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Everything posted by Martin

  1. That will be a great game to watch Stroud!
  2. This is always an interesting one. The thin resume guys haven’t had as much of a chance to show what they can’t do, so it is close to 100% upside. The more experienced guys have showed more of their limitations. So the limited ones have more of a “what if?”. But it is such a guess work on how any of them will truly develop.
  3. I’d like to see Siaki Ika next to Brown, that would be an absolute wall.
  4. I’ve been thinking of a potential 3-4 with Brown on one side and Burns and Luvu as the outside LBs. This draft would set that up extremely nicely. Still managed to get a high potential QB and a TE that reminds me a bit about Mark Andrew’s.
  5. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Stroud experiencing the same type of “fall” Fields did and be available in the 10-15 range. Could be great value at that spot.
  6. To add to this, many of the biggest busts relied only on their athletic abilities and weren’t working on the other aspects of the game. Work habits and ability to process on top of athletic ability gives you high upside. Might still bust, but at least they will give you their best. Richardson is said to do all the right things, being a good leader, working hard etc. Right now he’s very inexperienced, so we don’t know what he can’t do, hence who knows how he will turn out? But he doesn’t sound like a Ryan Leaf/Jamarcus Russel type at all.
  7. I appreciate it. If we get Steichen, it might be a really good situation for him. I really like what he’s done with Hurts.
  8. I’m know you are a Florida guy, how is Richardson doing? I’m reading in places that is is making a lot of progress. I trust your take on him.
  9. I didn’t catch the whole game, but from what I saw the defense outside of Henderson was very, very good. Looked like Burns held up very well against the run and I didn’t see any mistakes on his past. If I remember correctly he bullrushed the LT a few times. He’s no Lawrence Taylor for sure, and he never will be, but I thought he had a good game.
  10. What didn’t you like about his game this week?
  11. I don’t think the intention of the OP or myself was to scare you with data and numbers. I hope you can overcome this misstep from our side and that you can have a good night sleep without any nightmares.
  12. Well, looking at the math one can say there is 64 starting ends or 3/4 olbs in the league. If you are 6th in tackles for loss and 13 in sacks, that would say you are way better than average. But I’m open to hear how you are interpreting the numbers I posted.
  13. I think this is where we differ. I see him as a young player and team leader still getting better. Looking at purely stats (I know, I know, you have to look beyond stats), he is far from “average at best”:
  14. I get the salary Burns will demand, and the wide range of opinions on him. But what surprises me is how easy everyone think it is to replace him and DJ in the draft. There are a huge number of disappointments and underachievers/busts in the first round every year. It is not just a case of just picking an equally good player.
  15. would love this guy somewhere in the second (?) round next to Brown.
  16. If I remember correctly he wanted Josh Allen. The Rosen pick was done by the GM and Wilks had little say in it. There has been a couple of articles about it in the past. His Arizona experience was a poo show due to the GM, and it continues to be.
  17. I really like Wilks and think he can be very successful. I see a lot that he is very conservative etc. We are three games in to his tenure, he has a mediocre OC and a fourth string QB. Of course he will be conservative until he knows what he has in either of them. I’ve seen a huge difference between his first game in charge and the last one. PJ is allowed to do a lot more. Time will tell, but it is a bit early to draw any conclusions about his style just yet.
  18. I would have been fine with the picks, but resigning him for next year is the issue. We have a bunch of extensions coming up that we need to get done first.
  19. What do you think we should talk about in a thread called Stroud and Penn St?
  20. Have you watched him play at all?
  21. I watched part of the game (and yes I’m a Tar Heel homer), and what impresses the most about him is how he handles pressure. He is extremely calm under duress, very similar to Bryce Young. And that is what makes him a great QB.
  22. I didn’t watch the game, so I don’t know the answer to this. Was he the reason they won the game or was it the defense and running game?
  23. And here I am thinking it is lazy to just look at the numbers
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