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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Hadn't heard that. Weird. I wouldn't be surprised if Wilks asked him though.
  2. Anyone else thinking back to that Saints fan replacement ref? Putting stuff out there on social media certainly showed that guy wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer
  3. Chudzinski previously worked as a tight ends coach, if I recall correctly. That'd be an option too. (ditto Freddie Kitchens, I think)
  4. Whatever you think of the story, I don't really think too many people had any complaints about the officiating this past Sunday.
  5. There was discussion about the time Daviyon Nixon was waived about whether he or Hoskins deserved to stick around more. Possible the team could bring Hoskins back to the practice squad now that they've elevated Hayes, I suppose.
  6. I saw that and kinda wondered the same thing. Right now we seem to be in the business of acquiring picks rather than giving them up, but you never know.
  7. Also, 4MR has a point here... I didn't know there were any clips out there of Rhule actually saying that
  8. I don't honestly think any hype Wilks gets is going to matter. He's either going to perform or he isn't.
  9. One other thing I'd throw in on this topic... Don't always be looking for "the next" whomever. I know a lot of Panther fans love the idea of finding the next Cam Newton, but you also have to realize that player may not be out there in the current draft pool. And even if they are, would they be compatible with the kind of scheme our new head coach wants to run? Plus, just frankly, when you're looking for a clone of someone you liked in the past, You are by definition limiting your choices and may end up missing someone who could be just as good even if they're not the same style. Just stick to trying to find someone who can win in the NFL, whatever style of player they might be.
  10. Well to be clear, prior acquaintance helps sometimes but coaches don't necessarily limit the pool strictly to people they know. You also have to factor in that assistants who were part of a staff that was freed up because their head coach was fired can often be good candidates. And frankly, if he continues to call good games like he did this past Sunday, keeping Ben McAdoo could become a very viable option.
  11. Not sure this would factor a whole lot into the decision, but I do think if you want an OC who's less likely to leave for a head coaching job, Chudzinski could fit that role. It's not that he wouldn't want a job mind you, I just don't think he'd get a lot of looks.
  12. You'd prefer Freddie Kitchens? They worked together too
  13. Rhule was just an unmitigated disaster.
  14. Well if you believe Charles Robinson, it became obvious to him too after the Teddy Bridgewater disaster. No one can say he didn't get a fair shot though.
  15. I can't help but wonder how Panther fans would react if he brought Rob Chudzinski back. There's plenty of working history between those two.
  16. Did we ever really hear much from anybody outside of McCaffrey and Burns on that? I know PJ supported him but you'd have to expect that from the Temple/Baylor guys.
  17. If he keeps calling games like he did the last one, he probably does.
  18. Yeah it is. I'd add that anyone thinking the number one overall pick guarantees anything should look again.
  19. I mean ultimately, the guy was just 100% full of sh-t. That Marty came out of that interview thinking "this is the guy" really was his final shot at us. (and one of Teppers first)
  20. I definitely think keeping Wilks around as part of the coaching staff should be an option, depending on how he feels. I agree with that in general, and as mentioned above sometimes doing what everyone else is doing isn't always the right thing to do. Admittedly though, it's hard to deny where the league is headed.
  21. I know as a defensive coach, Wilkes is gonna be conservative on offense by nature. It's possible though that he may have realized he can't afford to be if he really does want to win.
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