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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. what other factors would you like them to mention? Density and economic factors are mentioned all the time. This is why it happened primarily first in large cities like LA and NYC, and primarily effected lower income people. This is why when they were forced back to work the people in lower socioeconomic brackets were disproportionately effected. This has been a drum they've banged the entire time. What are you watching that you're not seeing them criticize state and local government? Like I don't give a poo about ohio for example but I can tell you exactly what Mike Dewine was doing and how badly he changed course and how poor the effects have been. How can you honestly look at what's going on and decide "well this is a states rights issue?" If the states can't close their borders it is by definition a federal issue. It doesn't matter what cooper does in NC when every asshole from charlotte drives down to charleston to go to applebees and get a covid cocktail. you are completely delusional. and encouraging people to wear masks and social distance isn't working. and the government at the federal level are clearly not doing anything. if you feel bad being shamed for not wearing a mask, or if some karen has her fee fees hurt, tough poo. this is a pandemic. your idiocy directly effects me and my family. I don't give a hot gay fug if you feel persecuted for acting like a dumbass. you are one. the job of the news isn't to make you feel good. if you turn on the tv and feel like an asshole for what you're not doing, you probably are one.
  2. there will not be a vaccine by november 2nd. treatments haven't been developed; protocols have. they are much better than they were in march/april to be sure, they realized a lot of stuff they were doing were making things worse, but they haven't significantly effected the mortality rates. and they're doing less intubations early on, but patients are still needing them. "intubating less early" is not the same as "never intubating." and the fact that they're needing oxygen tanks for the cpap/vents is a disaster for a lot of reasons.
  3. it is not possible to report on covid19 without mentioning the government response and how completely inadequate it is the traditional role of the fourth estate is not just to inform but the educate. the average person (you included) does not have the necessary education to assimilate the data and understand it because virology and epidemiology is not something 99% of people know anything about. it is perfectly acceptable that CNN has sanjay gupta on to synthesize the information. it's almost like you're advocating that someone turns on CNN, finds like a blank screen showing average viral loads per exposure or whatever, then cracking open some medical school text books to figure out what that means. you're completely out of your mind. the executive has to be acting here as we see because states can't/won't handle this, and individuals (despite what you're telling yoursel) cannot protect themselves and their families just through their rugged individualism. This is of course proven by the home being the number one site of transmission. the lack of action by the executive is news. and it deserves constant coverage. instead of hating the news because they're reinforcing how poorly the trump administration is doing (and allowing it to reflect on you personally) maybe open yourself up to change and think about how you can improve moving forward. the mcallen situation is a specific example of how the news is NOT overblowing this. That's worse than anything that has made it onto the television. that's not hard to understand.
  4. Dude i know i have a slightly different viewpoint about covid than a lot in this thread but this is a fuging goddamn disaster and the level of scrutiny its receiving is nowhere near where it should be. Like I cannot fathom what else you would reasonably expect the news to talk about right now. Go to fox if you want breaking news about taco bell's menu sourced to a reddit poster like CNN is maybe dumbing it down but A.) yes this is a global pandemic that is going to end up killing well over a million americans and B.) the executive is failing in such an extreme manner that historians are going to look back at this being a massive inflection point. You are literally living through history right now. I've not seen anything on CNN even close to how bad things actually are. Want me to prove it? McAllen Texas is putting all their covid patients into a converted hospice hospital across the street. This is so they can claim their main hospital is covid free and continue to do elective surgeries. They're staffing this hospital with travel nurses and mid levels, probably so if things go real pear shaped they can just cut ties and claim they had no idea what was going on. This is the twitter thread about it. This includes pictures. Highlights (lowlights?) from this include - intubated patients covered in ants - hallways with beds on either side - cpap/vent machines run with oxygen tanks because they don't have enough wall space to plug poo in - employees walking off the job en masse - hospital hiding ppe because they say the staff are using too much - nurses literally covered in poo because the hospital won't give more than one gown per shift Is this on CNN? Of course not. This is so much worse than anything percolating up to the 24 hours news cycle.
