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Everything posted by AU-panther

  1. Just another example of this idea that he was brought in just to be a "bridge QB" was stupid. Somebody in the organization though he was the answer.
  2. and we have a winner ^ If Detroit was looking to rebuild or draft a young QB our pick this year is worth a lot more than the two later year picks they ended up receiving. For most teams taking on Goff would have been a negative, but isn't their GM the guy who originally drafted Goff? Only way this might not be true is if Stafford totally vetoed going to the Panthers.
  3. Or the Eagles are trying to make it appear as if the market is stronger than it really is. All of these reports about something happening “soon” seem a bit odd.
  4. Some team will think they can fix Wentz. Right or wrong, nobody in the league thinks they can fix Cam, hence the reason he signed for almost nothing last year.
  5. but I was told Adams was only good because of Rodgers? There are some very poor "eye test" around here.
  6. I don't get people trying to compare Lance to Mahomes. Just because a QB has a strong arm doesn't mean he is Mahonesesqe or if he scrambles around and makes a throw. What makes Mahomes different isn't just the ability to make all of the throws, but he seems to see throws that most QBs don't, he says a guy as open as where other QBs don't. Also its his ability to make these throws from all different platforms, weather its scrambling, moving either direction, or back foot. Most of the evaluators I've seen compare Wilson the most to Mahomes and that is the main reason he has shot up draft boards like he has. I'm not saying Lance is bad, I would actually be happy with him but its a bit lazy to compare him to Mahomes.
  7. It would be crazy to think we haven’t thrown out a offer. We just made a extremely aggressive offer for Stafford. It would be asinine to think we haven’t made one for Watson. That doesn’t mean the Texans would consider it but I would guess we made them aware if ark east a starting point.
  8. If they don't want a QB they should be acting like they do so a team trades in front of them and picks a QB. That moves the non-QBs down the list. They could end up with the 1st non-QB off of the board.
  9. If they want a QB why would they say they want a QB? Just increases the chance someone will trade in front of them to grab the QB. I’m not convinced they will draft a QB but I’m not going to put much stock in a quote in February.
  10. I’m pretty confident whatever it ends up being you will be uncomfortable with it. People on this board have severely understated it from the start. The Stafford trade was a bit of a wake up call. A trade for a QB like Watson is going to hurt, take whatever you are comfortable with and add to it.
  11. RG3 went for 3 1st and 2 2nds, do you really think Watson is going for less? I think you are being a bit optimistic on what he was really goes for. What do you think it will take? for us? or a team like WFT or 49ers?
  12. I agree, feels like QB purgatory. Hence the reason I think we are going to pay a premium to get Watson or one of the top 3 QBs on their board.
  13. If they wait until right before 5 someone could have all ready gone to 3 or 4.
  14. Then you might be stuck with Teddy. I think everyone needs to realize that is still a real possibility. At 8 we are definitely at the mercy of other teams. When it is all said and done it might be the best option, I could see us overpaying. At that point do they roll with Teddy or release him and tank with Grier?
  15. I don't know if our front office is willing to risk going to 5. After the Stafford trade attempt they seem to be hyper aggressive to get what they want. At 5 you aren't guaranteed any of the top-4 qi, let alone one of top 3 QBs. Miami could trade back. Atlanta could take a QB or they could trade back. The Falcons would probably love to prevent us from getting a QB. Also I'm not sure if we will like QB4 as much as QB3. When it is all said and done most teams will probably convince themselves that one is a lot better than the other. Only way I see us staying put or just going to 5 is if are convinced that we are the exception and like a certain QB, such as Lance, more that Fields but the rest of the league is higher on Fields. Maybe we roll the dice and wait, a bit like the Seahawks did with Russel Wilson, just in the top 10 not the first 3 rounds. Its all speculation at this point, but after the Stafford trade attempt we definitely don't seem like the passive types.
  16. I'm not saying it is likely to happen, just the most likely of all of our options. Lets look at what we know. The fact we were willing to give up a lot for Stafford tells us that we really want a QB bad, and we are willing to give up considerable future assets to obtain the QB. Also I think Rhule wants to win sooner rather than later, not sure if we have the patience for a long rebuild. Some news out there that we aren't really interested in some of the later prospects, such as Mond or Newman. That along with the Stafford news reaffirms the idea we aren't looking for projects. That pretty much leaves us with Watson or one of the top QBs in the draft. Watson: Very good chance they aren't willing to trade him at all, but if they do, I think the Jets are in the driver seat because the can offer a QB, Wilson, with the 2nd pick. After the Jets though I think we could put together a compelling package because we have some good young players who would be valued in a trade. Overall though, if there is a 90% chance they won't trade him and then if they do the Jets have a better chance of getting him there is no way we can consider him as our most likely option. Of the top 4 QBs, I don't think we have the patience to sit at 8 and hope one is there, here again the Stafford trade tells us we aren't going to be passive. Everyone agrees that Trevor is going 1st, most people seem to think Wilson goes 2nd(Jets or Texans), that leaves Lance and Fields. A lot of fans would be happy with any of the top-4 QBs, but in realty most teams will probably like one of Lance or Fields a lot more than the other, just another reason why we won't stay put at 8. Going to 5 or 6 doesn't guarantee any of the 4 QBs, lets alone the top 3. Any team out there could trade above us. Atlanta is at 4 but I don't see them trading with us. Going to 3 is the only option that guarantees one of the top 4 QBs, in fact it gets you QB3 which most likely the team will like a lot more that QB4. Just seems like the most likely scenario at this point. As someone pointed out in another thread it won't be a cheap trade. You are looking at about a 800 point jump on the value chart, 2200 vs 1400. Our 2021 1st, 2021 2nd, and 2022 1st puts you around 2330 points. 1400+510+420. Future picks are usually valued a year later in the current year, a valued next years 1st as a mid 2nd this year. I could see us trying to package a player, instead of a pick. I could actually see the dolphins valuing CMC somewhat more than most teams, they might feel like he could take some pressure off of Tua. Something like 2021 1st, CMC and 2022 2nd. All of this could go out of the window if Dolphins decide to draft a QB.
