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Everything posted by TarHeel69

  1. No. This team does not have enough top tier talent, on either side of the ball, to win out.
  2. Show me some Burns highlights, where he took over a game and made the difference for a win. I can't think of any. Right now, he's in a contract year, and he still isn't making enough of a difference in games to make me believe he's that guy, or ever will be.
  3. There's something about how he moves in the pocket that just looks indecisive and slow. I understand he is adjusting to the NFL, but after 5 games, I really haven't see. any improvement in that area.
  4. I'm a fan of sarcasm in its purest form. Well done sir. Well done.
  5. Personally, I thought rolling out and improvising was supposed to be one of his strengths. I think a lot of these sacks are on Bryce's lack of ability to movr around and out of the pocket. I'm not calling him a bust, but there are starting to be red flags to me.
  6. This entire team and staff is pure garbage.
  7. I wish we had a Defensive End,that wants to get paid 30 plus million, to make a game changing/impacting play. Not gonna happen, but it would be nice.
  8. Don't care about losing any of those guys, if it were to happen. Think Chinn has the most upside and value.
  9. There was more play action out of shotgun. Had nothing to do with a prevent defense. The Lions didn't want us to score again. Bryce actually got into a lot better rhythm when those plays were being called. Just my two cents.
  10. Personally, I think the Defense should let the Lions score that fast every drive. That way the offense gets as much real game practice as they can. It sure doesn't seem like whatever they're practicing during the week is working.
  11. Spider-man is off in another universe right now. I think he's on planet second half.
  12. Yes. Only because I had plans to hang out with a few friends.
  13. Would run with Laviska then Hubbard. Am not impressed one ounce with Sanders. Shenault runs hungry. Guess that's the reason I'm not a coach.
  14. Too funny and spot on! That's the best laugh I've had all week.
  15. That was a very impressive press conference. I had chills just listening to Cam. Well deserved homecoming. Keep pounding!@@
  16. Robbie has fallen off of a cliff, since he got paid.
  17. There was a play in the Dallas game where Sam made a poor throw to Anderson deep down the field. It sticks out in my mind because Robby's body language told me he was done trying. As an example, the drop he had, in the fourth quarter, which could have extended the drive. Something about him has been pouty/off.
  18. I never made a prediction for the season. The Oline is bad, but looking at the schedule, I believe we get 12 wins.
  19. I would have thought the same thing, if I hadn't actually watched the interviews. Some people just parrot the company line. Every player I watched in the interviews struck me as very sincere about the standards set and only focusing on the next opponent.
  20. Sam. DJ is in the conversation.
  21. Joe Buck is almost begging the Seahawks to come back....what a fuging homer.
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