about Darnold during OTAs, he's only been in our system for a few weeks. He's going to need most of the summer and pre-season before we really have a good idea of how he'll handle the offense.
  21. Pretty much the only way it makes sense is if you only look at it from a QB perspective and believe the Panthers lost big, which frankly really isn't a fair way to look at it. Even if the Panthers lose this gamble, they'll have a great shot at a rookie QB in 2022. The only pain there would be losing the 2nd rounder and the 18 million in CAP after overpaying for Teddy as well.
  22. Sure, but Daley being the best LT early isn't a good sign. No one here, nor any expert expected that. It's definitely a cause for concern. We need everyone to get healthy and some a positive sign there.
  23. I think we have had a good off-season, but this will ultimately be judged by how well Darnold, Bridgewater, and Fields do respectively.
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