  17. Future draft picks are usually valued one round lower according to the chart. For example a 2022 1st is valued somewhat close to a current 1st. Where in the 1st round is somewhat dependent on who you are trading with but for this example lets go to the middle, pick 16. 2021 1st (3rd overall) = 2200 2021 1st (8th overall) = 1400 2021 2nd (39th overall) = 510 2022 1st (16th overall) = 420 1400+510+420=2330 You have to expect some overpay going for a QB. Also they might be more interested in future first than some combination of later picks this year. So, 2021 1st, 2021 2nd, and 2022 1st probably gets you in the ballpark of what it would take to trade up to 3 this year. When you look at that you kind of realize why they were willing to give up the 8th this year to get Stafford. Personally I would try to save next years 1st by trying to include a player. Something like, 2021 1st, CMC, and 2022 2nd.
  18. Then say that, but you said they didn’t pick up the phone.
  19. You said they aren’t listening to trade offers, how would they be aware?
  20. Not answering the phone can be code for they aren’t countering. When you counter you are making an offer you are willing to accept. I fully can believe they haven’t got to that point, or even willing to trade him, but to think no team hasn’t offered something and they aren’t aware of aid offer is naive. Sometimes you have to use some common sense with all of these “reports”.
  21. Source? I would think the ability to go after the signing bonus would be largely dependent on the individual contract between player and team.
  22. If a player retires they can go after all of the signing bonus that wasn’t played for, If he is just refusing to play and not officially retired I think they have to go after it one year at a time for each year he doesn’t play, which would still be a large amount. Billionaire owners aren’t going to sign contracts that allow them to be screwed over. Guarantees are for injury and performance, refusing to play can be viewed as defaulting.
  23. You can’t take everything that a writer, or coach, or player, or GM says so literal or absolute. He never really infers that this is what he thinks they should do. He phrases it pretty straightforward that that is a starting point. Sounds like someone whispered in his ear, but maybe not. As far an not returning calls, I find it hard to believe some team hasn’t offered something and I’m sure the Texans are aware of those offers. Too many agents and GMs and coaches know each other, especially with the senior bowl that just happened. That doesn’t mean they want to trade him but anyone who believes they aren’t aware of offers is being naive. Comments like “not returning phone calls” is postering.
  24. Shaq and his contract isn't an asset. I'm not convinced Shaq will be on the team this year under his current contract. Shaq will have the 3rd highest salary this year of any 4-3 OLB. 2021 Linebacker Contracts and Salaries | Over The Cap How many teams consider him the 3rd best 4-3 OLB in the league? CMC might have some trade value, but that will depend on the philosophy of the GM. Some teams aren't crazy about paying a RB big money. Also the GM is from the Patriots who traditionally don't pay RBs much.
  25. I don't think he is speculating, it would be more vague, something like "three 1st and a player or two". I think someone is whispering in his ear. They might have already received an offer close to that. That might be their way of letting other teams know the starting point. I do find it interesting that he said two young defensive players. All along I've thought Jets have the best package to offer but I'm not sure who they would want off of the their defense. The 49ers have some young defensive talent. Miami has Howard but I don't think he is on a rookie deal. We actually have more young defensive trade chips than most teams. Maybe us or the 49ers already offered something similar. Here again, this might be their way of letting other teams know what they have to beat. Maybe its their way of letting the Jets know they have to come off of more draft picks because other teams can offer players. I'm not 100% convinced they want to keep him (maybe 99%). Usually I'm of the "QB at all cost" camp, but the fact is they were terrible with him. Because of their old GM and coach their cap situation is terrible, their draft capital situation isn't the best. New GMs like to make their own mark, helps to have cap space and draft picks. Building around Watson might not be easy, getting a king's ransom and hitting on a draft QB might actually be somewhat appealing. If everything was great between them and Watson they could never justify trading him to their fans but they might see Watson's unhappiness as a blessing. This way they can reset the franchise and it looks like it was Watson's idea. There is no reason for them to say they are interested in trading them, acting like they won't is exactly what they should be doing. Its just odds some of the news that has "leaked".
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