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Everything posted by Martin

  1. I would make him a very strong offer in free agency next offseason when he becomes a FA. Or did I not understand your question?
  2. You can’t if you get mediocre players. But if you sign someone like Armstead at tackle and a very good guard it will certainly help. If you prioritize and am willing to spend you can make a lot of progress.
  3. I agree. However I feel we need a much more experienced OC. Keeping Brady would be a huge disappointment. Hopefully he takes a college job and it takes care of itself.
  4. Draft a QB and sign an experienced QB (Nick Foles?) to compete and mentor. Sign O-line in free agency and draft in later rounds. Get a new experienced OC.
  5. Do you think their red flags were different from Zach Wilson, Trey Lance, Justin Fields and Mac Jones? I don’t see much of a difference to be honest. But I don’t watch much college ball so you might have seen more of them play than me. Three of them have multiple years of strong performance (Howell, Stong, Corall). Last year were a lot of one year wonders.
  6. Oh I agree with some of your points, however the excessive use of hyperbole on this site (not just you, from a lot of people) just takes away from your main points. We are completely lost offensively. I’m very impressed with our D and the coaching on that side. Special Teams seem to have come around as well. The comments about Tepper not caring that are rampant around here are also ridiculous. One minute he’s Dan Snyder, the next he is not involved enough. Not sure how you can say he doesn’t care. Based on what? Some bad decisions?
  7. Lol at “mortgaged away the future”. We took a risk and it failed. Next draft we are missing a 2 and 3 round pick. Is it good? No. But mortgaged the future? Some of you need help.
  8. The O-line hasn’t been good, but the fact that the opposing defense has nothing to fear from Darnold makes their job impossible
  9. I still don’t want Mac, what in this game makes you think you wanted him in the first round? is he better than Darnold? Yes. Is he impressive? No
  10. Obviously not in round 1. I’m assuming most of you get that, but there’s always one person...
  11. I know it is wrong to put a punter on this list, but what a weapon he would be with our defense.
  12. Bill usually does a great job going after and limiting the strengths of each QB. But since PJ has no strengths at the QB position, what gives?
  13. Strong has a potential knee issue from what I’ve read, but not sure. Haven’t seen him play, but read great things about him. Not a one year wonder either:
  14. I haven’t seen him at all, just seen more of him draft wise recently. Seems to be having a great year. I won’t see him until bowl season
  15. Any opinions on Kenny Pickett? He’s really turned it on this year. Four year starter.
  16. I agree, the fact that he didn’t nail 100% of his draft picks and free agent signings, and he didn’t find a franchise QB just laying around, and he didn’t fix the defense, offense and special teams in the 8 months he’s been here. What a failure, right?
  17. I’m not sure this class is as bad as people think. Outside of Trevor last year, you had a bunch of close to one year starters with a lot of arm strength (excluding Mac) but a lot of question marks. This year we have a lot of multi year experienced starters that by January people will start to give the proper attention. If Strong checks out injury wise I’d put him behind only Trevor in last years draft, you also got Howell, Corral etc.
  18. No way. He’s accused of +20 counts of sexual assault. What is wrong with you? Unless this is all some weird conspiracy and he his totally innocent (spoiler alert, it is not), I wouldn’t go near him.
  19. The Joe Brady / Sam Darnold combo happened. I was hopeful, but this is brutal.
  20. I missed the game, went apple picking with the family and thought I recorded the game. Apparently I did not. Sounds like it was for the better... I read Michael Jordan played LG. Did Daley get hurt or finally benched? Also, how did Jordan look? Ok ish?
  21. I didn’t take it that way, but I’ve only read the quote and haven’t watched it. But I’m all in for a glass half full viewpoint, so I’m with you!
  22. I thought the combo of Miller and Moton on the right side was good last year. I don’t think they saw this coming from Miller. They gambled a bit with the LG spot. My guess was they prioritized best available in the draft with a plan to really address the O-line in 2022. Scheming around one guard is possible, but not around both. To sum up, the brutal performance from Miller has had a serious domino effect on the whole line and I really hope Brown gets a turn soon.
  23. The biggest issue I see with Sam is the inability to connect on the deep ball. A lot of other stuff have been discussed in other threads. Super hard with the interior pressure in the last game, totally get it, but the lack of that threat allows the opponent corners to sit on a lot of routes. I’m still trying to stay optimistic about Sam, but until he connects on a couple of deep throws, the opposing defense will have a much easier time shutting down the short to intermediate stuff. Did he always struggle with the deep ball? I know he has the arm for it.
  24. I didn’t realize he was a potential LT, thought he was a stud guard. Interesting.
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