  5. like in georgia they A.) like being told everything is fine while simultaneously B.) love shitting on atlanta if they live south enough of I-20. Brian Kemp stole his election in plain sight and 48% of voters were like "lmao good." THATS NOT A MODEL FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE
  6. like what has specifically been said on cnn or msnbc that is so objectionable? i can't throw a dead cat without seeing something horrifying from fox news but it doesn't really seem like CNN or MSNBC are doing anything egregious, unless it's the times when CNN times to "both sides" it with a trump admin official, though it looks like everyone is giving up on the executive and be specific with your complaints! don't just name like 2 democratic states and say "see see!" ny was quite successful eventually after the initial sure, though that's falling apart now. New Jersey likewise. There are lots of criticisms to be made but they're all vastly superior to to like henry mcmaster or brian kemp. John Bel Edwards is in a special situation since he has no real control over his state at the county level and uh things are special in louisiana
  7. you can't just blame "politicians" in this atmosphere (or ever again), because people glom their own unground axes onto that and you get nowhere. especially in the united states, where people are generally uneducated, highly polarized, and frankly stupid. even on this board, with people savvy enough to navigate one of the least intuitive message board designs in all of the internet, most posters see a blanket "politician" and don't put it together its the person they've been voting for their entire adult life and will type paper bricks on the internet defending. the moron watching fox news when infowars is off the air is never going to realize what he believes and does is the problem. However, it's real easy to point out right now that Ron DeSantis is a fuging ghoul. so we should probably just be more specific when addressing political failures. Roughly 35% of this board will trip over themselves to defend a generic republican. But they probably aren't as inclined to make an ass of themselves and deny reality for greg abbott specifically.
  8. identify yourself im the explosive diarrhea basically all the time
  9. but look at this bear i saw yesterday on a walk!
  10. nah im on a big diet but thank you being back in asheville ive really noticed how far my fitness has slipped
  11. home? i saw 10 patients today lmao
  12. big congrats to SC for adding the 3000 number to their y axis
  13. ive said this several times but the lockdown has to be federal and there have to be severe penalties for not adhering to it. and you also probably have to shut down fox news
  14. "ive spoken to professionals" like what does he even imagine he's lying about? the professional mask wearing guild?
  15. is there a thread on this forum where someone isn't laughed out of the website for a post this stupid?
  16. you have to understand that the american healthcare system is run like any other business; there's no room to expand, there's no room for excess. excess is something that isn't making you money. it's why you're seeing things like in houston where you're hospitals are expanding into children's hospitals so don't look at it like "once we reach x% then the poo hits the fan." think of it as "the closer we get to x% the less effective we are at treating it." without massive federal intervention (that's not coming) there's only so much upward scaling you can do in such a short amount of time. anything can be an icu bed. I can slap a 25 year old heart monitor on a bed in the hall and call it an icu bed. But do I have the staff to man it? Do i have the equipment? can i do everything i need to do if thigns go pear shaped? And sweden is an irrelevant comparison. think about how much healthier an average swede is at baseline than an american because they have better healthcare throughout their lives. think about how much better functioning their healthcare system is than the american one. if nothing else this should really give far right wingers good reason to reevaluate their views irt healthcare but lmao we know it won't
  17. 1. a vast minority of patients with covid require hospitalization. far more will, in the coming days, but for now we're still actually in the early days of this spike 2. doctors are encouraging patients NOT to be admitted, knowing they need the ICU space. South Carolina right now is at about 76% occupancy, and that is about to spike. 3. Infections race ahead of positive cases race ahead of hospitalizations. The data coming out of south carolina right now is....horrific.
  18. remember the vast majority of the patients diagnosed with covid19 don't get a hospital bed right away it's taking around 5-7 days for most people that end up needing a bed getting one for covid19. they're getting sent home and being told to hang tough, then...... basically what im saying is SC is turbo fuged
  19. sc testing is apparently capped at around 10k per day, either by choice or infrastructure that's why the daily testing numbers remain pretty constant but the positive rate keeps climbing
  20. lmao yolo county the writers are fuging with us
  21. if there is something called a vaccine by fall absolutely under no circumstances take it
  22. uh those are clearly inline twitter links post only the numbers, and sort them for me, and bold appropriately
  23. lmao that guy was in commercial real estate because of course he was
  24. that guy is specifically NOT on steroids.
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