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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Honestly, anyone that falls for @TheSpecialJuan's thread titles is mostly to blame. It's his shtick and everyone knows it. I personally think it's hilarious.
  2. It was always the wild west. People are just now seeing how it worked before because it isn't having to be kept secret.
  3. Well he was a dude vilified by the fanbase for some good and some just general fan reasons. I can see why this would be extremely polarizing.
  4. Brady was 3rd in the NFL in DYAR, Rodgers was 16th. Brady was 8th in DVOA, Rodgers was 21st. Brady was 18th in QBR, Rodgers was 27th. Brady was 25th in Completion Percentage Above Expectation, Rodgers was 26th. Green Bay had 30 drops on the season. Tampa Bay had 29. I am basically unaware of any meaningful metric or efficiency rating that doesn't show Brady had a better year. If you can make a solid argument as to why you believe that, I am all ears but the eye test and the stats do basically align on Rodgers looking worse.
  5. TBH, I don't think Rodgers is actually better than Brady at the moment. I have been lustily awaiting the Brady cliff but he had another stellar year. There were very few things statistically that Brady didn't do that were not above his career averages. Rodgers on the other hand just put up the worst season QBR of his starting career. I don't know that I care who we did or didn't get between the two, but Brady doesn't seem to be slowing down and Rodgers may very well be doing so. Also, Brady doesn't seem to be very interested in retiring, whereas this is the 2nd or 3rd offseason where Rodgers has been heavily linked to retirement talk.
  6. They will probably be fine. One thing Campbell did well initially was hire a very well respected staff. I suspect he will continue to make good hires.
  7. They wouldn't. He is insanely cheap by comparison.
  8. I am not sure I will say Carr is gonna be a bargain. Very likely he will be rather expensive by our standards. More like going the very good QB versus potentially elite QB route. The problem with Lamar is you don't know if he is going to evolve into a largely pocket passer. That will eventually need to happen for longevity reasons. He doesn't take Cam level punishment but he takes more than a pocket passer typically does. So injuries are a concern. Then it’s the matter of the fully guaranteed contract. That exacerbates the injury concerns. Is he really worth 40-45 mil of fully guaranteed money for 5-7 years? I can't definitively say yes. I think he COULD be worth that(especially with the cap is supposed to skyrocket). But then I look at the Broncos and Browns and wonder how much better off they are with their supposedly elite QB's they traded a King's ransom for. This be would a very tough one for me personally if I had to make the decision. I would love to have Lamar but I can also see how that might set us into an even further spiral as a franchise.
  9. I am concerned that most of Tepper's dreams have been Panther fan nightmares. Also concerned about him jumping the shark again. I like the guy too....I do.....but please don't fuging fixate again.
  10. You have to be really sold on Lamar if you give up a massive haul. If I have my choice, I probably get Derek Carr and keep the picks. Lamar is obviously better than Carr but is Lamar + the increased money + draft picks better than Carr? I don't a situation where that math easily works in our favor. It could very well POTENTIALLY end up in our favor. That's a tough one without knowing the price in advance.
  11. It is some special level of coping mechanism or Bad QB Stockholm Syndrome. Can you imagine, one of these stained t-shirt, basement dwellers talking to an NFL GM and giving some speech on how the QB isn't important to winning in the NFL? Not even Skip Bayless or Colin Cowturd could deliver that troll opinion with a straight face.
  12. So the other elite QB prospect that led that comeback was not relevant. Got it. At least we all know to immediately discount any opinion you have on NFL QB's.
  13. I can't root for the 49ers. I have an insufferable 49ers fan buddy. I will never hear the end of it.
  14. He bounced around but is the Foreskins kicker now. Better FG%, worse XP %
  15. TBH, yes. Even if he does something that the Huddle generally agrees with, continuing to lose/fail will be his fault. The difference being that our opinions are based on literally just observation of the process, whereas(in theory) Tepper has direct access to(supposedly) knowledgeable football people and an entire interview and background process. He has much better tools for success at his disposal than we do. That doesn't assure success but repeatedly failing at this task is generally a hallmark of poor ownership and management.
  16. In fairness, we can make some "win now" moves and lead to us winning. Really, we are a good HC and a decent QB away from being NFC South favorites. Now, a great team?? That is gonna take some more building.
  17. Gano has been lights out since we kicked him to the curb. It's a Panthers tradition at this point. The only one we haven't regretted is Joey fuging Slye.
  18. My anonymous source specifically named your anonymous source and said he was a liar. Also said that your breath smelled like stale Cheetos. I'll never give up my source. I will never give up @Jeremy Igo
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